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    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @leo wrote:

    I’m not sure why everyone is talking about Pro!

    2.9.4 changes the “similar images” issue. That was the only real issue for the new WP.

    Leo – I was bringing it up because others had access to version 1.2.5 and I was back on 1.2.3 and could not find any way to update to the latest version. I realize that the base version 2.9.4 fixed the other issues – I just want the latest version of Pro. WP wasn’t giving me an option to upgrade Pro in the plug ins. I just upgraded to 2.9.4 and now it’s giving me the option to upgrade Pro too so I’m current on all the versions. Life is good – now I just need to work on making the site pretty and taking more photos.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @leo wrote:

    @klsbear wrote:

    I see references to Symbiostock Pro 1.2.5 but I’m not showing an update link in my plug ins. I’m still on 1.2.3. Do we need to update to 2.9.3 Symbiostock (or is it 2.9.4 with the above link?) to see the pro upgrade option?

    This update was for the base version to be compatible with WordPress 3.7. I didn’t see anything wrong with the premium version.

    My test site was showing me an option to upgrade Pro to 1.2.5 but my regular site isn’t giving me that option. I shows I’m on 1.2.3 and isn’t giving me the upgrade option. Tomorrow I’m going to do a site back up and upgrade to WP 3.7 so maybe I’ll see the plug in option for Pro 1.2.5 then.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    How about Hawaii, so Leo won’t have to travel. 🙂

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I see references to Symbiostock Pro 1.2.5 but I’m not showing an update link in my plug ins. I’m still on 1.2.3. Do we need to update to 2.9.3 Symbiostock (or is it 2.9.4 with the above link?) to see the pro upgrade option?

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @leo wrote:

    Hi! Hopefully people have a sense of humor 😀

    Its quite likely just that – backlinks are spam flags. Which emails in particular are we asking to change?

    I knew you were just joking 🙂

    If you recall, in the very beginning, I was having trouble with the registration e-mail not going through. I haven’t tested lately but the original e-mail had 8 links – the header, the Welcome to… at the top, a Login link, License and Downloads link, and at the bottom the website name in the copyright field, about field and footer were all links to the site plus the SS logo link to Symbiostock.

    There are a similar amount on the letter that sends you the link to your cart after payment.

    Those are the two letters I’m aware of that are potential problems for some people given the number of links.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @leo wrote:

    Yes, be sure not to have pictures of Viagara and blog post regarding how to make money working at home.

    I think the problem may be the number of links back to the sites. I think between links back to our own site and Symbiostock’s site there are 4 or 5 links. It may be the number of links that are making it a questionable e-mail in the eyes of the spam servers. If they are causing problems I think it may be best to restrict it to one to our own site and one to Symbiostock so it’s less likely to be filtered as spam.

    Leo, is there somewhere we can control that or perhaps the letter should just be altered a bit to get it past the spam filters.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @minkymoomedia wrote:

    Could you check my test site and see if you can see any issues, it looks okay in IE9 and cant see any issues in any versions of Chrome or Firefox, just looks like its in older versions of IE, not been able to check Mac’s either.


    It looks great on my laptop on Chrome, Firefox and IE10. On my iPhone5 the panels are acting strange. It seems like the page is forced left and the panels with info are floating to the right.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Martha – your site looks great in both Firefox and IE10.

    I’m seeing the same problem MinkyMoo is having with my site, but with different browsers. Firefox looks normal on my laptop but shows the responsive version on my desk top.

    Tomorrow I’ll try to remember to check it from my system at the office to see what is going on there.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Here are a few bugs I’ve noticed:

    Running version 2.8.8 with pro plug in
    child theme using Home page generator
    5.2 (single php.ini) (wondering if I should upgrade to 5.3 or 5.4 single php.ini versions)

    On laptop using Firefox, site appears normal
    On desktop using Firefox, it shows the mobile format with everything lined up vertically – loses all the side by side CTA fields and Featured and Latest images are lined up vertically. Same problem on search results, category views and image pages, all lined up vertically.
    iPad also shows the mobile format. Seems like there is enough screen to show the standard format instead of mobile. What should be expected on the iPad?

