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    Profile photo of jsfoto

    I was quite sure that I was not the first to “discover” this 😀
    Thanks for this addition, I think it’s really useful and I’ll include it tomorrow.
    (And yes, you are perfectly right … shorter names are better 😉 )

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    @matt wrote:

    To answer the lack of updates on the .net site I was waiting for the Theme to settle down, search engine development and more ports to come online, which appears to be happening. I did have some thoughts on producing some marketing templates for people to use to drive their social media efforts but to be honest I’ve stalled waiting for the theme to settle first.

    The .net site is a lot of work, I will update though at the next milestone 250,000 images online 🙂

    Happy to hear that you still intend to work on the site, because I really like it (the site and the logo). The only thing what disturbes me a bit is that it still shows 60000 images … I think everybody should know how fast we are growing 😀

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    Honestly I would still prefer to have only one color scheme (because of better recognition) but I think it’s far better than the combination with black. It’s a good compromise in my eyes.
    Again: I don’t want to annoy Andrzej with my thoughts here and I can understand that red matches the strawberry. And: Looking at my own site today I became aware that my own logo is black and red on white … but as I don’t use the double S, I never associated anything bad with it …

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    I just discovered how I can link to a paragraph on the bottom of the same page ( I wanted that because my F.A.Q. are quite long). Now I show all answered questions at the top of the site ( ) and you will be send directly to the answer when clicking on it.

    This is how it works:
    Question at top of the page:
    How can I pay if I don’t have a PayPal account?

    Headline of answer at bottom of the page:

    How can I pay if I don’t have a PayPal account?

    Perhaps there are others who want to use it, so I thought I share my “discovery” 😀

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    @jsnover wrote:

    I’m not much fussed about this issue though, to be honest.

    I just thought it might drive potential buyers away in two or three years (actually I wasn’t aware of the fact that other agencies also show dates) and I try to find out what I can change to make my single image pages as clear and simple as possible … but I admit it is a minor problem … if it is a problem at all 😀

    @marthamarks wrote:

    Do others see it in this same spot? If so, does it seem to you like an odd location for that?.

    As I use my logo, not an image the location never disturbed me, but I understand what you mean … it would be located better directly under the description, I think

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    I would prefer to keep the double S (as I don’t think that the interwoven S in blue and green are really problematic) … it is just the combination with red, black and white which constitutes unpleasant associations for me.

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    What made me posting this is the new logo on in red and black on white background.
    We already (somewhere in the general section of this forum) talked about the fact that the abbreviation SS might be associated with nazi symbols. I don’t really see that problem for the original logo in green and blue, but red, black and white
    are exactly the colors of nazi flags … this is why I think that this is a problematic combination of abbreviation and colors
    (beside the fact that I think it would be better not to have to many variations for brand recognition).

    Just my thoughts and definitely not intended as an affront to any of the sites mentioned above as I really appreciate all of them!

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    This is exactly my approach … I just wonder why it’s there and whether removing it would have a negative influence on SEO?

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    Absolutely no thoughts 😉 ?

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    Great. Thanks for sharing this. I was thinking about getting rid of these icons because I like to have a clear design without to much elements.

    I just put a 1 behind the tag name in font-awesome.css:

    Featured Images: line 398 icon-star-empty changed to icon-star-empty1

    Keywords: line 506 icon-tags changed to icon-tags1

    Latest Images: line 696 icon-eye-open changed to icon-eye-open1

    Image Categories: line 1006 icon-sitemap changed to icon-sitemap1

    Similar Images: line 1257 icon-bullseye changed to icon-bullseye1

    I like it a lot but I ask myself whether it will slow down my sites because some php-file will try to find something which is not there (or was renamed)?

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    Thanks for this guidance Jo Ann, that will simplify a lot!
    And thanks again Christine, I like how it looks like now: … er-white-2

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    Thanks Christine!
    May I ask how you managed to find it? I use firebug when searching for css-files but you can’t find php-files with firebug, can you?

    Profile photo of jsfoto

    When I remember it correctly it helps to toggle the theme (just activate a standard wordpress theme, then reactivate symbiostock) … hope that will do it for you.

    Profile photo of jsfoto
    Profile photo of jsfoto

    Thanks a lot Tim for these links … I just read, but I’m to tired at the moment to do the suggested steps … I’ll do it tomorrow. Thanks again and good night to everybody on the dark side of our planet 🙂

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