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    Profile photo of Robin

    Also FTP information.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi Chris – can you please setup a fresh install with Symbiostock installed for me and send me the login information via PM? Thanks.

    Profile photo of Robin

    During checkout, choose Purchaser Upgrade as the payment method.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi Tamas – there is a new update of Symbiostock Express, and you should see an update prompt when you view your themes. If you have a very old version of Express installed, it may not have the update system that was added about 2 years ago. In this case, please place an order for it on the store and use the Purchaser Upgrade feature. Then please PM me and let me know any details about your original order, such as the order number, or the email address used. Thanks.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi Chris – we have tested this on a fresh install of WordPress and can confirm that it appears out of stock when first added. However, after the processor has run for a few minutes, integrity checks set the product to be in stock. Another way to try it is to enable the processor to run all processes via the System page. However, that is not required as integrity checks are run every few minutes via the processor. Please try this and let me know. I see no reason why it should not work on your site if it has worked on numerous fresh test sites we’ve run.

    Profile photo of Robin

    This solves itself with the processor running – just always keep it running once a minute. When a Symbiostock product is added, it will take a minute or two before it can be purchased so the processor can do its thing. 🙂 Let me know if that solves it.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Resolved by updating Symbiostock Express, loading WordPress updates page, refreshing a few times and waiting.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Just a note regarding the licenses – our licensing system changed some time ago, and the premium plugins were therefore not able to authenticate and updates were not automatic. The new version of Symbiostock fixes this. If, after upgrading, you get a licenses not valid warning, please go to the WordPress updates page and refresh it a few times, and go back to the plugins page. Sometimes it takes a few refreshes and a few minutes to kick in.

    As well, if you have Symbiostock Express installed and activated, please ensure you update this as well, prior to doing the above.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi Glenn,

    Also, please try to go to you WordPress updates page as it may take a few refreshes for the system to catch up. If that fixes the issue please let me know. I believe it probably will.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi Glenn,

    Can you please PM me your WordPress URL and login information so I can take a quick look? Can you also PM me your FTP information?


    Profile photo of Robin

    New versions are now out – please proceed to your WordPress plugins page and update as prompted. We’ve fixed a number of issues. Please let us know if you encounter any bugs, though that seems unlikely as we’ve quite thoroughly tested the plugins, and the upgrade process should be seamless.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Interesting – that must be unique to your install. Glad you got it figured!

    Profile photo of Robin

    Just an update that we are currently in the process of doing a lot of testing and upgrading to ensure that Symbiostock is compatible with all the new versions of WooCommerce etc. We should have an upgraded release relatively soon.

    Profile photo of Robin

    HI Pat – the test site is not done to build another website around it, but rather to see if there is something with your current site that is problematic, or if it is the system altogether you are hosting on that is causing a problem. So I would suggest doing the test site (barebones, no theme nothing, just a base wordpress install with Symbiostock Pro) and run a few tests on that and report back.

    If after that, we still don’t have an answer, then yes a support request would be the only option. Unfortunately, the support cost goes into the debugging man-hours – whether we can rectify the issue or not, the only way you are refunded for it is if we find the problem was inherent to the software. As the software is currently running on thousands of sites without issue, it is quite unlikely that the issue will be found to be the software, so expect that if you submit a support request, at best we will be able to fix the issue and resolve it for you, and worst case we will figure out what is causing the issue and recommend what can be done to fix it (which usually involves moving the site to a new host). However, based on what you’ve shared so far, I have a strong feeling it can be rectified by the support request.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi there,

    Within the video diagnostic plugin there is a test file – can you please try uploading this and seeing if the processor processes it? The video plugin works for thousands of users so usually issues like these are unique to either the system you are running on, or the specific format the videos you are uploading are in. So first try different videos, such as ones you download from the web, to see if they work. If they do, then it has something to do with the specific videos you are trying to upload.

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