Go to Symbiostock>network in your wordpress dashboard and just add that URL as you would add the URL of any individual site you’d link to. Then it will show up like another site in the network, but will show everyone’s work. If you search for “photo” on my site you’ll see the global Symbiostock results first under mine.
My year was good and bad. Family matters sucked, but my microstock earnings rose enough to give me hope that I can segue into illustration full time. I’m cautiously optimistic about 2014. I get a couple of new likes per day for my Symbio site on Facebook; just waiting for those likes to translate into sales.
Yes, I see my images on your site and yours on mine. If I search for, say, “woman” on your site, some of my images show up (along with others’). If you search “flag” on my site, your images show up (along with others’).