Forum Replies Created
November 16, 2013 at 8:11 am #7645
Thanks Leo, are you around for some minutes? … just in case something strange will happen when I update
November 14, 2013 at 9:36 pm #7587I had a chat with bluehost support yesterday about this problem which is also painful for me. What they gave me was this:
To be honest: I don’t know which conclusions I should draw from this. Anyone who can see what the problem is?
November 14, 2013 at 9:27 pm #7565Thanks for the update Leo … sounds very good to me.
November 14, 2013 at 9:20 pm #6375I really appreciate how my ranking is developing. When I had a first look on it (I guess it was in June) I was somewhere around 27,000,000 and quite shocked as almost all other symbiostock sites had a better ranking.
This is what Alexa says now:
Global Rank 867,157
Rank in United States 262,588and what makes me wonder (and happy):
Rank in Spain 84,146November 13, 2013 at 8:05 am #7373Terve Jari
I tried to implement it myself, but I had to notice that I’m not a coder. Working with css and html: no problem, making small changes in php: fine, but doing real development in php in a complex task like the registration process is far beyond my competence.
I’m not sure whether Leo is aware of the fact how crucial this is for artists coming from Europe, I’m not even sure whether all network members from Europe themselves know that it is crucial for themBut I also would like to know whether Leo will implement it in a future version … a short word from you, Leo?
November 12, 2013 at 9:15 pm #7390A very nice image, Martha. And I am also totally impressed by the detailed descriptions you are adding to your photos … almost short stories, which for sure will be very interesting for buyers.
November 11, 2013 at 8:47 pm #7308@Semmick Photo wrote:
SEAN !!! Man, I am so excited to see you here. Thats a big push for Symbiostock. Damn this is cool. Hope you get it all sorted asap.
Welcome to the club
Great to see you joining Symbiostock!
November 11, 2013 at 7:15 pm #6890Thanks a lot for featuring my site today, Michele
November 11, 2013 at 7:14 pm #7294Yes, you can ad a link in flash … you can open a window called “action” where you can ad the website to which you want to link.
November 10, 2013 at 7:18 pm #7050Thanks a lot for your work Jo Ann! I hope I will have time tomorrow to try it again.
November 9, 2013 at 12:29 pm #5680Included: I added some arrows and really like the look (and the function) 9, 2013 at 12:26 pm #7048I just tried … it looked perfect on my normal single image pages, but messed up everything on my photo-collection pages … for example the word “keywords” appeared above the image, while the keywords were still on the right location.
I couldn’t find the problem, perhaps anyone else can see what’s wrong?
* @package symbiostock
* @since symbiostock 1.0
$strictly_minimal = get_theme_mod( 'strictly_minimal' );
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//get our post meta
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//testing, uncommment
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do_action( 'ss_after_img_page_description', $symbiostock_post_meta );
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// model release
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$property_released[ 0 ] = 'N/A';
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Model Released:
Property Released:
Image updated—
'' . __( 'Pages:', 'symbiostock' ), 'after' => '' ) ); ?>
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<!-- jas begin Move this under description Image updated— jas end -->
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do_action( 'ss_before_img_page_keywords', $symbiostock_post_meta );
ID, 'image-tags', '', ', ', '' ); ?>
$symbiostock_categories = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'image-type', '', ' | ', '' );
if($symbiostock_categories){ ?>
Image Categories
$symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_before_img_page_categories';
do_action( 'ss_before_img_page_categories', $symbiostock_post_meta );
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//get bottom sidebar
dynamic_sidebar( 'image-page-bottom' );
<?php endif;
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do_action( 'ss_before_img_page_product_table', $symbiostock_post_meta );
//set up the buying options from cart class
$cart_options = new symbiostock_cart($symbiostock_post_meta);
Image #
$symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_after_img_page_product_table';
do_action( 'ss_after_img_page_product_table', $symbiostock_post_meta );
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//get sidebar
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do_action( 'ss_before_img_page_sidebar', $symbiostock_post_meta );
if(!function_exists('ss_is_collection') || !ss_is_collection( $symbiostock_post_meta )):
if(is_active_sidebar( 'image-page-side' )):
dynamic_sidebar( 'image-page-side' );
$symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_after_img_page_sidebar';
do_action( 'ss_after_img_page_sidebar', $symbiostock_post_meta);
endif; //strictly minimal
<!-- #post- -->
if($strictly_minimal == 1):
$symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_before_img_page_bottom_widget';
do_action( 'ss_before_img_page_bottom_widget', $symbiostock_post_meta );
if(!function_exists('ss_is_collection') || !ss_is_collection( $symbiostock_post_meta )):
if(is_active_sidebar( 'image-page-bottom-fullwidth' )):
dynamic_sidebar( 'image-page-bottom-fullwidth' );
endif; //strictly minimal
$symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_after_image_page';
do_action( 'ss_after_image_page', $symbiostock_post_meta ); ?>November 9, 2013 at 12:04 am #7041filezilla and notepad++ is freeware … so I don’t think you are out of luck
November 8, 2013 at 11:47 pm #7039I would download content-image.php with filezilla, edit it with notepad++ and upload it again. Works perfectly for me … I will try to follow Jo Ann’s hints tomorrow as I like the way the date is displayed … right place and very subtle.
November 8, 2013 at 11:34 pm #7117Sometimes it’s good to have a break and a beer
I just realiced that I have missed some posts during the day.
@jsnover wrote:… Unless we enforce that everyone’s logos have to be blue/green, those colors are very strong and will clash with many other site logos. …
You are perfectly right, Jo Ann … that’s the reason why I don’t use the logo on my site (but mention symbiostock very often in text and links). I think noone should try to “enforce” anything on our network (we ARE a network, and I love that and being part of it, but I also love Leo’s approach of personal freedom on our sites) … perhaps it’s a good idea of Cihan to have a poll and end up with a set of color schemes … that might be a good compromise between freedom and brand recognition.
@cascoly wrote:
… I agree – that was my first reaction to it also, but I figured it was just on my mind as I’ve been reading about camus’ work in the resistance …
I loved to see Camus mentioned, Steve … I like his work a lot as I like (even better) Jean-Paul Sartre … perhaps we could have a “literature corner” on this forum