Forum Replies Created
January 27, 2014 at 9:30 am #8299JoAnnSnover wrote:lucato wrote:JoAnnSnover wrote:I don’t think it’s the same thing (but truthfully, I didn’t understand what you wrote in the post you linked to).”
– Translating from English to English to you. :0) It was referring to translation plugin and files, maybe that is why you didn’t get it or my English is still needing a lot of improvements. :0)January 27, 2014 at 9:21 am #8300@christine wrote:
Pling, live image page. Do you have any other items in your cart as this will show the cart gotal, not just the page total.
That is something that should be separated from the download button or the button be renamed.
1. Separeted info such as: “Total in cart: US$ 85.00” and just the text in the button “Donwload”;
2. Or change the button text “Go to cart (85.00)”, “My cart items (85.00)”, etc.January 27, 2014 at 12:15 am #8305@joannsnover wrote:
When you use the batch editor to modify settings and prices, the name of the blog size is still Bloggee even if you changed the name shown for your site to something else.
It’s not customer-facing bug, but having some places pick up the new text and others not isn’t ideal.
Maybe it is the same issue I mentionedhere. Does it happen after clicking on other option and refreshing the cart/sizes box?
January 27, 2014 at 12:05 am #8814@joannsnover wrote:
I’m seeing a lot of problems with trying to navigate your site. I can see the problem you mentioned, but the same thing happens with the keyword horizontal…
– As mentioned in the post above, it was figured out where the issue comes from. ;0)
I also keep getting swtiched to Portuguese – I select English from the menu (which says Idiom – which won’t mean anything to English speakers; I think you need flags for language choices) and the site switches. However as soon as I select a Category (Animals) and an image – pick any one – I’m in Portuguese.
– Weird it is switching to Portugue, here when I select English it always stays in English, anyway thanks for reporting it. I’ll investigate it more.
Regarding the “Idiom” form me I thought English speaker will understand also as a language. I think I change it to Language instead. :0)I went directly to the list of categories (by editing the URL) and tried some other categories that aren’t on the menu and I get Portuguese. If I use the menu to select English, it reloads the home page – navigating away from the display of whatever category I was looking at.
Yes, this PT issue is weird and the home page moves, is another issue I didn’t get to solve yet when changing the language the site doesn’t get to remain the user on the same page and send the user to the home page. I’m still searching a solution for it.
I don’t see the problem with search on my own site (which is still 3.1.2 or AJT’s which is 3.1.9) so not sure if it might be language related versus theme related?
No, as posted on the previous post, it is a SYS professional plug-in issue. I have turned off and the search results worked ok.
Thanks for your reply and have a great week.
January 26, 2014 at 9:58 pm #8815@leo wrote:
This might be related to the batch editor issue, I’ll keep this one in mind today as well.
– There you go! It is, I just deactivated the SYMBIOSTOCK – Professional plug-in and the background search brought the 10 results. So it is sure something with Batch Editor (Professional plug-in). Thanks man.
@ JoAnn, will reply soon…
January 26, 2014 at 6:21 pm #8309@christine wrote:
If you mean images available for sale – then no it should not delete those. If you have your images such as watermark and logo stored within the symbiostock theme then yes, it will delete those. I have to re-do removing the Exclusive banner from cart.php (and no that does not affect licences, I tried) every update. Store your site images outside the theme, I put them in a separate folder so I know where to find them easily. I can’t advise on the translation files – good thing you had a back up – can you store those in your child theme?
Thanks, I just moved all images to other places. I hadn´t uploaded the images that goes in the settings in the media area as suggested in the “info/help”.
Regarding child theme, I quit using it once it wasn’t working great due some php pages don’t get to call other pages within the child theme or call some .css and so on. So, I have opted to have the original theme and make changes direct on it and have a back-up and so on.January 26, 2014 at 12:48 pm #8312Is it normal, every time I update SYM theme from WP back-end, it deletes all folders content such as languages, images, and so on?
Thanks god I had a back-up, but every update I have to upload my images back to the images folder and also my .po/.mo files to language folder and so on.January 25, 2014 at 2:29 pm #8371@leo wrote:
Premium: 1.3.9
Basic: 3.1.5
Upgrade both of these to see the following changes:
Changes apply mostly to the premium version on this update:1: …
2: You can now remove selected images from default category in batch editor.Hi Leo, regarding item 2, I have a few comments/suggestion based on the attached image below to improve the workflow or make it faster to work.:
[attachment=0:2i3kja3w]batcheditor_categories.JPG[/attachment:2i3kja3w]Based on the image above and the numbers on it, follow them:
#1. Once we get to select the category on the right top on the main window (not modal popup), and after picking a category it shows the images in the main image (#2);
#2. By having the images shown in the main image, it would be cool to have all management (#3 and #4) on this window instead of the modal pop-up;
#3. We would icons or texts below thumbnails as “X” to delete the file, “+” to add to a category or new category, “=” to edit file;
#4. The options in the modal such as Add, Remove, Empty and delete category would be also in the main window;
#5. When we select the category in this dropdown list, it shows the images within this category on the bottom and the “Remove ID” for deleting single image (#6), which would be replaced by the suggestion #3.
