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    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    For now I probably would go with Gmail even though I don’t like their new idiotic updates and changes. I took out an email at and it looks a lot like the previous version of Gmail.

    Also I would definitely advise using a separate email for the site. Keep business and personal email apart.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Oh HOTMAIL! LOL! Sorry but that expains it hehehe. Hotmail only delivers spam quickly. I registered a brand new email address once JUST For MSN and after creating it there was literally spam in it already.

    Well, now that I have my own site… I’m going to start thinking about adding more stuff to it 😀 I really wouldn’t have expected a photo like that to sell. To me it was just art.

    This is the only one I’ve got online on my Facebook page.

    I really love these. I need to go shoot some more panoramas sometime.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    It’s possible. I know very little about WordPress. I’ve only had one spam message but I set things to moderate so they won’t get published till I say so. Can’t see why people would post on photos on a stock site but I thought hey… I don’t know everything hehe


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    In South Africa, government officials only work if the feel like it in the ANC run areas. After all, it is hard work being a criminal and stealing from the poor is exhausting with all the shopping right after. Doing their job is not a required part of their job description.

    Thank heavens I moved to an area NOT controlled by those twits LOL!


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Looks good! I really like your vector style. I think you should do very well once you get indexed on search engines.

    The only thing I would suggest is include a link to your categories page. I like the minimal look of the site but I had to hit “*” and search to get your category list.

    Some clients may not know what to do next!


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Sent you a test message too. See if you get it. From Jo (Stocky Image)

    I love this photo 🙂

    I love these. I’ve made a few but never thought to sell them. Is there a market?


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @marthamarks wrote:

    You think you’ve got idiots! We’re sitting here with a government shut down and playing around with the notion of default. What a crew of nincompoops. (That’s the nicest word I can think of at the moment.)

    I know! It’s an epidemic of corrupt fools! I still say spank politicians in the public square till they behave! I just saw on TV that the Liberty Lady was open for business again hehe 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @marthamarks wrote:

    OK, it’s your choice. But I can tell you… Ron graciously did a test for me last week (as did my equally gracious husband). Found my purchasing setup wasn’t delivering the image. Better to find out from a friend (or a husband) than from a customer.

    However, I learned how to refund the purchase price, which was well worth knowing. Super-easy, actually. And the cost was a pittance. Something like 10 cents US. I considered that money well spent.

    Thanks 🙂 I might take you up on your offer. I haven’t changed any of the code to the theme so I am assuming if it was a bug that it is fixed now? I’ve been busy getting it ready for sale that it wasn’t a priority.

    I had someone else sign up last night. Don’t know where these anonymous signups are coming from. I wish they would buy sumthin’! 🙂

    The exchange rate is 10 to 1! The idiots just let it fluctuate wildly like a bouncing check. Let’s say it cost me a quarter of my house monthly rental to get set up on SymbioStock. It’s great when people buy from me but not to pay hehe.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    Or upload to your own site and link – that is what I normally do. Keep one folder on my site specifically for linking to forums.

    Most of it looks okay now I must admit, but I thought this new one would work with 5.4, not have to revert to 5.2 ?

    Honestly, take if from someone who can do HTML and CSS (although I am so rusty and out of touch now) and the graphics to pull a web page together… going back is just a temporary stay of execution. Rather get over the problems now and use the newer version. Well, unless there is a well known bug with a newer version but those are usually fixed. Just the fact that it is not working with older code is a poor reason not to move forward.

    I’d say revert back to the old side and then when you have some time start customising your test site and then move your settings over. This way your proper site stays functional.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Thanks! I just emailed it. It’s such a waste of time to have to upload and get links and such. I’ve got tons of unedited images and vectors and… and… Oh bugger it’s dinner already LOL!


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    It’s very frustrating but I would strongly suggest a break (Chocolate highly recommended) and a clean child theme and rebuild. Somewhere the code is not in alignment. Unless you know what you are doing, the quickest is to rebuild bit at a time until you hit the problems.

    This is the reality of customising something that is not constant. It’s one thing to customise the CSS but some of the custom PHP can run into problems if they don’t understand the newer code.

    Good news is that the Hawaiian Elves are slowly making it easier to customise bits and bobs in the theme that won’t break the PHP 🙂

    A General note for everyone reading:
    Something that people who don’t know about how code and web design works is that it is very finicky. No two browsers — even just the same browser but different versions of it — will display the same and the simpler you keep your page, the better it will run and more compatible it will be.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Ok I just tested your site (not the test site, the real site) on IE9 and Chrome. IE9 really breaks down. I suspect it has to do with your customising. I would slowly rebuild adding in your snippits of code back. I took a screen shot but I don’t see away of attaching it here.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Well, I’ve only been online for about a week since starting. I figure if there are problems they will show up hehe. Plus other sites are not reporting problems with the purchasing.

    I don’t know much about Paypal but I do know that a there are transaction costs. I don’t feel like giving money to paypal just to test. Plus I have no idea how to do a refund hehe 😀


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    On my end I only have two menus. The top most on the left with search/contact me/register and then the main menu just below your header that has Home | All | Animals | People.

    They are all working fine and display without issue. The top left menu is a little buggy as the contact highlights the whole width of the page.

    What am I looking for here? LOL!

    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I’m not sure I understand properly but you can go to the customise area and select no menu in the areas you don’t want one.

    With the categories pull down menu I had to manually make mine as I couldn’t find any other way.


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