Forum Replies Created
October 3, 2013 at 4:55 am #3793
@markscatesphotography wrote:
This company have built a semantic plugin. Maybe a couple of others could look at the video and feed back with your thoughts?
Kind regards
MarkI watched the Kaimbo demo video, Mark. Very interesting.
Have no idea if this is an improvement or not, but it’s intriguing. Would love to know what more experienced SEO gurus here might think of it.
October 3, 2013 at 4:26 am #3798@tdahl-stock wrote:
No problem. Glad you got it going.
So am I! Now I too will be among those “in the know” with my very own visitor graphs and charts and stuff.
October 3, 2013 at 4:17 am #3790@christine wrote:
I am pleased I was not the first one to say this
I even have a pinterest block plug-in on my site and included it in the non-sharing places in the licence
Great to know about that plugin! I had no idea but I’m glad…
Just looked that up and found 2 good prospects. There’s Block Pinterest by Liam Gladdy and Pinterest Block by Phil Derksen.
Christine, could you tell me which one you’re using? I assume you like it so I’ll take your recommendation.
October 3, 2013 at 4:03 am #3796@tdahl-stock wrote:
It has been about a month since I set mine up but if I remember correctly it took 2 or 3 days for any data to show up once I installed GA and manually installed the UA code as you did.
The graphs are on the Google Analytics site. You should have created an account on GA to get the UA code. Just login to your GA account.
OK. That makes sense. I set up the GA a few days ago, so maybe it’s got something for me already. I’ll go check it out.
Muchas gracias, amigo!
EDITED A FEW MINUTES LATER: YES!!! That worked. I’m “in”. One more hurdle behind me. I appreciate your help very much.
October 3, 2013 at 3:27 am #3405@lespalenik wrote:
If I have three similar images, can I use the same story for all three images, or will Google penalize two of them?
Great question! I’ve wondered that too, because it often happens that I get 2-3-4 fine images of an individual bird or critter. Writing extensive, interesting, fact-filled descriptions for one image and repeating it for the others is do-able.
But coming up with a series of entirely different descriptions for multiple shots of the same bird or critter isn’t really feasible. And I’m not one to Google or go to Wiki and copy lots of text written by others. That’s plagiarism. Stealing somebody else’s words is just as wrong as stealing somebody else’s images.
So… how much are we penalized for repeating text?
October 2, 2013 at 5:06 pm #3376@christine wrote:
Well, we will just have to work harder till we are a real source of competition to them then !
I’m game for that!
But we do need to realize how the deck could be stacked against us, especially in this “middling period” of the SYS network’s existence. When it started, SYS was hardly worth bothering with… to the Big Boys at least. Once it reaches critical mass, it’ll be harder to slap down. Right now seems to be the critical time to push forward, keep uploading and promoting and encouraging newcomers to join us, and not get discouraged.
To fight back over the long term, we’ll have to be clever, aggressive, upbeat, cooperative, persistent, persuasive (to potential buyers and SYS members alike), and the best danged photographers and illustrators in the business.
I think we’re well on our way to all of that.
October 2, 2013 at 3:21 pm #3374@cathyslife stockphotos wrote:
I imagine someone like getty pays big bucks to get placement…i cant imagine that part of that deal would not include knocking back any little guys who just try to get a piece of the action. And i dont think that is tinfoil hat thinking at all. It happens.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. Easier for the Big Boys to swat back pesky little indie upstarts now than to let the indies grow into a swarm and try to fight it then.
We’ve suspected all along that the Big Boys were watching our efforts. Should have assumed they’d start fighting back when, say, SYS reached 100 sites or 100,000 images.
None of that is hard to imagine or believe.
October 2, 2013 at 1:20 pm #3371@redneck wrote:
Here is my visitors statistic from when I started my Symbiostock site until September 30th. I have to admit I’m concerned.
Since I didn’t get lots of feedbacks here so far, I thought I’d ask again: Do you see a similar trend or not?
Because if more people (the majority of Symbiostockers) see this development, maybe we need to question the SEO setup or strategy.
Is there maybe even a chance that Google did something to ban or re-rank Symbiostock structured sites?I don’t have that kind of graph yet to look at, but the Search Queries graph on my Google Web Tools page does show something remarkably similar to what you’ve experienced.
