Forum Replies Created
October 8, 2013 at 2:05 pm #4065
I’ll chime in with my #1 request at this point: an accessible TRASH page where we could recover files accidentally deleted due to the proximity of the “Trash” link to “Edit” and “Vew”, etc.
October 8, 2013 at 2:44 am #3879@stevephoto wrote:
@marthamarks wrote:
I called Bluehost today. Without hesitation, the tech who helped me raised the upload limit to 50MB, which is much higher than I need. (My earlier increase was “only” to 30MB.)
When I asked what had happened, he confirmed that there had been a change to the latest php, which had erased previous settings in my site. He said if it happens again, just call back and they’ll fix it again.
So now, sure enough, I’m able to upload my largest images. And I continue to be happy with the service at Bluehost.
Sorry didn’t see your post and I was out all day today.
I just communicated via email and they did not tell me what they increased it to.Glad to hear they took care of you too.
SteveNo matter, Steve. I’m just reporting for the benefit of others.
It doesn’t seem they care how large a file one uploads. I didn’t ask for 50MB, would have been happy with the 30 I had before. 🙂
Thanks, anyway.
October 8, 2013 at 1:26 am #3877FOLLOW-UP:
I called Bluehost today. Without hesitation, the tech who helped me raised the upload limit to 50MB, which is much higher than I need. (My earlier increase was “only” to 30MB.)
When I asked what had happened, he confirmed that there had been a change to the latest php, which had erased previous settings in my site. He said if it happens again, just call back and they’ll fix it again.
So now, sure enough, I’m able to upload my largest images. And I continue to be happy with the service at Bluehost.
October 7, 2013 at 6:37 am #3876@stevephoto wrote:
This is all they said:
Thank you for contacting support. I am sorry you are having this problem. I updated the post_max_size in the php.ini. Please try this again.
So… you’d didn’t talk to anybody there, just communicated via email or their web support system?
I think I’ll try by phone tomorrow, as I did before. Maybe “in person” I can find out why it reverted to the old limit and ask how to avoid having it happen again later. But it’s helpful to know you can get it done in other ways.
Thanks again, Steve.
October 7, 2013 at 5:13 am #3874@stevephoto wrote:
OK – I have been going back and forth with BlueHost support all day and it seems to have been fixed.
They did not say what they did but I can now upload files bigger than 10mb.
If anything changes I’ll let you know.
I suggest if you have this issue BlueHost can fix it.Steve
Thanks so much, Steve. It’s good (and good to know) you got your problem resolved.
How large is your max now? Did they tell you?
I’ll give BH a call Monday morning and see if I can get mine fixed too.
October 6, 2013 at 8:09 pm #3911@christine wrote:
One of the first requests I made was to move trash away from edit – ‘cos I clicked the wrong one and someone else did the same. I am more careful now 😀
Yeah, I will be more careful from now on too. Actually, I just discovered that this morning I somehow deleted TWO of my new image pages. I know how one happened. Not sure how the second happened. But both of the new ones I worked on last night are gone now. I’m off to rewrite them now. Aargh.
I still don’t understand why SYS can’t have an accessible Trash page like every other theme I’ve ever used does. Because accidents do happen.
Let this thread serve as a warning to newbies.
October 6, 2013 at 7:16 pm #3716@stevephoto wrote:
@marthamarks wrote:
@nikd90 wrote:
Thanks it worked..
How do you “revert”?
go to your BlueHost control panel
and click on PHP Config (under Software/Services)
tick the one you want and save changes.Thanks! I’m wondering if there was a change that overwrote my upload limits as they were reset earlier. I’ll check it out.
October 6, 2013 at 7:12 pm #3909@christine wrote:
If you find it let me know.
Sure will. I haven’t gone hunting it yet, but the silence here must mean it doesn’t exist.
