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  • #7485
    Profile photo of njene

    Corina go to your panel on the left under “Symbiostock” (with the bee ) then under the “Networks” tab scroll down to “Your site info” > Author settings> scroll down to Symbiostock Profile and Extended Network info and fill in all the fields

    Im going to see if I can add your url to my network

    OK I added you to my network via your url – I learned something new, I only did it by symbiostock card up until now

    Profile photo of njene

    I think the same way

    If I shot a lovely landscape scene at a local park/area that is not a well know tourist destination, I would not label it as travel
    If I shoot a landscape at a park like Banff which is a international tourist destination, then I would definitely put it under ‘travel’ as well as ‘landscape’

    anyhow – back to my promoting my site for networking – PICK ME ! PICK ME !

    Profile photo of njene

    thanks Christine – this sounds like another day of work for me.

    Profile photo of njene


    but when I think for example ‘travel office’ or ‘travel brochures’ I see images of people actually on vacation wherever that may be. So if someone is working on a travel brochure for a client, I think naturally, one of the catagories or keywords they may use would be ‘travel’

    anywho, thats just my viewpoint

    Profile photo of njene

    thanks for that cascoly

    I think its nice to get a variety in the network – some who specialize in the same, some who are different

    buyers have a variety of needs – depending on their clients/projects – so if you have a variety in your network, sometimes it will work out good for you and sometimes it will be to the advantage of another person in the network, anyway thats the way I am thinking.

    You need to setup the network to be truly symbiotic

    Profile photo of njene

    Grazie Corina

    I tried to find your symbio card on your site to add it to my network, but couldn’t find it.
    Could you send me the link where it is or email it to me if you want me to add you as well.

    thanks again!

    Profile photo of njene


    I LOVE your favicon!

    I think I felt a little pee come out when I laughed…

    Profile photo of njene

    Thanks Cascoly for doing that.

    And what a nice welcome from all you nice people… I love the SS community!
    I just bought the site map from Leo, and will try to install it tonight.

    I was thinking of going for the whole premium plugin – but when I get some money coming in from sales I may upgrade.

    And thank you for the watermark suggestion – I may work on that tomorrow, thanks!

    Profile photo of njene

    This would be a great addition to have videos – just another way of offering more content to prospective buyers on Symbio, and greater retention of customers to this new way of buying stock images and videos

    Profile photo of njene

    thank god for the calculater

    Profile photo of njene

    Thanks for those links Jo Ann
    I spent some time googling various terms related to changing php.ini file
    this was the most helpful tutorial:

    however, it wasn’t the memory limit issue with me (it is set to 128M in php.ini file) but I also changed the upload_max_filesize as it was set to 10M I changed it to 40M and it seemed to have done the trick. I will upload a couple of larger files later as well just to make sure

    Profile photo of njene

    editing in code is not something I would do unless absolutely necessary – I haven’t a clue about any of this stuff to begin with – I am just muddling through what I have up to this point.

    So I will take the path of least resistance ( a.k.a. the path with least amount of chance for me to really screw something up)

    Profile photo of njene

    Thanks for your time Cathy and JoAnn
    I will have more questions, I’m sure, as I try to build out my symbio site.


    Profile photo of njene

    maybe I will leave it on ‘Default’ and just be done with it. (This way there is keywords, catagories, etc also displayed on the page)

    Unless someone is up for the challenge to figure out how to work it while “Strictly Minimal’ is checked

    I really appreciate the willingness of people to help me out here

    Profile photo of njene

    on my ‘ Plugins ‘ page, it has Deactivate and Edit as the only 2 options underneath, so I assume that it is activated


    I went to my ‘Manage Themes” under Child Theme and when I choose “SYMBIOSTOCK IMAGE PAGE > Image Page Content and check Default – then I get the Similar Images on the side of my Images Page ( along with a bunch of stuff I dont really want)

    so when I choose the Strictly Minimal the widget doesn’t work (i.e no Similar Images on the Image Page)

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