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  • #1777
    Profile photo of David

    @leo wrote:

    Yep! A whole new bunch of new features to distract you from the bugs!

    I notice the “Bio” line at the end of the Category list. Is that like our Author information?

    Seems to be using the wrong profile photo.

    Did you get a chance to remove “Contact Leo” from the Author Drop down list? I think it should say “Contact David”

    Profile photo of David

    @marthamarks wrote:

    @michal B wrote:

    How’s the work on that going ?

    Hey, it’s Saturday! (For us in the US anyway.) Give the guy a chance for some R&R!


    Profile photo of David

    I started the lessons today. Anyone else starting yet?

    Profile photo of David

    It is so much fun to play with the new Symbiostock features that I forget to upload more images. Got to get back to work!

    Profile photo of David

    Today mine has been throttled for about 2300 second, but most of it from midnight to 5 am. I wonder if that is when some of the Symbiostock network processes occur? Does Google indexing impact that too?

    Profile photo of David

    @christine wrote:

    V. 2.7.3.

    There are more options if you go into headers via Themes than Customise.
    The delete option does not work for headers in customise – you have to delete from Media
    In Themes, Headers if you (I) select the crop button I get the following message

    Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in /home1/kerioak1/public_html/tulip/wp-includes/media.php on line 1227

    Warning: imageantialias(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home1/kerioak1/public_html/tulip/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php on line 252

    Warning: imagecopyresampled(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home1/kerioak1/public_html/tulip/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php on line 254
    Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.

    Shall I stop trying to find anomalies until you have a chance of catching up with them 😀

    Question: Is it possible that something done recently has upset Wordfence – something locks me out of the site and I have to delete the plugin it to get in again, as soon as it try and reload it, it locks me out again. This is on my testing site with latest versions (as far as I know) of everything. If anyone else with a test site uses it or could try it for me I would appreciate hearing how you get on so I can try and see if what I have done.

    So far Wordfence has not cause me any problems. I am able to login and out without difficulty.

    Something seems to have changed with the Share function within WordPress after this upgrade. I did a blog last night, but something about the format does not look right in Facebook, Twitter and Google. I have some testing to do.

    Profile photo of David

    I have uploaded about 20 images without problems, however they are relatively small.

    Profile photo of David

    I had been using Foobar Notifications 2.4 with previous versions of Symbiostock. This displayed text messages at the top of the page. With 2.7.x Symbiostock upgrade the Foobar plugin conflicted with the Symbiostock Header location, so I disabled Foobar. No more conflict.

    Now using Slideshow 2.2.19 to display text notifications at the bottom of the home page.

    Profile photo of David

    Gosh, with so many options now I think I am over doing it on colors and images. Anyway it is lots of fun.

    1. I did notice that on my Author page it says Contact Leo in the title but links to my contact information.

    2. On the same page there is a seletion for Gallary Page, but the link gives a Oops message. Do we need to create a page for this?

    Still having fun!

    Profile photo of David

    @marthamarks wrote:

    I decided to start a new thread where we might share ideas and suggestions for how to handle descriptions. Here’s my initial contribution to the topic:

    Since I started using Yoast a couple of months back, I’ve often included information on *how* I made a particular image, as well as the usual what/when/where stuff.

    I’ve also deliberately made the text chatty, right down to saying “I / me/ my” or even “we” (referring to both the critter and me) on rare occasions.

    And I’m not shy in pointing out what I think are the appealing aspects of a particular image. It’s my chance to gain a bit of “sell”, so why not?

    Nobody would mistake any of this for great prose, but it suits my style to inject a bit of personality and humor, especially since the technique almost always gets me to the coveted SOLID GREEN on Yoast. I can’t see settling for flat-out-boring captions, especially when there seems to be a SEO benefit to being creative.

    The three brand-new-on-my-site images that I’ve selected as examples (because they’re very fresh in my mind) show just one kind of bird, the male House Finch, but I’ve done the same with lots of other creatures.

    Here’s an image with a lot of text, and it’s “real” information, not just fluff:

    Here are two with a bit less text, but what’s there is still unique and relevant to the image on the page:

    Yoast seems to appreciate this approach. I’d welcome your feedback on it too.

    I decided to test this on a series of photos from Maui, so I was able to bring them all to Green on Yoast. It is time consuming, but once you get a routine down it is not to bad. It will be interesting how Google reacts to these changes.

    Profile photo of David

    @christine wrote:

    It is available in 2.7.* (this is in beta so I would advise setting up a test site to play with it until Leo tells us it is ready for final release)

    I upgraded to 2.7.3 last night and that option now appears. I have load two images into the header and set it to randon. Seems to be working. Not sure why it was not available on my version of 2.7.1. That or I need new glasses 🙂

    Just one note: I have not been able to use the option to choose media library images. I take the option and select the image, try to crop it and get sent back to the Header menu without the new image.

    Upload works fine, just takes time to upload the image.

    Profile photo of David

    @leo wrote:

    Oh I get it now! Yes, its on the shiney version. I wouldn’t rush to get that though – I’d rather people go in when they are ready, and when it presents the least conversion issues.

    I admit that it is late and I am tired, but I still don’t know what is being said here. Is the custom header available in 2.7.x and if so how is it implemented?

    “/wp-admin/themes.php?page=custom-header” doesn’t mean anything to me. Sorry if I am beng a little dense.

    Profile photo of David

    @marthamarks wrote:

    @leo wrote:

    Masterpiece! I know I’m jumping ahead here…he’s still building.

    You can make cycling header graphics by using the header graphic feature found in the appearance menu.

    Yes, this really is a great look.

    Is that “header graphic feature” available to those of us using Clean Theme 2? I looked for it and couldn’t find it.

    I could not find it either. It was there in 2.7.1, but now it is gone in 2.7.2.

    Profile photo of David

    Loaded 2.7.2 to my test site

    I like the locked header at the top.

    Footer color does not stick as Christine has noted.

    I customized my image sliders and thumbnails in CSS, so I can’t comment on Christines issue.

    I am having trouble with font colors in the footer. Parts of the text shows in different color and limits what you can use as a background.

    I really, really like the banding around the widget displayed on the Home page. Visually very appealing.

    Under Lady Bug – Image list. At the top right is Screen Options. For some reason this is disabled. NOTE: Fixed, probably user error. 😉

    Under Lady Bug – Image list. Suggestion if is not to late. I really hate the “Trash” button, its location next to all the other buttons is very dangerous, especially without any kind of confirmation or recovery. I would recommend that it be moved to a separate area on the screen just to make it less likely to make a mistake and press it.

    When I edit an existing image and try to preview it during the edit, I get an error message:

    Oops! That page can’t be found.
    It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?

    I can still view the image on the regular image page, but can not preview it during edit.

    Profile photo of David

    My recommendations for those that want to try this beta test:

    [*]If you have Clean Theme and Sysextra do not try this beta test. The authors of those themes and plug ins need time to work with Leo to work out any compatibilty issues.[/*]
    [*]Do this is a test environment only.[/*]
    [*]Be prepared to redo your widget locations as many will move or be deleted when you install this beta[/*]
    [*]Have a sample of what your home page looks like before installation[/*]

    That is just my two cents worth of experience.

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