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  • #3238
    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Thanks Tdahl. Its looking good indeed. 🙂 good luck with yours. I like your banner image. I need to get something like that too.

    Leo, those icons dont work in the top menu, is that correct?

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Leo, do they work in the acc/register top bar menu? I added a contact option in the top menu but the icon-envelope is not working, its just text. Is that correct?

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Just resubmit the site map, it will go away again, dont worry about it. Its not doing any harm, there is also nothing wrong.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Its just the cosmetic issue. I have removed the search option as I already have the search in the top bar.

    The rest you are saying, I dont understand. Lost in translation again, but I think its not related to the cosmetic issue. 🙂

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Ok, thats weird, I have used the lab, so I dont know what its deactivated then. It doesnt seem to be an issue tho

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Ok, it seems that my lack of understanding and bitdefender going off spawned my worries. I think my worries are legit, but if its all explainable it might not be so bad on second thought. However, now I need to click 110 sites? WHat if we have 1000 sites. Do I need to disable 995 sites? What about a tick all option and then I only have to untick 5 sites.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Only yesterday I promoted the network on my site, maybe I need to take that whole marketing page down? Maybe solo is the way forward, I dont know. But concerns need to be addressed asap before things get out of control and Symbiostock gets a bad rep. We also need a private section on this forum ASAP.

    Maybe Jens was right after all?

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    I dont understand this. I have 4 links to my direct network (the network slots). When I search for flag on my site, 3 partners show up, and a fourth one I dont know, never saw before and have not linked in my slots. When I click on this person’s thumbnail, I am taken the image site, and bitdefender is blocking the site. Has their been a hack and is someone adding themselves to the network without being listed in the network slots?

    Also having read Marcs sgtory about a hack, I am thinking I am going to disconnect the network for now, because weird things are happening. I agree with Cathy also about SEO and stuff. I dont know if disabling the network is going to hurt my Google ranking, but better safe then sorry.

    Before I get a better understanding of this, I am going to disable the network before I end up with permanent damage to my site and my google reputation.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Semmick Photo 2.7.7 live !! Check out my new images and collections, including the option to choose your licence.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    I am fully live with 2.7.7

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Activate | Edit | Delete

    Small miniplugin generated by Symbiostock Genetics Lab

    Version 1.0

    Do I need to activate that thing? What does it do? It came from the genetics lab and its called ‘.$name.’

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Yes, you put the image in the cart, and then you pick the EL, it will add to the cart. But I see what you mean now

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    You need to pick the image first and then the license, thats logical to me.

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Team effort guys, thank you.

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