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    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I also think that signing up for every site is one of the downsides of the network. I don’t have an answer to an alternative.

    If you have a central registering area then someone has to manage and make sure it is always running or NO ONE can make sales. Who is going to run such a thing? Any volunteers?

    I don’t know if it is feasible but how about a system like…

    An existing account that some people already have. I don’t know how this would work as a login system but the buyer only needs to register once with a service like this and then just login to each site with the same details.

    Just an idea, I have no idea how good or bad it is or if it’s possible to implement. Maybe there is even something like this on WordPress? I’m knew to all this.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @minkymoomedia wrote:

    Thanks for the info Jo, the plan was to redirect the to the .com domain,

    Good news, after lots of faffing around it looks like its the watermark that was the issue…

    Great! I would have assumed it would default to the Symbio logo. I wouldn’t have thought of it 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    No one said the Internet doesn’t make money. The truth is answered in a very easy question; how many billionaires or even millionaires do you know who made money from the internet? Especially recently to be more precise.

    The Internet was packaged as the new wonder product. It sold so well that a few people made a lot of money. That boom is over. Now it’s come down to that you have a sweet sales pitch, or a good product, or you are stuck in the corner licking your wounded ego.

    Stock imaging is an excellent example. The prices you paid for Stock 15 years ago is gone. Boom is over. Now it’s time for a reality check. The boom that happened between 5 and 10 years ago is finished. It was a start-up that made a lot of money on sometimes empty promises, growing numbers, and demand. That has levelled off to an even keel.

    Internet aside, the general financial boom is over and will remain that way for a while to come until something greater than the Internet comes along to woo us over. For too long clever people has been selling either very little or nothing at all for something. Now we as a world economy are paying for it.

    Successful businessmen don’t live with their heads in the clouds but with their ear to the ground.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @shelma1 wrote:

    To Jo: I guess I’m kinda old. I do consume a lot of free content, but I also subscribe to content I feel is worth it: The New York Times, Smithsonian, The New Yorker, for learning software (that’s where I learned to use Illustrator). Though I can find tips about Illustrator on youtube, vectortuts, etc., actually has thorough, full courses that follow a predictable flow. And Huffpost is fun, but not as well done as the Times.

    My problem with free content is that it’s ultimately unsustainable if it needs to be high (or even medium) quality. Eventually nobody will want to work for free (I hope). I think people should be paid for their work (I’m not fond of unpaid internships, either). That’s why I don’t blog or tweet…I’m a writer, and I expect to be paid to write.

    Honestly, there is a lot of VERY good free content for both Illustrator/Vector and Photoshop/Graphics. is one. Aaron made his success by giving his knowledge away for free. Now he has paid tutorials to support his business. I would support someone like that.
    For a new person working with digital graphics it would be a good idea to pay to see the premium content. In my financial state (shaky at best currently) and with 15 years of working with graphics, I am only picking up the odd tips here and there now. The ratio of money paid plus x10 for my stupid financial exchange rate, it’s just not value for money for me.

    I don’t read newspapers so for me it is worthless. To another, there is a demand for those newspapers. So that is why I said, if there is demand then there is a sale. Some people don’t believe in paying at all but that market is not a loss as it would never manifest as a profit.

    Free content is there to draw in potential customers. I’m a giving person by nature so I have an immediate reaction to people who take and demand. Those that give, I support. I’ve donated to software developers that don’t charge for their programs and have been free for a very long time. I’ve also refused to pay for some software but will search for a free alternative.

    The boom of the Internet has peaked. I’ve watched it for 15 years. Now it has settled down to a more business orientated medium.

    I don’t know what kinda old is 😀 I’m 44 and three quarters… hehe.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I haven’t had a live sale yet but in sandbox mode everything worked properly for me.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @cidepix wrote:

    I use info.. but opted to use outlook as an email service provider..

    also, while I agree with everything you guys said, I still think symbiostock needs to allow registration without email confirmation..

    No I meant hehe 😀 These are common email addresses that spammers use right away.

    As for the email system I have no opinion as I am new to all of this 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I’m also new at this but I tested it and got an email with the purchase and a link to…

    There I can see the file and size I had bought and can download it.

    The only thing I can think of is that you are still logged in to your site as an administrator. Use a different browser or log out and log in with your new customer log in and then try again.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I would agree with Ron. A good host will also provide a good email service.

    “Info” is a spam delight though 🙂 It’s one of those first options that spammers use along with support/john/email/contact etc.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Ok, if you go to the image is actually showing as a thumbnail so at some point it was processed. More than that unfortunately I don’t know.

    Just a point that you may already understand but just in case it bears mentioning. You can run ONE site and point both the and to the same site. If the content is the same then it is advisable to maintain on site with two links point to it.

    IF you are already running one site with two domains then this is probably your problem. You may have somehow either running two versions mixed up or the old code in the child theme with the newer version and they are clashing.

    If, of course, you want two distinct and different sites then that’s ok but you need to place them in separate folders if you use one hosting package 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    It’s an interesting idea. I always feel that most people will take the free option if available. In order to be able to sell you need to have a product that they want but can’t get for free. I’m talking legally 🙂

    The Internet is this huge, largely free, library of info. I always doubt people will pay unless they have to. I also write but honestly, there is SO MUCH free content to read that I really don’t feel the need to subscribe to anything that costs money.

    I also watch lots of videos on Photography & Manipulation. Again, there is a wonderfully huge library of help on YouTube and the rest of the Internet. I actually did sign up on one of my favourite sites ( a few days ago because I love his free content and his special price was unbeatable LOL!

    I think that Stock Photography has reached that saturation point too. To earn one must come up with something that is novel, different, desirable (to the client), or not readily available.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    The unfortunate side is also that customers are using really bad email accounts too. I set up an email through BlueHost. It forwards to my Gmail account. I get the notifications instantly. Sometimes I am still modifying things and I’ve already gotten the forwarded email to my Gmail.

    I haven’t had many signups but they few have been from friends or people on here and it’s very quick too.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @cidepix wrote:

    Right now, the biggest issue is with sign-up confirmation emails.. Very often, they are not being sent out..

    I now have no doubt I am missing sales because of this.. There isn’t even a way to manually send those emails.. I just had a customer staring on “thank you for registering” page for half an hour before giving up about that email.. I know it from google analytics.. I created an account at the same time and the email was not received by me either..

    It is a very big issue for me because my other store makes more sales with less registrations.. (as I turned confirmation emails off) unfortunately on symbiostock I can’t…

    still waiting for that email with no hopes btw.. what’s awful about it? It worked yesterday, and will probably work again tomorrow.. I have no idea why it goes off and on without reason..

    May I ask who is handling the email you are using for your reply emails? The issue may be with them. The theme itself isn’t not responsible for the actual email that gets sent. It is really important to use a reliable email provider for this.

    So in short, the theme prepares the general email and then sends the email via your provider. If it fails or takes too long it is an issue server side on your email side not with the actual theme.

    Yahoo and Hotmail are really bad and unreliable for business.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    That is great news Ron!


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Are you sure you are uploading into the “/public_html/wp-content/plupload/uploads” folder? This is where SymbioStock is expecting to find the images via ftp.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Test it for yourself from other places…


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