Forum Replies Created
January 21, 2014 at 5:52 am #8657
I got mixed results – some went to the home page but most went to the blog. I just updated to all the latest versions of the pro plug in, WP, etc. and I’m on Windows – using Firefox.
January 21, 2014 at 5:40 am #2080Happy to report that I got my first sale tonight!!! As far as I can tell it all went smoothly as I haven’t been contacted by the buyer with any issues. 😀
January 21, 2014 at 1:43 am #8178@stockcube wrote:
It doesn’t look at all depressing to me Shelma. I am quite encouraged by it.
I find it encouraging too, especially since someone changed their vote from the 6 to 10 group into the 11+ group. I hope over the next few months we will see more climbing into the higher ranks and the zero category dropping.
Editing to add – I logged into my e-mail tonight to see a notice for my first sale so I’ve been able to update my vote to reflect that!
January 20, 2014 at 2:59 pm #2079Congrats! It’s good to see sales and that when a buyer finds the image they need they had the patience to pursue it rather than walk away. Let’s hope we can get those purchase bugs eliminated now.
January 18, 2014 at 5:15 pm #2072@chrisroll wrote:
Thanks KLSbear
I’ve already voted last week 🙂Great! The poll allows you to change votes as you get more sales too, so when you graduate to the next level you can update your vote – let’s hope that happens very soon!
January 18, 2014 at 4:58 pm #8485My first thoughts when reading your post were those of dismay, thinking all the work I’d done so far, and had planned, would need to be scrapped to rebuild my site on a new platform and relearn new tasks.
I’m sure you’ve learned a lot along the way developing this version and a new and improved platform may prove to be much better but those of us who have invested a lot of time, money and effort to get to this point don’t want to be abandoned or forced to convert.
If this version could have some remaining bugs fixed and remain stable while you create your new version it would give us the opportunity to check out the new version and convert if and when we desire.
Would the new version interact and be compatible with the old version in that searches on the new version would pull up the sites on the WP platform too, or would you end up having two separate Symbiostock networks – one on WP and one on your new platform?
January 18, 2014 at 4:43 pm #2070Congrats Chrisroll – it’s encouraging to hear about the sales.
Please vote (or update your vote if applicable) in the poll here too.
January 15, 2014 at 3:04 am #8170@leo wrote:
I’ve asked around to some of the more established illustrators — they get weekly sales. I begged them to share with the rest of the community. Some of them feel they will get flamed (MSG) and have other reasons for not saying so.
Its annoying, but the stronger sellers end up being strong *silent* types, and you don’t hear much from them 🙁
Hopefull they will vote in the anonymous poll to give some more encouragement to those starting out.
January 14, 2014 at 11:23 pm #8168@lucato wrote:
Is it based on the latest month, year or life time?
Maybe it would be cool to create also this poll like for each month…. How was you December 2013… maybe one for download and other for income. :0)
I intended the poll to show how many images have sold since your site was launched. For some that’s almost a year, others just a few months or maybe less. I posted it after a conversation I’d had with someone that wondered how many people were seeing sales vs. those with zero. There is a perception that a few people are seeing great results and others are just seeing a small trickle – one, two, three sales.
I’m hoping we start seeing some votes in those middle ranges soon, and the poll allows you to change your vote so it would be nice to see the zeros decline as the middle options start growing. I’m encouraged to see that more than just 2 or 3 people have sales 😀 Right now there probably are not enough consistent sales to warrant a monthly poll but maybe 6 months to a year from now if we’re all seeing better sales it would have some data worth viewing.
January 12, 2014 at 7:27 pm #8219Hi Corina – I had a spot open up in my network and I’ve added you. I am not exclusively food but it’s a heavy concentration in my portfolio and I plan to expand it. My portfolio is small but I’ll be adding to it this year.
January 12, 2014 at 7:23 pm #8215Hi Corina;
I had a network spot open up and I’ve added you to my network.
I reciprocate on most, but not all sites that are linked to me. I joined Symbiostock in the very beginning and filled my spots up. Others have come along later and linked to me but I didn’t have open spots. I review statistics and my network partner sites from time to time too and did make some changes awhile ago too. Some of my early partners were not the best match in style and content for either of us and I moved to some that were a better fit. I don’t think anyone should feel compelled to reciprocate if someone links to them. They might have full spots and be happy with their current network, they might not agree with the pricing strategy of the other site, they might not like the quality or style of the work on the linking site or might think it’s too close a competitor instead of a complimentary addition. I am a photographer but want to offer vector options to anyone searching the site so I’m linked to some vector sites but can appreciate if a vector artist only wants to link to other vector sites.
You can add the site as if it was another individual site. In your network area select the “+” sign to open a new spot then just copy into the space where you would enter anyone’s site, then save the changes as usual. I don’t think it’s good for the network if that’s the only link in that it limits the backlinks that individual sites would get by having their images show in search results but it’s a good way to give exposure to a greater number of people so I have it in my site along with 9 others.
January 12, 2014 at 2:41 pm #8164Just adding that this poll is open ended and you can change you vote so when you move to a new level come back and update your vote.
January 12, 2014 at 4:50 am #8163I’ll be interested in hearing if this has some impact and leads to sales for you. I’ve done a little of the same although my series and stories have not been nearly as extensive. This blog post about my latest Christmas image shares some background info on the source of the props and I decided to share a little “behind the scenes” info by showing a wider angle of the set up in my studio on the FB page. My blog and social media posts do seem to generate some increased traffic but I suspect it’s mostly family and friends at this point since my audience is still small.
January 9, 2014 at 3:17 am #8041I did get the registration email so that is working. You may want to just reach out to Cascoly direct. I noticed you were not on the master network list either so something may have happened that dropped you off the list. If that is what is being used to pull the Alexa results it would explain why you’re not on the Alexa list too.
January 7, 2014 at 5:01 am #8039I’m not by any means an expert on this network stuff but I tried a couple of searches and I see results for you and other network sites so that is working. I registered as a test too. Did you get the email telling you there was a new registration? I did not get a welcome email right away (i will let you know if get it later).
Did you check to see if somehow your email address that is listed in your site data has changed?