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    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Me or Martha? I have no issues at the moment.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    No worries Martha, its no problem to return the favour to the community. However, its still not working 🙁 sorry. Still a blank screen and the image is not downloading.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Yes, thats how I have it set up as well.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    But none the less you helped me big time 🙂

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    I really think we are lost in translation 😉

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Sorry l dont, understand, remove what? I dont have to remove images, nor keywords. I will use the keyword batcheditor, no one will ever search for that. LOL

    Just tried your licences, that works like a charm. Going to put them on my images now as well.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Thanks, I will use the keyword workaround.

    I mean the licence on the image page when you are going to buy an image. You cant toggle on and off a price once you selected it. You can only toggle it on, or toggle another price. Same goes for the extended licence. Once the extended licence is selected, you cant deselect it. Thats very annoying and confusing for a buyer. That needs to be sorted. Until then, I cant assign extended licences. Which is not good.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Ok, guys, here is my description, I built on what you already had created so far. Feel free to use. No copyright restrictions.

    Symbiostock – What is Symbiostock?

    Symbiostock is a powerful WordPress theme for illustrators and photographers to sell their images. Symbiostock, as its name implies, creates a symbiotic relationship among microstock professionals. Sites connect into a vast network of shared results, allowing customers to migrate around, study their options, and most importantly, connect with the talented artists who supply them.

    Symbiostock – Open Source means for selling images direct

    Symbiostock isn’t just some off the tangent idea, it’s 100% inspired. It’s the co-op without the management. Everyone is self supporting and independent, but shares with others, if they want to be associated. Everything is personal choice and volunteer. Oh and that one other thing? 100% royalty.

    Buying directly from the artist

    Our prices are competitive because there’s no middleman; you’re buying directly from the artist. Think of it as “fair trade” stock images. There are no subscriptions or credits to purchase, you pay only for the images you need.

    Semmick Photo is part of Symbiostock, an exciting new idea—a collection of linked, independently owned websites run by the artists themselves. With one click of the search button, you’ll find not only images created by me, but also by other independent artists who’ve chosen to link to my site. Its all about thinking outside he box!

    Symbiostock offers images for all your projects, blogs, ad campaigns, season greeting cards, etc. You want it, we have it. Looking for editorial images? Got it. Exclusivity? Check. Illustrations? Right here. We offer all you can imagine, and if you are looking for discounted series? Check out our collections, especially created for you with unbelievable discounts up to 85% (!).

    Selling your work

    Symbiostock is the easy-to-use, fair royalty network of photographers, vector artists and illustrators that offers you the chance to sell directly to buyers and receive 100% of the sale. It also offers you tremendous marketing power by allowing you to link your site to other artists, building on each other’s marketing efforts and increasing exposure to your work. Buyers can search multiple portfolios with just one click and pay with credit card, debit card and bank transfer using the PayPal payment processor that comes free with Symbiostock.

    With Symbiostock, there are no levels to reach. No surprise price reductions. No approval process. No waiting period to sell images or get access to your earnings. You decide how much to charge. You decide which images to sell. You connect directly with buyers, building your own contact list and your own brand. You are in control because you create, customize and manage your own independent web store.

    When you start to create your site, you’ll find we’ve done most of the work for you. Follow the step-by-step instructions and video tutorials at to build your site. Then, visit the free forums at to connect to buyers and other artists and build your marketing power.

    The Symbiostock network gives you 100% royalties. Greater artistic freedom, more flexibility, and the chance to build alliances with fellow artists. All for just the cost of your own web hosting (a little more if you want to add specialized add-ons and plug-ins) and PayPal fees.

    In a nutshell

    Get on board with Symbiostock, keep 100% of your sales and share portfolios for a greater exposure and better buyer experience. Buy your images at fair prices and support the artists. Read my thoughts about it here including a short interview with the creator Leo Blanchette.

    The Symbiostock network is the brainchild of illustrator artist Leo Blanchette, with contributions of the MicroStockGroup forums and ClipArtOf.

    This text was written with contributions of Michele Paccione, Glenn Specht and Pete Klinger.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    The extended licence can only be assigned in the bulk editor, and I need to know how to pull up all images in the bulk editor. Regardless of what I want to do, there is no way to pull up all images in the bulk editor, I think that needs to be fixed.

    On the image page, Once I choose the extended licence there is no way of deselecting it again. Is that still true?

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    @jarih wrote:

    Ok there is plugins, and I assume that some another useful also. Anyway, I tried Plugins -> Add New -> Search: Professional plug-in. No results.. is this Professional plug-in a real name of the plugin?

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    You have the same problem as Michelle

    It al works perfectly until I click to download the image and then I get a blank screen here

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Thats correct, thats where the image sits ready for download after a purchase

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Just click on the user name, it will take you to your cart. That link is shown on the paypal purchase confirmation screen as well.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    It could be related to the watermark. The watermark location seem to have changed with 2.6.5. They would normally sit here /www/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/image-processor, when the watermark cant be found, the images wont show a preview.

    I got this from Leo the other day, it might work. Upload watermark through here :

    You simply place the location referenced in that media page to here, into the settings area where you assign your watermark.

    Then upload and process an image and see what happens. It fixed Dan’s problem.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Jetpack by
    SYMBIOSTOCK – Image Sitemap
    SYMBIOSTOCK – Genetics Lab

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