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  • #8721
    Profile photo of lucato

    @christine wrote:

    Try using bulk editor or single editing them if there are not too many. I have not tried it in batch editor so cannot answer for this one.

    The bulk editor you mean is the same as batch editor or am I missing something? I have tried batch editor as reported above, and there is no way to delete, at least for me here. Now I’m trying to do it in a single editing, but the search function within the “All images” is terrible! It doesn’t get to find exact phrases between quotes, you do not get to use wildcard, you can’t select to search within categories, keywords or other, and so on. If I find some better solution I’ll share here.

    Profile photo of lucato

    Not a bug, but missing feature. In the batch editor I have selected the category I wanted to remove some images added by mistake, but there is no “delete” button or “remove selected files”.

    Profile photo of lucato

    7) All image categories texts such as Objects, Animals, and so on… are not showing in the front end after translation in the default.po file:
    Reference to file taxonomies_and_links.php at symbiostock/inc/installer/

    Also the translated texts don’t show in menus and also don’t show in the page image category results text “Images within the category: ‘Animals’ RSS” and also do not show within the categories list within the author box (accordion group).

    8) Coming soon

    Profile photo of lucato

    I’d suggest you to turn it compatible with Qtranslator for multilingual sites by adding the __( ) in the echo and so on as the examples I have posted on the forums. More info about it you can check here.

    Profile photo of lucato

    6) The texts within the +Attibutes & Symbio are not showing the translated texts within the default.po:
    The answers in the dropdown menus from theback-end such as, Photographer, Graphic Designer, No, Yes, Photography, Vector, Life Style, and so on. Imean all options you have within these dropdownlists.

    Talking about it the “Software” input field in the back-end would have the __( ) in the code to get to use with Qtranslator to translate its content.
    So, into the file symbiostock_author_box.php in the line 241 change the code from:


    7) Coming soon…

    Profile photo of lucato

    5) These texts are missing into the default.po file to be translated:
    Texts shown in “License purchase and file management” page (Front end):
    – License: Default*

    6) Coming soon…

    Profile photo of lucato

    4) These texts are not showing on the image page (front end) after translating default.po:


    All them have References into:
    – symbisotock/page-registered.php;
    – symbisotock/modal-search.php;
    – symbisotock/inc/rf-custom-post-functions.php;

    5) coming soon…

    Profile photo of lucato

    3) “Search …” in the input field search is missing within Default.po file.
    I think the code is in the line 13 of the file searchform_symbiostock.php at wp-content/themes/symbiostock

    4) coming soon…

    Profile photo of lucato

    Leo, once you’re going to “change codes”, and introduce soon the default.po I’d like to suggest you to add in files which controls the HOME PAGE like the page-home0.php where we have #3 – Create Main Content and #6 – Calls to action! (3 Points), tittles and body fields and place in their codes the __( ), so user will be able to use Qtranslation plugin to translate for multilingual site these tittles and bodies. So, you would change in the code for example from page-home0.php

    Line 97 from:

    ss_cta_one_title ?>


    ss_cta_one_title) ?>

    Line 105 from:

    ss_cta_one ?>


    ss_cta_one) ?>

    The same for lines 125, 133,153, 161

    Well, just a suggestion.

    Profile photo of lucato

    Forget it! I just found it out! It was a plug-in conflict with the plug-in “WordPress Page Widgets” by CodeAndMore. Just deactivated it, and the update worked back. ;0)

    Profile photo of lucato

    @christine wrote:

    What are you trying to do?

    I cannot test by adding more categories or they all disappear from my navigation bar but might be able to test by doing something else?

    Well, I was just trying to edit the category by hitting on “Edit” link and not “Quick Edit”. Let’s suppose just try to change you “slug” and hit “update”, nothing happens, at least here.

    Profile photo of lucato

    Please, give a look also at:

    [BUG] issues into default.po file


    Profile photo of lucato

    I’d like to ask you to give a look into these threads:

    1. [Edited] Solved – Not a bug [/Edited]

    2. Ideas for Symbiostock by Lucato.

    3. Log in pop-up screen errors

    4. [BUG] “Append Text to Tittle” isn’t changing.

    That’s all for a while, if I remember something else, I’ll post here.

    Profile photo of lucato

    PAYPAL – Encripted button
    It would be for avoiding fraudulent payments.
    It is a suggestion to Leo to add a code to replace the button or an encrypted code from and paste the html code in the input field in the back-end, not sure if it is simple as that. :0)

    Profile photo of lucato

    @christine wrote:

    As Chromaco says, you enter the url in your Users, personal profile – probably just over half way down the page

    Thanks Chris, it worked. Would be more “logical” in those tabs. To much info spread. :0)

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