    Also, in IE10, the color changes to the CTA headers with gradient color are not retained when viewing. Same for the changes to the footer background color. They view as expected in the editing panel but appear light grey when viewing the page.

    Separate issue: The Latest Images on the home page are not centered in their individual cells, they are justified Left so when viewing mobile they are off to the left, not centered like the Featured Images.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I’m running into a similar problem but not using Clean Theme.

    I’m set up with:

    Symbiostock 2.8.8
    Child theme 0.1.0
    Symbiostock Professional plug in
    Home Page generator

    On my Laptop:
    Firefox – looks as expected
    Chrome – looks the same
    IE10 – looks almost the same, but it’s not taking my color changes for gradient headers and changes to the footer background.

    On my desktop:
    Firefox acts as if it’s response – all panels extend across the entire screen. This is also the same with individual image pages and search pages, images are lined up one after another vertically.
    Chrome and IE10 behave as listed above with just the color issues on Chrome.

    Viewing on DH’s iPad gives the responsive view too. I’m not sure if that is supposed to happen on the iPad but it seems like there is enough screen space that it should view “normally” and not have to line everything up vertically.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @steveh wrote:

    One thing I noticed in the “Info” on an image page. If you click that, you see how many images etc. but it says “Contact Leo” instead of “Contact Steve”. It links to my About Page, but Leo seems to be everywhere in this project! (-;


    I had that for awhile too. I’m not sure how I fixed it but I think it may have been when I changed Leo from having Admin status to Subscriber. If you have him as an admin try changing him to Subscribe. You may have to click the check boxes to update the public network and image info (on the Symbiostock network tab)

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @artesiawells wrote:

    How weird. It doesn’t seem to matter. I changed DNS info on one and left it with no change on the other. Now both are working…!

    @cathyslife: You did help just to confirm my own confusion and I appreciated it.
    @jsnover: thanks! I’ll check as I go along.

    I’ll be back I’m afraid… Installed 2.8.2 and it all turned white… Try again later:-)

    I was running into the White Screen of Death on my test site when I tried to upload 2.8.2. I was able to get into my admin screen but the public site was all white. I found that there were a lot of pre-loaded plugins clogging stuff up. I deleted all that I didn’t need and whatever was causing the conflict was gone. If you can get to your admin screen try deleting all but essential plugins or those that are used by several others here without problems.

    If you can’t get to the admin screen you may need to go to your c-panel / File Manager, and delete Symbiostock from the WP-Content/Themes folder. That should let your default theme take over so you can get in and delete plug ins.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @jorodrigues wrote:

    @klsbear wrote:

    Where are you finding the link to 2.8.3? I’m having a problem with 2.8.2 on my test site and I’d like to try this version.

    Under your Dashboard either it will show up as an update notification on the top dark grey bar or you can go to Appearance > Themes and you will see the theme with an upgrade option notification under the theme. If it is not showing up refresh your browser.

    You can press “Control” and then hold it down and press “F5” on your Keyboard to force your browser to check the Internet and load new data for the page. This works on a few modern internet browsers.


    Found it! The refresh was not showing it on the Themes page but it’s showing up if I go to Dashboard and view the Updates panel. Thanks!

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @cascoly wrote:

    @leo wrote:

    2.8.2 is ready if you wish to update from it. I’ve been busy on everything else, I fixed the categories to the way they were – and the “pretty” (interactive categories) categories is an optional template you can use.

    I also adjusted some image layouts in widgets to be properly centered.

    just upgraded to 2.8.3 — categories (old method) work fine, and fast

    Where are you finding the link to 2.8.3? I’m having a problem with 2.8.2 on my test site and I’d like to try this version.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Can you find them in the regular WP Media Library? All the images uploaded via Symbiostock are visible there too although I’m not certain about those set to Private.

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