Forum Replies Created
February 19, 2014 at 7:21 am #8859
@thestockstash wrote:
If anyone else is looking for an answer, I managed to remove the site title by adding this bit of code to the style.css in the child theme:
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.navbar-brand {
display:none !important;
}Thanks for the tip. Anyway, I think Leo has already fixed it in the latest version v3.3.1 I’ve updated.
It is [FIXED].
I entered the title, and it isn’t showing any longer with no change in the code. Not sure if he did it, once we have no chance log/history. :0)As a a suggestion, we would assume all thread titles that where fixed by SYM developers as…
[FIXED] My site name in front of menu – how to remove?
[BUG FIXED] My site name in front of menu – how to remove?February 19, 2014 at 7:17 am #9734@leo wrote:
Latest version deployed!
I’d like to everybody when mentioning latest version, place the Version#, so we can have one Idea if we have already installed it or need to update.
Leo, also when you save the to spread in forum or to download from other place, it would be cool to save the name for download with the version. Example: symbiostock-v321.zipThanks;
February 19, 2014 at 7:11 am #9844@leo wrote:
Noted, thanks. It would be nice to have a lot of filters set up for results, esp when someone has 10k images.
– Thanks. I totally agree. I have 7k ready to be sent and just sent 400 and already facing hard time to categorize them. :0) That’s why the suggestion above and this one here for batch editor that I think Cascoly didn’t get it very well. I need to reply to Cascoly as soon I get extra time.
February 18, 2014 at 10:48 pm #9796Change log/History +1
February 16, 2014 at 10:14 pm #9714@Imago Borealis wrote:
@lucato wrote:
@Imago Borealis wrote:
I just installed the anit-capcha plugin. Nothing else. Couldn’t be easier…
Thanks Imago. Let’s see how it goes.
You will probably start missing those spam registrations
It seems you have enjoyed pretending the “potential customer” registrations. hehehe. Just kidding.
Have a nice week.February 16, 2014 at 8:29 pm #9712@Imago Borealis wrote:
I just installed the anit-capcha plugin. Nothing else. Couldn’t be easier…
Thanks Imago. Let’s see how it goes.
February 16, 2014 at 3:51 pm #8857Hi Folks, I think it is some new line in the code that when you customize your theme and add the Site Title text, it will show on the nav bar.
So, I have removed mine by typing nothing in this Site Title field, but I think it isn’t a good idea for SEO and other uses in the network and so on.
I think Leo needs to remove such line codes or add an option to show or hide site title on the nav bar.
February 16, 2014 at 3:41 pm #9727Hey ajt, nice idea for those who wants to give an image for free.
I have another suggestion for a different approach and also a suggestions for your actual idea.
My suggestion in a different approach.
1a. I’d like to offer a free image for who is already my customer. So I would give it if my customer already bought X#* of images and I would give one for free at his/her choice. (*) Would set 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and etc number of bought images to get one for free.
1b. After customer getting the image, it would reset the counter and start over and also would have a set to repeat the promotion:
[ ] life for x images bought, [ ] x times; [ ] never – Do not provide such promotion.
2. Send a warning, if you buy one more image you’re ready to get one for free.
3. Some other options as the suggested bellow…Here are some suggestion for your actual idea in the back-end admin settings:
1. As already suggested, select the wished size as free;
2. Get to select as a free image of the week or the month. You could set the period to let it goes for free;
3. Set if you want to give as non-commercial or commercial bounded by the EULA.Well, something like that. Just a thought. ;0)
February 16, 2014 at 3:14 pm #9710Hi guys, thanks for the tip. Just a doubt regarding this anti-captcha.
It says after installing that: “Anti-Captcha is a transparent captcha solution which does not require any end-user interaction”But in its installation site page, it says:
Download Anti-Captcha and put it in the head of your html document:
After form-submission match the input value with the sha1 checksum stored as a cookie:
// Verify the token using the checksum stored in cookie
if (sha1($_POST) == $_COOKIE) {
// Reset token (preventing form resubmission)
setcookie ('anti-captcha-crc', sha1(rand()), time() + 3600, '/');
// Continue form validation
die('Captcha accepted');
} else {
// No Anti-Captcha checksum received
die('Error, please enable javascript and/or cookies');
}Have you guys added those codes above or just installed Anti-captcha and did not do anything else?
February 16, 2014 at 7:40 am #9681@leo wrote:
Don’t worry about it guys. We got a winning logo already 😀 will have it out in a few days. What is my prize? 😉
Hehehe. Good to know Leo. If you want some opinions from me before launching it, feel free to send me a PM/Email. ;0)
February 15, 2014 at 4:31 pm #9676@shelma1 wrote:
… I personally don’t like those crowdsourced contests, because you’re asking the majority of people to work for free …
Actually I didn’t mean crowdsource contests, but creative crowdsource, where the winner will be paid. So, who post a project says for example: I offer $800.00 to create a logo. Then people (crowd) start to send the ideas/logos. One will be the winner and will receive the “$800.00”.
February 15, 2014 at 8:45 am #9673Here goes just a quick rough suggestion:
The symbol represents the iris (aperture) of a photo/video camera and the dots around represents heads, so together seems a half waist person icon in a group creating a network. So, in sum a photographers network! ;0)February 15, 2014 at 8:27 am #9672@leo wrote:
People tend to get excited over logos and branding, but I think its most important to have something simple that works.
I Agree. And remind it isn’t just a draw. It has to have a meaning, a creation defense. :0) See for example the defense for the Logo I’ve created for my Symbiostock site:
ArquivosCriativos – LogoAnother logos I’ve created for my own site:
EsferaDoBem – Logo@leo wrote:
The SS has been suggested to be a *bad word!*
symbol (Wow! N-A-Z-I is sensored!), in light of some of the accusations put toward this project, I thought it might be good to get rid of anything that could be misconstrued that way.
Ahhh, now I see what you meant. Thanks.
@leo wrote:
The logo on is a good start in the right direction (opinion of course) but the loonnggg word symbiostock can be challenging to work with in space confinements.
I agree, something related to network. By Googling “Network logo” images, you also have a great references.
February 15, 2014 at 7:13 am #9667@leo wrote:
Hi all I am actively working on the .com site and I think perhaps the current logo needs a rework. I really like the logo but it seems to have a bit of an unfortunate historic hint to it that a few have already started to comment on.
I like the actual logo, I wonder what people have said against it. Is there some thread to read about it?
@leo wrote:
I was throwing around the idea of running a contest and offering a pretty cool prize to the winner. How do you all feel about the idea of a contest? I can hire someone to do it for us but I kind of thought it might be nice to see what the community has to offer. I would love to hear some feedback. Thanks everyone. There are no solid plans now, just a simple thought thrown out to the participants of the project.
IMHO, instead of spending money in prize, you would use it to create a logo project on sites (crowdsourced creative services) like CrowdSpring or 99designs, so this way you hire professionals and also if somebody from the community has something to offer can join the logo project and maybe be the winner of the budget.
Well, just a feedback. ;0)
Have a nice weekend.
February 11, 2014 at 1:01 pm #9593Ok, I did quick little test.
– As I mentioned, I had 32 repeated “Symbiostock Featured Images” categories;
– I deleted 31 and kept just one.
– I deactivated the SYM theme by activating another theme;
– I activated the SYM theme again and the results where:6 new repeated “Symbiostock Featured Images” categories. See the screenshot:
[attachment=0:2xvitsi4]SYM-repeated_6new_FC.JPG[/attachment:2xvitsi4] -