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  • #10477
    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I have the original zip file from April of 2013 if that helps. I think the dimensions of the log-in logo on WP changed from rectangular to square with the last upgrade on WP though so you’ll need to revise that one. I tried to upload it here but the file is too big. I can e-mail it to you if want it.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I’m not sure why you are getting that error message but the watermark image should be a .png file. Is that what you’ve uploaded and put into the watermark field?

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I created a new blog post this weekend and posted it so the search engines can start indexing it. I plan to post about it on my FB page but will schedule the post for Monday morning for the reason you mentioned. It gets more views and likes. I just recently began tweeting and I will follow a similar plan for weekday tweets.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    What system are you using? I recall some issues with Mac systems using Safari renaming files. I think it was adding the HTML extension. If you save the file and remove the HTML extension is the file OK? Try searching here for that issue. I don’t recall if there was a solution found.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I think there may also be some emphasis on what is in the title too. I did not see either Butler or Dynasty in your titles. If I search on crenelated parapet you come up in the first row. Keyword clutter may be to blame as well. the search seems to be returning a lot of results based on single word relationships and I wonder if it’s trying to include most popular searches for a word. I see a lot of images for Duck Dynasty showing up as well as others that have the word Butler in the title or meta description.

    I tried a search for my images under Spring Table Setting and found lots of pretty pictures bu none of mine and almost nothing with agency watermarks. If I add the word Stock to the search it is almost all stock sites showing with watermarked images. Of the eight of mine showing half of them were my Symbio site including the first one.

    I don’t know if buyers are adding that in their searches but it does help clear out random image clutter so it would sure help the search efforts if they did.

    I noticed that a search for butler dynasty fair trade returns one of your images in the first row.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @redneck wrote:

    @klsbear wrote:

    Someone had suggested we use #RT instead of spelling out Retweet to conserve characters for our message too. I like that idea. Is anyone else in favor of that change?

    Why don’t we cut “#Retweet” or “#RT” completely. Shouldn’t “#Symbiostock” be sufficient to identify/find our tweets for retweeting?

    I’m ok with dropping it from our manual tweets. Does it automatically get put in the tweets from the batch editor? I gather that’s the case based on Leo’s comment about putting it on his to do list. I have used it to identify who is actively participating in our retweet efforts but I don’t think we really need it.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @Imago Borealis wrote:

    @klsbear wrote:

    @peresanz wrote:

    I think it’s @mallorcaimages turn… If he/she doesn’t show up we could skip to the next position…
    BTW, also agree with #RT

    I say we continue down the list. Since several people seem to be absent (I don’t see them tweeting or retweeting) I suggest that the next two people jump in and post their links and we retweet both of them if they should happen to show up. And if it seems like they are no shows and you are next on the list feel free to jump in to keep it going.

    On a side note I saw links to my image on my site today so twitter is bringing in links. May have just been all of you but the activity is good.

    Not sure if everyone agrees with Karen’s suggestion but here is my tweet anyway:

    I am not very optimistic that this list “thing” here will work out longer term. A few people including myself are tweeting their images daily and come once a day to to retweet images of fellow symbiotes. It would be nice to see that group growing in numbers.

    I think you’re right that the list is hard to maintain and I’ve been trying to retweet frequently myself too. I think some that are further down on the list may be losing interest. I was hoping we would see them jump in and tweet more.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I had a suggestion to increase the top end of the poll based on some off line discussions where contributors were seeing much higher sales volume. Unfortunately the changes erased all the previous votes even though the top option was the only one changed. 🙁

    Please take the time to resubmit your vote and spread the word to others to come and vote.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @peresanz wrote:

    I think it’s @mallorcaimages turn… If he/she doesn’t show up we could skip to the next position…
    BTW, also agree with #RT

    I say we continue down the list. Since several people seem to be absent (I don’t see them tweeting or retweeting) I suggest that the next two people jump in and post their links and we retweet both of them if they should happen to show up. And if it seems like they are no shows and you are next on the list feel free to jump in to keep it going.

    On a side note I saw links to my image on my site today so twitter is bringing in links. May have just been all of you but the activity is good.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Just bumping the poll to remind everyone to vote if you haven’t done so yet and to update your vote if your sales have moved you to a higher level.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I think that extension shows up is you do a search for a keyword then click on the picture. If you go to an image from the menu are you still seeing the extension?

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @christine wrote:

    and me – I think I was the one that originally mentioned it though so does that count 😀

    I put too many hashtags on my last image so it missed the rt bit off anyway 😳

    I confess I was too lazy to look back and find out who made the #RT suggestion. Let’s go with it. It was an excellent idea in my book.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I think you need the user name and password for your FTP account on your host site, not your WordPress info. You’re uploading to the server that is hosting your wordpress install so it’s the server account that is taking in the files. The Wordprss install is just the location you’re sending them to..

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I’ve lost track of where we are on the list. I have been favoriting and retweeting the posts with retweet in them but it seems like some have dropped out as I don’t see any recent links here. If you are next on the list raise your hand!

    Someone had suggested we use #RT instead of spelling out Retweet to conserve characters for our message too. I like that idea. Is anyone else in favor of that change?

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @semmickphoto wrote:

    Where did the sales sticky go?

    It’s under the Symbiostock News group in the sub-forum of a the same name. I’d give you the direct link but I’m not sure how to do that on the iPad 😳

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