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    Profile photo of Wendy

    @joannsnover wrote:

    FWIW, the excerpt that you see in All images isn’t ever seen by a customer, so you can leave it alone if you don’t want to copy and paste

    Thanks for that JoAnn, that was exactly what it was. Isn’t it used in the browser referencing?

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Good idea JoAnn … will keep plodding with it if I can find where the settings are wrong I will definitely contact Blue Host. Thanks for the links, am off to look at them now.

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @joannsnover wrote:

    That will be dependent on server settings – I have many 25 MB images that are well over 21 megapixels (panoramas and such). You need memory for ImageMagick. There are some threads here on this:




    Thanks JoAnn…for me imagemagick does not seem to be working … I am sure I change my ini settings as was mentioned in one post I read.. The links you posted dont go anywhere 🙁 MOre research needed I can see.

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @ariene wrote:

    @wendy wrote:

    … I think what has happened is that I pasted the keywords in the file area in windows… lesson learned, will do it all in PS now…

    Same here! 👿 I was to lazy to open file in PS… Many images data are bad now.

    Oh dear …. I guess we made more work for ourselves trying to do things the easy way … 😳

    @cascoly wrote:

    another factor is that the characters dash, quote & double quote do not generate the same ascii codes on all keyboards, esp international ones – so even programs that strip out quotes can get confused

    Good to know … not to self don’t use special characters … ever! 😐

    Profile photo of Wendy

    That would have been annoying Ariene. I think what has happened is that I pasted the keywords in the file area in windows… lesson learned, will do it all in PS now.
    I try not to use special characters anywhere because they never translate properly.

    Profile photo of Wendy

    I have worked it out, looking at the files that have not copied correctly, something has inserted quote marks in … so the IPTC is seeing it as one keyword …. now to work out why this happened …

    Profile photo of Wendy

    I downloaded exiftool but wasnt sure what I was seeing …. if I look in Adobe Bridge all the keywords look like they are comma separated.
    But on some files it shows as one word. I am guessing more research is needed … its just a tad annoying not to be able to work it out.

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Thanks for the welcome everyone, my site is up now with a measly 38 images however I hope to grow that.
    I am from Australia … I know we Dmitri is Australian and Tim, I wondered how many other Aussies are here?

    I joined IS and SS in 2008 … but it was ages before I got started in stock and it has been a bit intermittent since then due to outside forces.

    I am really excited to be part of this network.

    Thank you to everyone who keeps the wheels oiled.

    Profile photo of Wendy

    I am looking forward to the day that I can join this poll 🙂

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @simi wrote:

    chat option was inaccessible Wendy , i was getting limited pages in Blue Host after login , account verification team is entirely different and they work only during 9 Am to 8 pm MST , other wise their support is 24 hrs. any way now our website is up and running so happy 🙂

    I am glad you are up and running again, it’s awful when things do not work!

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Thanks for the complement David 🙂 this WP stuff has been a huge learning curve. I am sure the web site will change over time, but so far I am happy with the way it is looking.

    Thank you for adding me to the global search Steve. I have added you to my network … and have updated my signature. I guess I didn’t want to be too visible till I got the basics worked out.

    Now I can start work for real …

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Have you tried their chat … they are usually pretty helpful.

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Paypal, tested and functional now …. 😀

    Now to finish sorting out the prettiness of the site and the menus ….

    I cannot believe how quickly this has been coming together after the few weeks of heartache before I changed hosts …

    Profile photo of Wendy

    Thank you for that Simi, great write up 🙂
    Thank you JoAnn for all your help too.
    I think I have it all set up now.

    Profile photo of Wendy

    @joannsnover wrote:

    I received the refund – thanks – but I still don’t have the image in the download area – it’s in the cart still.

    Have a look at some of the other threads on this to check and see that you either have no IPN or the correct one filled in (and check the PayPal end of that too)





    I fiddled with PayPal, hopefully it will work now :mrgreen:

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