My Search Queries rose steadily through August and reached their peak with a plateau on Sept 3-4… just a few days before your graph shows its peak.
From that point on, it’s been a jagged up-and-down pattern, but consistently leading down. There was another slight bump up on Sept 23, then back down again.
I admit, I don’t really get what “queries” and “clicks” and “impressions” are. Now that I’m home for a while, I need to study this stuff so I understand what I’m seeing.
And yes, we do need to know what’s going on with this odd traffic pattern. Especially if many/most/all of us are seeing it.
October 2, 2013 at 1:12 pm #3370@jan wrote:
@marthamarks wrote:
@cascoly wrote:
that page is the audience/overview page, but it’s not the default — there should be an audience button/link on your dashboard on the left hand side, which can take you there
clicking on realtime/overview should work too
Thanks, Steve, for that response. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ve got it set up right, because I’m not seeing thoselinks/options.
Tomorrow, I’ll dig around and see what I’ve got wrong. Too tired now after a long drive to spend time with it.
Your help is much appreciated!
I think they are refering to the GA page: you know that but you need to log in there to see those pages.
Thanks for that, Jan. I’ll dig into this today to see what’s where and how to make it work.
October 2, 2013 at 3:02 am #3367@cascoly wrote:
that page is the audience/overview page, but it’s not the default — there should be an audience button/link on your dashboard on the left hand side, which can take you there
clicking on realtime/overview should work too
Thanks, Steve, for that response. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ve got it set up right, because I’m not seeing thoselinks/options.
Tomorrow, I’ll dig around and see what I’ve got wrong. Too tired now after a long drive to spend time with it.
Your help is much appreciated!
October 2, 2013 at 2:29 am #3365@cascoly wrote:
mine is now set to start on that page, but it’s audience/overview, set to report by day
Sorry, but I still don’t understand. Where is “that page”?
October 2, 2013 at 1:17 am #3618@cascoly wrote:
@marthamarks wrote:
@cascoly wrote:
We’ve been traveling in Utah & the Grand Canyon over the last month, and the biggest hurdle is working through the thousands of images that fall in front of my camera – only India and Antarctica have been so target rich!
This was an exploratory trip for us, mixing hiking days with lots of driving, but we’ll definitely be back.
I was in Utah this past month too. Bet our paths crossed without knowing it. Maybe you were that guy with the tripod I saw in a field one beautiful evening in Arches National Park?!
didnt make arches – had thought about hitting it on the way home, but now it’s closed
we started at capitol reef on the 20th, then moved thru Bryce to st George; spent 27-30 at N & S rims of grand canyon and resting today at pinetop
what was your route?
We came down from Idaho 2 weeks ago, through Flaming Gorge and the Uintas (NE) to the Wasatch Range and Antelope Island around Salt Lake City, and on to Moab this past week. But we left for home yesterday after it was certain the parks were going to close. Just arrived in Santa Fe about 2 hours ago.
However, we’ve spent many weeks in southern Utah, so it’s not terrible for us not to get back to those other parks. Sorry you got shut out of Arches and Canyonlands. Both are spectacular.
October 2, 2013 at 1:14 am #3363@cascoly wrote:
I just noticed my google analytics report crashed to 0 on sep 27 for my sym site, while staying normal for my other sites; and webmaster still shows traffic
haven’t had a chance to figure it out yet
Steve, I hate to be so dumb but… can you tell me where you see that GA report? I’ve installed it correctly (I think) but don’t know where to go to find the results.
Thanks in advance if you can give me that info.
October 1, 2013 at 11:26 pm #3616@cascoly wrote:
We’ve been traveling in Utah & the Grand Canyon over the last month, and the biggest hurdle is working through the thousands of images that fall in front of my camera – only India and Antarctica have been so target rich!
This was an exploratory trip for us, mixing hiking days with lots of driving, but we’ll definitely be back.
I was in Utah this past month too. Bet our paths crossed without knowing it. Maybe you were that guy with the tripod I saw in a field one beautiful evening in Arches National Park?!
October 1, 2013 at 11:24 pm #3615@leo wrote:
The lizard! I knew you could find one!!! It looks like a close relative of the Anoles we have here. What kind is it?
It’s a Desert Collared Lizard. I’ve “shot” ’em too!