#6. As mentioned before, would be replaced on the main window for the “X” to delete the file from the main windows instead of the modal. popup;
#7. If you keep the modal, please change in the CSS the height pixels by percentual 90%; so it won’t cut the box and images for displays with higher resolution;
#8. If you keep the modal, the remove selected image is missing the amount of selected images (#).Well, just a comment/suggestions. ;0)
January 25, 2014 at 10:12 am #8367@leo wrote:
Premium: 1.3.9
Basic: 3.1.5
Upgrade both of these to see the following changes:
Changes apply mostly to the premium version on this update:1: Default licenses apply to uploads/initial processing!
2: You can now remove selected images from default category in batch editor.
3: Issue with SEO Text not sticking in batch editor: SOLVED!
This is a much-desired update 😀
Thanks Leo, I appreciated that. I’ll check this out and will install it now.
Just a comment that is no issue at all, but just to pass better impression on the Change log. When clicking on plug-in “View version 1.4.5 details”, it has the same content changes from 1.4.0 through 1.4.5. IMHO, it isn’t cool to repeat them, otherwiseisn’ta change log history. :0) It is better to put “few adjustments in the code in the ….” or something like that. Well, just a comment, nothing relevant. ;0)January 24, 2014 at 8:43 am #8359@leo wrote:
Update on another bug fix – translation —
there are a few translational fixes as well as added the ability to change the names of size-types. So you can nix bloggee finally! 😀I actually added this for translational ability reasons —
Of course there are other parts in the theme that must have the size names changed – but this is a start. let me know how you like.
I also made a few minor adjustments on other issues, but I don’t recal. This last thing was a main focus.
Hi Leo, thanks.
Here is the report of some issues on this new “bloggee” translation:
1. IMHO, after saving, the texts on the right side of the input filed in admin area should remain the default value and not change to the changed value;
2. As I have mentioned before, it would be cool all input/texts/memo fields for the whole theme as these sizes and cart button too, to be read for qtranslator __() / _e(), and these sizes input fields seem to be ok in part. I mean, in the front end, they just show correct the first time on the single image page. If you click on other size option, it refreshes the product form and looses the “qtranslation”. So, the code after refresh may be other that needs the __() I think.If I find something else, I’ll post here. Thanks for a while
January 23, 2014 at 9:23 pm #8724@christine wrote:
Bulk Editor in the All images – but I have just remembered that that does not remove categories, only add them so it is a one at a time job for now as far as I know
Christine, it removes, a “hidden feature”, I just found it out. Here is the trick:
1. Goto menu Symbiostock/Batch Editor;
2. Click on “CATEGORIES” and it will open the modal popup;
3. Click on the categories dropdown list and select the category you want to remove images from;
4. It will show all images thumbnail within this modal pop-up with the link “>> Remove nnn” where nnn is the image#.That is it.
IMHO it should be in the main window when we select the categories dropdown menu on the top right, instead of in the modal. ;0)
January 23, 2014 at 8:55 pm #8691Great idea allows the admin rename each name too in the back end. Don’t forget to take it out from the .po file after done. ;0
– OPS!!!! Leo, thinking better, I don’t think it is a great idea as I just said. Let me explain why. By having it in the back-end as you intend to add you will limit to one translation I think, so if you have a multi lingual site, example english, spanish, french, portuguese, by having these texts within the .po the user will get to translate to all languages, otherwise it won’t be possible in the back end. So, IMHO, the best way is to have all texts within the .po file! It will allow to translate all texts for all languages!
January 23, 2014 at 8:48 pm #8690@leo wrote:
I’ll try to re-explain further afterward. I’ve been going through your list. Many issues you mention I cannot find. Right now however I’m working on the “Bloggee, medium, large,” etc naming…I’m going to make it so the user can rename each of those sizes, and it will make translation easier too. Right now there is no way for me to set up translation for “bloggee, small, etc” since those values are used for fetching from the database.
– Any issue you don’t get to reproduce or find, PLEASE, feel free to contact me by e-mail/PM/thread and I’ll try to point or explain better.
Great idea allows the admin rename each name too in the back end. Don’t forget to take it out from the .po file after done. ;0)I’ll go in depth on explanation after I thoroughly look into your issues though.
Thanks,I’ll be waiting, to get to make categories work translated and so on. ;0)
January 23, 2014 at 8:30 pm #8688@leo wrote:
These are generated on initial install — the initial install on your site was english. However a fresh-install would show your translated version.
– Leo, does it mean I’ll loose all images uploaded and so on with a fresh-install? How to procedure a fresh-install? What is the latest file (fresh-install) file to download and where to find/download it? Would you explain it a little better, please. Thanks.
January 23, 2014 at 1:14 pm #8354Leo, another not a bug, but something to review:
1. The batch editor has no option to remove images added by mistake into wrong categories. In the batch editor I have selected the category I wanted to remove the images from, but there was not “delete” button or “remove selected files”;
2. The search function within the “All images” is terrible! It doesn’t get to find what I want within my tags, it doesn’t accept exact phrases between quotes, you do not get to use wildcard, you can’t select to search within categories, keywords or other, and so on. -