But really… on the Stock Images > All Images page, we see these four options below each image:
Edit | Quick Edit
| Trash | ViewWoe unto she who inadvertently clicks the “Trash” link rather than the “Edit” link in close proximity right above it. The system doesn’t even ask a “safety” question like: Are you sure you want to delete this file? Yes/No. It just deletes the file w/o warning.
That’s what happened to me this morning. Sure surprised me to find no way to retrieve a trashed file. My other WP websites (using 2 Elegant Themes and 1 Andreas theme) provide a link to the “Trash”, and on that page there’s a choice of restoring any trashed file to its original place, leaving it there, or permanently deleting it.
How is it possible that’s not available with the SYS theme?
Maybe the four links on the All Images page should read this way instead:
Edit | Quick Edit
| DELETE | ViewSince “delete” is really what you’re doing if you click “trash.”
October 6, 2013 at 3:15 pm #3711@nikd90 wrote:
@christine wrote:
You need to revert to php.ini 5.3, there is something in 5.4 that causes this problem
Thanks it worked..
How do you “revert”?
October 6, 2013 at 3:11 pm #3907@christine wrote:
‘fraid you will have to reupload. It does not seem you can restore it.
Wha… There’s no way to access the trash??? I’ve never seen a WP application that didn’t have the trash link sitting there ready to be accessed.
October 6, 2013 at 2:35 am #3871Thanks, Cathy, Redneck, and others for your help with this.
I didn’t mind digging around to get upload limits lifted with Bluehost once, but to have to go back and do it again now, after I thought all was well… is maddening. I’ve got a slew of great new images I can’t upload until I get this fixed. Again. Aaargh!
Sorry to be AWOL from these boards the last few days. Lots to do in the “re-entry” stage of getting home from a long trip, and I’m just plain tired. However, I have had fun yesterday and today uploading a few images from the trip. What JOY to be able to make some of them exclusive to my own site now.
I’ve actually created a new “Exclusive” category. WhoHoo!!! 🙂
October 5, 2013 at 3:04 am #3864I had this problem 2-3 months back. Couldn’t upload anything larger than 10 MB. Finally called Bluehost and the tech I spoke to there reset the limit for me to (he said) 30 MB. Ever since, it has worked fine.
Now, all of a sudden, I’m back to a 10 MB limit. Something must have been changed very recently.
Are you guys saying this is something we can change on our own, assuming we know where to go in the File Management section? I’d love to be able to do it myself, but if not I’ll go back to BH again for help.
For our purposes, 10 MB is way too small.
October 3, 2013 at 8:24 am #1956@Semmick Photo wrote:
I have been contacted by a buyer who found my image on FAA and wanted to see if you could purchase a digital for his ebook. Tomorrow he will purchase the large version at 24 dollar. So thats sale 5 and the 3rd consecutive month of sales for me.
Great news, Ron. You inspire me. Congrats!!!
October 3, 2013 at 8:23 am #1955@cathyslife stockphotos wrote:
@jsnover wrote:
I wish I could just “Like” your post about the sale – don’t want to ignore good news, but the threads get a bit unwieldy with the congrats posts.
Anyone know what this forum can do in terms of that sort of customization?
Yep, I was hoping for a Like button or thumbs up or something too.
October 3, 2013 at 6:01 am #3800@cascoly wrote:
@marthamarks wrote:
@tdahl-stock wrote:
No problem. Glad you got it going. 🙂
So am I! Now I too will be among those “in the know” with my very own visitor graphs and charts and stuff. 🙂
you may be the only one who HAS anything to report from google analytics, based on what we’ve been seeing
I suspect the latest google changes broke something in analytics on wordpress sites (my other sites are reporting as before) — i’ve encountered this before (most recently about 3 months ago with my smugmug account), where a verified site suddenly stops working. nothing nefarious, just 2 bits of code that decide to go on holiday
Well, since I just set it up 2-3 days ago, at this moment my GA page only has today’s visitors to report. It’s an interesting graph: flat-flat-flat then ZOOM! a whole 16 unique visitors to report. I’m on a fabulous roll.