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    Profile photo of marthamarks
    Participant wrote:

    What a ncie surprise at a sunday morning! Got my first sale today 🙂 Just a Blogee, but every sale is welcome as a proof of principle 😀



    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @leo wrote:

    I just wanted to let everyone know Clean Theme ( ) is being updated for the latest version of Symbiostock since its getting closer to “stable”.

    DO NOT simply install the latest version of Symbiostock over the present (older) cleantheme. It will make you cry.

    It will be out eventually, but I just wanted to mention changes are in the works so Clean Theme users are not left behind.

    Hooray!! And thank you, Leo, for adding this extra project to your already-overloaded workload.

    Please know that I appreciate what you do very much, and I’m not alone.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @michal B wrote:

    How’s the work on that going ?

    Hey, it’s Saturday! (For us in the US anyway.) Give the guy a chance for some R&R!

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    Gee, I’m still in the “old” version (2.6.5) and I’m still HEARTING it. You guys are very encouraging about my pending upgrade.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    I just signed up too. Looks very interesting and useful. Maybe some of those ???????s will be answered at last!

    Thanks, Ron, for the heads-up about this.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    Love this enthusiasm. It’s infectious!


    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @steveh wrote:

    I originally got onto this because my site was taking 12 – 20 seconds to load a page, and when I complained, the tech told me that the site was being throttled. It is faster now – about 6 – 8 seconds on average.


    Did you do something to improve the speed?

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    I pointed Art to this discussion, lets see what he says. If we can get a few people to donate, he might be willing to put some time in it.

    I agree with Ron on this and will be glad to donate in advance to encourage this improvement.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @michal B wrote:

    you’re right Martha .. Had I thought about it earlier…

    Yeah, hindsight is great, ain’t it? 🙂

    And unfortunately, even if you get the upload limit raised, it can revert without warning. I had that happen a couple of weeks back. The good thing is… if you’ve seen this happen once, you recognize it fast and can fix it before you get too far into the process.

    Good luck hunting for those 300 10+ MB images!

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    I had the same experience early on, until I got Bluehost to increase the upload size. As I recall, there was no solution but to go back through my files and look for those over the 10MB limit. I then uploaded those larger ones separately and they went through and were processed just fine.

    Sage advice: Get your limit increased before you start uploading!

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @jorodrigues wrote:

    Good news is that some of the things you can do with the SYXtra plugin you can already do within the theme itself.

    Jo, can you tell us if an image-enlargement feature (or whatever it’s properly called) is now included in 2.7.7?

    How about the ability to place widgets in a wider variety of places on the site?

    You mentioned the page view counter, but I didn’t understand if it’s in 2.7.7 now or not.

    Those are the main features in SYXtra that I’m currently using with 2.6.5 and would like to keep. I’d love to know if they’re in 2.7.7 or not.

    Thanks for the intel!

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    Have you tried the Anti-Captcha plugin? Somebody recommended it a long time back, and many of us use it.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @lespalenik wrote:

    When I’ll be in need of an image, I will definitely search first here, too. Proud to be a part of this great community!


    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    Just resubmit the site map, it will go away again, dont worry about it. Its not doing any harm, there is also nothing wrong.

    Great news! Whew!!

    Thanks, Ron. You’ve been a big help for the second day in a row. 🙂

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    I’m terribly sorry to hear about your disastrous attempt to upgrade to 2.7. The stress must have been awful until you got your site back to where it was before. Thank heavens Leo was available and willing to help you!

    Like you, I’ve been very happy with SYS 2.6.5 running with Clean Theme 2. Everything was looking and feeling great. I was planning to stay put until the 2.7 version was bug free and the child theme upgraded to match. Your experience confirms my fears.

    But just yesterday I discovered a major glitch: sales don’t go through to completion. (The same problem Shelma had a couple of days earlier.)

    So now it appears I’m facing a mandatory upgrade to 2.7.7 in order to be able to actually make a sale.

    One thing eases my anxiety a bit: I do have VaultPress backing up everything on my site every hour, including the newest images I uploaded yesterday. So in a pinch, I could restore the site as it is right at this moment without losing months of work. Still would have the sales problem, but that’s probably fixable somehow without an upgrade.

    You’ve convinced me to do the upgrade as a testing site. Sounds like a wise move. Three months ago, I wouldn’t have cared. Now I do.

    Good luck!

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