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    Profile photo of Wendy

    @kimscreativehub wrote:

    Congrats on your new site Wendy 🙂

    Very interesting about the “hosting effect” what hosting gave you problems ?

    My Very Best 🙂

    I just spoke to another person who said that they also had to change web sites from EasyCGI as they were “useless” … one to avoid I think!

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @wendy wrote:

    @joannsnover wrote:

    I had problems the first time through creating an account, but I’m not sure why. I tried a second time and things worked fine.

    I was able to make a purchase via PayPal (just refund the money when you get a minute) and the file hasn’t yet moved into the download area. Sometimes it’s slow, so I’ll just wait a bit and try again in a few

    Thanks for testing JoAnn, will refund in just a moment, its good to know the checkout works 🙂

    Done 😀

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @joannsnover wrote:

    I had problems the first time through creating an account, but I’m not sure why. I tried a second time and things worked fine.

    I was able to make a purchase via PayPal (just refund the money when you get a minute) and the file hasn’t yet moved into the download area. Sometimes it’s slow, so I’ll just wait a bit and try again in a few

    Thanks for testing JoAnn, will refund in just a moment, its good to know the checkout works 🙂

    Profile photo of Wendy

    My Paypal accepts USD so hopefully that will be enough. (have added the other options .. I had forgotten how to do it lol)
    I now have 6 images up there, I have not checked to see if Paypal works yet …. but if someone wants to take a look and see if it works, then that would be cool 🙂

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Sorted for now … not sure what caused it but I have EULA working now.

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Further to this anywhere the EULA link is just reverts to the same page instead of the EULA … I am sure it is something I have done, any clues how to fix it?

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @susandaniels wrote:

    Kind Wendy sent me a tutorial on menus, but i still couldnt do it, then my web designer friend took a look and has put menus up…….he did it in less than 10 minutes, whereas i have been trying to make a menu since 11 March.
    Conclusion, its too hard for me, but i will keep going until i break it again. 🙂

    Glad you got it sorted Susan!

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @leo wrote:

    Good job!

    Thanks Leo 🙂

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Ok what I have done is made sure I had for example “vector” and “transport” in the keywords … then did a search … this then gives me a results page. I take the link for that page and create a menu item with the link under the heading of Vectors
    This will then give a page of vector transport images (only one so far).

    Profile photo of Wendy

    I did that JoAnn, but if I have illustrations on the menu, if I put category cars under it, I get both vectors and photos … I was trying to get only vector cars under vectors … Hmm I think I might have worked it out …. off to experiment

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @cascoly wrote:

    you can keep the US currency, but note that you will accept other currencies thru paypal, and then make sure your paypal account reflects that

    Good point I will have to check that 🙂

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @christine wrote:

    Currency changes, yyou will find this ubder the Symbiostock bee option in your dashboard under the settings tab

    I will post a link to the bit of the tutorial that covers this

    Hi Kim I had worked out ow to change currency but could not see an Australian Dollar Option.

    @thp wrote:

    Fellow Aussie? Welcome!
    As for currency though, there is no AU dollar option at the moment, I have just stuck to US as it’s probably more commonly accepted anyway.
    All the best with it.

    Good to see another Aussie 🙂 I had wondered about the currency, I have it set to USD at the moment.

    @kimscreativehub wrote:

    Congrats on your new site Wendy 🙂
    Very interesting about the “hosting effect” what hosting gave you problems ?
    My Very Best 🙂

    Thank you for the congrats … its building nicely I hope.
    The host I was with was EasyCGI and I had been with them for years … so far Blue Host is proving very user friendly.

    I have my cart menu showing up and a menu under my header file …. so onto the next part …. 😀 talk about a learning curve phew!

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @klsbear wrote:

    Wendy, that’s wonderful news to hear all is working smoothly for you now! It’s surprising to see the effect a host can have on the function of the site. I think of the host as just a system to park on but clearly whatever they do in the background can have a lot of impact on our programs.

    I’ll be looking forward to seeing your site when you’ve got it ready to share.

    I agree after nearly 3 weeks of stress, things have been going smoothly ….

    Here is the progress so far 🙂 … still a little way to go with things but we are getting there slowly

    By the way is there anyway to change the currency to australia dollars?

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @joannsnover wrote:


    So glad you’re on your way…

    lol so am I …. 😆

    Profile photo of Wendy

    I went step by step and because of the upload issues in my last install I made sure it worked …

    We have “liftoff”

    Now to go and nut out pages and menus ….

    phew … was starting to think I had opened up a real pandora’s box of woes.

    Thanks for all the support and cheerleading. 🙂

    I did checkmark the imagemagick in the php box … either way I don’t mind which one does it as long as it does it right! 🙂 Thanks again 🙂

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