I did it, but when I activated Symbiostock Theme something happened because the Home of my site changed all the layout and now is a real mess. I was using Symbiostock Child theme. Now I will need another hours of work to set the Home…. 🙁
Did you make mods to the code to make your changes?
when in the themes area and the symbiostock theme activated go into the editor and change the version number to 3.11, should take a whole 15 seconds to fix
Can someone please help me on how to block image download from slideshow?
Putting a watermark on it is making the slideshow a bit less attractive.
Thanks so much,
you may disable a right click to download a image, nothing can stop anyone from taking a screen shot of the screen. In other words if you want to provide images without watermarks you can get screwed.
I tried using another contact form called “Contact Form” and just got a upgrade notice that it now works with 3.7.1 and it works as it should. Until Contact Form 7 gets fixed Cintact Form is a good alternative
I tried two other contact form, so with there is a new bug in Symbiostock (which I doubt) or the upgrade in WP created a problem. I used to get the emails instantly now it takes some time