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    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    Just click on the user name, it will take you to your cart. That link is shown on the paypal purchase confirmation screen as well.

    Thanks for that tip, Ron, but it takes me back to the Customer License and File Management Area, with the same info as before the purchase. Is that what you mean by the “cart”?

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    I just managed to download my image. So its working now 🙂

    I followed this thread with interest yesterday, because I still hadn’t tested a sale. Glad to know Shelma’s site worked and Ron got the image he ordered.

    So, this morning my husband signed up as a customer and purchased a bloggee license from me. Both he and I have gotten notices of the $$ transaction, so all seems good on that front.

    But… how does he actually get the image? I believe there’s supposed to be a link somewhere, but we’re not finding it. Does that show up in his shopping cart on my website, or is it supposed to come to him via email?

    Advice, please!

    ADDED: I should mention that his shopping card on my site still shows the image into as it was before he made the purchase, with a button asking him to “Agree to terms above. Pay Now”. Even though the Paypal transactions have cleared on both sides.

    Seems like the text there should be different now, such as “Thank you for your purchase. Please click here to download your image.”

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @thp wrote:

    Done! You can see them here: 🙂

    THP, I just looked at your site. Very nice!

    Since I’m turning my attention now to the Register/Login process, I looked at your window for that. Really like how it’s laid out.

    Could you tell me if you’ve got a plugin for that and what it is?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @shelma1 wrote:

    I use the slideshow plugin, and it took me a while to realize that using the dollar sign in a description ($) makes the letters or numbers directly after it disappear, until you hit a period (.). So, for example, I was putting “$9.99” in the popup description area, and it kept coming up as “$.99.” on my site. “USD9.99” works fine.

    I noticed that a few days ago, Shelma, when I visited your site. Couldn’t figure out the discrepancy. Glad you straightened it out.

    And BTW, I love your work. Really, truly wonderful. 🙂

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    Is there a marketing text for buyers somewhere? Or did this thread end up losing us a very valuable volunteer?

    The latter, I suspect.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    Thanks, Redneck, Christine, and Rolfo, for your feedback. I left this post last week but didn’t check it again until this morning. Wasn’t fishing for compliments, but I do appreciate them.

    Yes, this approach is time consuming. But since my other hat is a writer’s hat, it’s not a burden. And it surely does help that I’m writing in my native language!

    Because I’m processing brand-new images, it’s fresh and fun to write about them. I get to relive the trip, including the “wheres” we went and the “hows” I got the shots.

    As a plus, this approach is getting virtually all my new images to bright-green on Yoast. So they should show up better in Google searches than the older ones. I’m fine with that, since the older ones already show up via SS, DT, FT, etc. I’m hoping the new exclusives, as they accumulate, will drive traffic directly to my site.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    Wow, Mark, this is a real shame! I’m so sorry you have to deal with this.

    Is there any way we can protect ourselves from hackers like this, other than to guard our PWs and change them frequently?

    And… could this be the reason so many of us saw a drop in traffic around the middle of Sept? Should we all be looking for that same “intruder”?

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @christine wrote:

    These were the directions Jo gave in another thread when I asked him (yes 2.7.* )

    Hope this is clear and helps 🙂


    Yes, that was very helpful. Thanks, Christine and Jo!

    I saw that come through earlier but was still busy uploading and Yoastifying images on 2.6.5 and didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.

    Since I’m happy with my site at present, I think I’ll take Leo’s advice and hold off on the “shiney” version for a while longer. Thanks for that good advice too, Leo.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @quailrunphotos wrote:

    @leo wrote:

    Oh I get it now! Yes, its on the shiney version. I wouldn’t rush to get that though – I’d rather people go in when they are ready, and when it presents the least conversion issues.

    I admit that it is late and I am tired, but I still don’t know what is being said here. Is the custom header available in 2.7.x and if so how is it implemented?

    “/wp-admin/themes.php?page=custom-header” doesn’t mean anything to me. Sorry if I am beng a little dense.

    +1 Guess I’m dense too! 🙂

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @leo wrote:

    I checked it is still there! /wp-admin/themes.php?page=custom-header

    When was it introduced, Leo? With the 2.7 series, or earlier?

    Is this something we have to tweak php to use?

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @christine wrote:

    Plus to make exclusive stick at default as well.


    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @quailrunphotos wrote:

    @marthamarks wrote:

    @leo wrote:

    Masterpiece! I know I’m jumping ahead here…he’s still building.

    You can make cycling header graphics by using the header graphic feature found in the appearance menu.

    Yes, this really is a great look.

    Is that “header graphic feature” available to those of us using Clean Theme 2? I looked for it and couldn’t find it.

    I could not find it either. It was there in 2.7.1, but now it is gone in 2.7.2.

    Hey, I’m glad to know it’s not just me. 🙂

    I’m still happy using 2.6.5. Can’t keep up with what’s happening in the 2.7 series.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @leo wrote:

    Masterpiece! I know I’m jumping ahead here…he’s still building.

    You can make cycling header graphics by using the header graphic feature found in the appearance menu.

    Yes, this really is a great look.

    Is that “header graphic feature” available to those of us using Clean Theme 2? I looked for it and couldn’t find it.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @leo wrote:

    Why is this thread still going 😀

    Is there a real change in Symbiostock stopping big uploads? I didn’t change anything, but I can see if something is off.

    It’s not a problem created by SYS, Leo. As Cathy says, it’s been a recurring problem for those of us on Bluehost.

    Profile photo of marthamarks


    I just deliberately deleted (“trashed”) a file from my SYS images page. (Decided the image didn’t measure up to my SYS standard.)

    And then, lo and behold, I noticed this at the top of the page: Item moved to the Trash. Undo

    Hey! I thought. There’s my solution!!! And then… how come I never spotted that before???

    Just for fun, I clicked that “Undo” link. Thought, wow this is exactly what I needed a couple of days ago.

    But then I got this message: You are not allowed to restore this item from the Trash.

    So… hmmm. Is there a reason why I’m not allowed to restore an item from the Trash on my own website? I’m really curious now!

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