@cathyslife stockphotos wrote:
I wondered if it was you, Pete. I know you have been threatening to create that website for a long time…i think its great you are finally doing it! 
Too funny!
I think people should remember that SY is not a company brand name (even tho some are pushing for it to become that)…its wordpress theme software. And this is exactly why we should all remain independent sites…i dont want anyone telling me what i can and cant market, and i wont tell anyone else what to market. No one is forced into networking with any site they dont want to…we all have a choice.
The discrimination has already started…it was bound to happen sooner or later. Human nature, i guess.
Sure, but Symbiostock is plastered all over the homepage with a big logo, and my site is affiliated with Symbiostock. I better put a notice up on my website that I am not associated with any Symbiostock site, remove all links and blogs about Symbiostock, switch off the network, and go completely independent.
I can do as I please, I guess.