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  • #23933
    Profile photo of steveh

    Thanks Henri – this helped a lot!! I followed your instructions (just one step you missed – the need to update the WooCommerce database once that plugin updates), but the site updated and so far everything looks normal.

    Now to see what is new!


    Profile photo of steveh

    Phew – Good job I had taken a backup before I did the upgrade. I was able to just upload the old Symbiostock plugin back into the site using FTP and the site came back to life.

    So does the version 2 need to have the update Woocommerce to make it work?


    Profile photo of steveh

    Thanks Henri

    I wish I had read this just a few minutes earlier. I decided to just update the Symbiostock plugin and that worked fine, but my site now shows this error and moving about the admin site gives me the same. Do I need to update Woocommerce to make Symbio 2 work?

    <b style=”color: #000000; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’; font-size: medium; line-height: normal;”>Fatal error</b><span style=”color: #000000; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’; font-size: medium; line-height: normal;”>: Cannot redeclare woo_remove_billing_checkout_fields() (previously declared in /home/backya28/public_html/bsp/wp-content/themes/symbiostock-express/functions.php:78) in </span><b style=”color: #000000; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’; font-size: medium; line-height: normal;”>/home/backya28/public_html/bsp/wp-content/plugins/symbiostock/front-product-page.php</b><span style=”color: #000000; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’; font-size: medium; line-height: normal;”> on line</span><b style=”color: #000000; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’; font-size: medium; line-height: normal;”>227</b>


    Profile photo of steveh

    Can you just expand a bit on how to upgrade from old Symbio and old Express to version 2 of each? I saw the post that talked about putting the updated theme as a renamed copy and slowly migrating to that new theme, but I’m not sure I understand that. I can see how I can download a new theme, but I thought I could only customize it when it was live? How do you do a slow migration?


    Profile photo of steveh

    Does this work retrospectively – ie can I rename all my thumbnails that are already live? And, is that a good idea bearing in mind that many of them will already be indexed by Google and the search engines?


    Profile photo of steveh

    I explained it on my site in both a short version and the fuller contract:


    Profile photo of steveh

    I might be able to answer this. For a featured image to appear, you need to click in the “star” icon when you are looking at all your uploaded media in the Symbiostock:Media page in the admin area. The star is over to the right hand side of that page. Any images which are showing with a full blue star will be part of the featured image section.

    The image in a category box has to be uploaded in the Symbiostock Express area of the admin page. If you click on the Home Layout section of that area, about half way down you will find Home Custom Carousel settings. Each of these represents one of your categories and you need to upload a square image to illustrate each category and also identify the URL of the category itself.

    Hope that helps



    Profile photo of steveh

    Hi Joel

    Not sure I understand what you mean? You have a search box in the top row that seems to work OK? I have mine in the main menu bar but just show the magnifying glass.

    I’ve taken the view that people are almost certainly going to come to my site through a google or similar image search and will land on the page they are looking for. Hence the most important thing is to have good “Similars” on that page so they see some choices. As a result I want my home page to look professional but don’t expect many people to actually use it.

    Time will tell, of course!


    Profile photo of steveh

    Thanks Robin – I often write these things for myself as I struggle to remember what I did and why later!

    I agree about the metadata in the files – all my jpegs have those items in the file, but I deliberately altered the descriptions on a lot of my earlier uploads to make them more unique and descriptive (different to the same image on Shutterstock, for instance). So the database becomes critical for reloading the site unless Symbiostock in future writes the new information into the images that have already been uploaded. I guess that would give an extra layer of security. Perhaps I am misunderstanding though – is this feature already available through a setting and I have missed it?



    Profile photo of steveh

    Thanks Robin! I wrote a “how-to” article on my blog about backing up the new Symbiostock site and the approach I followed on my blog:

    It may help other people and it made sense to me!


    Profile photo of steveh

    Sounds great – I can’t wait for version 2.0

    Profile photo of steveh

    Thanks Robin – that last option sounds the best one. Get my new site up and running quickly, move the .com domain to the new site and then any Google image searches that are high in popularity will just find their way to the new site and to the right page on the new site.

    Profile photo of steveh

    Great – i’m sure that will work for me.

    Profile photo of steveh

    Thanks Robin. Couple of questions. Can you make this change after you have imported files from the legacy site – is it just a pointing mechanism that doesn’t change the physical storage on the server? And second – although the location of the files in the URL will be the same, the base URL will be different (at least in the case where you build a parallel site). My example is the old one being as legacy and as new. Is it then possible to redirect all page loads with a .com URL to the same page in the .net site? That would be my final step in the process once my new site is fully loaded with images.


    Profile photo of steveh

    Wow – nothing was easier than that! I have now re-ordered my licenses, my checkout cart no longer asks for addresses and all I am waiting for is that first sale!

    Thanks, Steve

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