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    Profile photo of lucato

    @leo wrote:

    You simply have to announce your site and it will be added. We’re working on a more automated process right now, but for now thats how it happens.

    How and where to announce my site ( )? Is it on the Market tab in the Symbiostock menu?

    Profile photo of lucato

    I’m sorry for my honesty, but IMHO there are other things with high priority to think about and use the time for programing and burning your mind instead of own SYM analytics system or new forums. There is a bunch of WP plug-ins to achieve Analitycs even just a superficial info once I bet nobody will use 100% the data reported. Besides being a huge time developing consuming for you Leo, it can turn the site slow/process I think. Also the questions such as these…

    which sites are sending me the most traffic?
    -To know such info won’t change the way I create/shot images and upload them to sell. So, just to know and curiosity;

    what keywords are sending me the most traffic?
    – To know such info won’t solve anything once I don’t intend to SPAM my images with wrong keywords, unless it just fits to know what subject I would focus more for shooting or creating files, once it is most searchable.

    what keywords are getting traffic that I might want to add?
    – idem above.

    what promoted keywords are most useful?
    – Can’t opine once I have no idea what are promoted keywords. :0)

    Well, I’m sorry, but just my thoughts at this moment on the subject. ;0)

    Profile photo of lucato

    Just did it. ;0)

    Profile photo of lucato

    Hi folks, nice to meet you all.

    I’m starting a bilingual Symbiostock theme at : – It is still on working progress in structure, language and uploadings.

    My name is Luis, a.k.a Lucato in the stock world, and I’m from Sao Paulo – Brazil. I’m stock Photographer since 2003, therefore, I’ve +10 years experience in the microstock photography business.

    I’d like also to invite you all to check my portfolio which is very eclectic (ideas, concepts, people, isolated objects/people, landscapes, animals, illustrations (Vector, 3D and computer generated), seamless background, videos, sounds, and etc. Just 400 files are online now a days, but there are +7000 to come online soon.

    See you all around the community.

    Have a great day,
    Luis (Lucato)

    Profile photo of lucato

    @shelma1 wrote:

    The exchanged links show up at the bottom of the page when someone searches for an image on your site. Try searching for “landscape” on my site, and under my search results you’ll see results from sites I’ve linked to.

    I’m not sure about the marketing tab, honestly. I’m sure Leo knows.

    Thanks for your reply. I tried the same on mine, and it shows 15 people at random which I didn’t link to. I’m sorry for bothering you again, but do you know if it is the regular behaviour when you don’t have anybody in exchange? Your site shows 12 counting the “Global”. Are these really the one’s you have changed the links or are they at random to on this page? Shouldn’t it just be 10?

    Profile photo of lucato

    @peresanz wrote:

    Hi Lucato,

    I posted the same question somewhere and found that there are different approaches. Some people link to sites with similar contents while others look for sites with different complementary images. As long as we can link to up to 10 sites, my choice is to mix similar contents sites with complementary ones (still building my network). If someone searches for `potato’ on my site he will get 0 results and if my partner sites in my network all have images similar to mine it’s very likely that they will provide also 0 results, so it makes sense to link to sites with very different content to avoid discouraging the potential customer that is searching in my site with 0 results.

    Hi Peresanz, thanks for your reply. Just one more doubt. The people in my network will have their images shown in my site only when gets no results in my site or will their images shows up anyway in my single page image or my results page image?

    Profile photo of lucato

    Hi folks, I’m just starting my SYM site at, and I wonder when you guys search for SYM community/people/SYM site to exchange links, do you guys look for the same content? Does it matter? How does it work?

    How is the best way to create a network?


    Profile photo of lucato

    @shelma1 wrote:

    In your WordPress dashboard, click “Symbiostock.” There you can simply add the URLS of the sites you want by clicking the “+” and typing the URL into the box.

    – Thanks Shelma, silly me, I though it was to input just my site address. :0). So, I think this is the place I can add up to 10 exchange links. By adding the exchanged links here, what does it do? Where are these 10 links going to show up?
    – What is the difference in the Marketing tab where I can check the checkbox promote for other sites? By checking it what is going to happen with the sites I’ve checked as “promote”? where is it going to show up? If I check one it will make mine show on that person’s site too?

    @shelma1 wrote:

    By posting here, you can ask people to exchange links with you.

    Is there some thread/link for asking to exchange links?

    Thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of lucato
    Profile photo of lucato

    @leo wrote:

    @lucato wrote:

    7) All image categories texts such as Objects, Animals, and so on… are not showing in the front end after translation in the default.po file:
    Reference to file taxonomies_and_links.php at symbiostock/inc/installer/

    Also the translated texts don’t show in menus and also don’t show in the page image category results text “Images within the category: ‘Animals’ RSS” and also do not show within the categories list within the author box (accordion group).

    8) Coming soon

    These are generated on initial install — the initial install on your site was english. However a fresh-install would show your translated version.

    I have removed the old theme folder “symbiostock” and installed the new theme SYM v3.1.7 and after that updated to SYM v3.2.2, not sure if by doing this is what you say a fresh-install, but didn’t solve. All image categories texts such as Objects, Animals, and so on… are not showing in the front-end (author box – categories or menu categories) or even in the back-end appearance/menus – images categories, after translation in the default.po file:

    Profile photo of lucato

    ^ I agree.

    As I’ve mentioned before, IMHO, the main page should have stock agency look of the SYM network, big image slider, show feature images from network contributors (that can be also based in that suggestion of ad budget #4), have the free network image, video, illustration, whatever of the week to attract buyers, visitor and spread, and for the wiki, want to be a contributor, and so on, just small links on the bottom. As pointing to the forum, download and so on. As THP said, the should be for contributor segment.

    Well, just my opinion.

    Profile photo of lucato

    Leo, the Widget FEATURE IMAGES SLIDER (LARGE), when shows a vertical image, it doesn’t show it centered. So, please fix the code by adding align=”center” in the div tag. Here is the place:

    File: functions.php at /wp-content/themes/symbiostock

    in the line 1261 (SYM V137), where the line will be like that:

          class="symbiostock_carousel_ carousel slide col-md-12" align="center">


    Profile photo of lucato

    Just to inform when updating a theme, if you click on “view version x.x.x details” it is showing my own page “page not found” instead of the change log or the page with the SYM details.

    Profile photo of lucato

    Not sure if it can be a useful info Leo, but even if with the SS-Premium active, if I type background between quotation marks it also works.

    Profile photo of lucato

    @christine wrote:

    You can change the button text to whatever you wish

    – I know, but you have no option to remove the total from the button. ;0)

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