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    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Upgrading and reinstalling is never fun. You have my sympathies and I need to do the same shortly hehe.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    A word of caution; avoid editing things that look like this, “display: inline-block;” unless you know what you are doing. It’s how the items gets laid out on the page and not what BLOCKS looks like when you see them in your browser.

    A lot of problems cropping up are because of people changing the actual layout and then other elements of the page are misbehaving because they no longer have the intended relation to the rest of the page.

    So if you are unsure, either research it on line or ask.


    Edit: Also, as I’ve mentioned before, the syntax is precise. Centre is incorrect as the code is looking for “center”. Similarly for UK English (I still sometimes forget myself) it is “color” and not “colour”

    Sometimes just using capitals instead of lowercase can cause problems in places.

    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @leo wrote:

    Let me know which “offenders” there are so I can look at them. This might be silly, but do a browser refresh every time you switch as well (although I can’t see why you wouldn’t be doing that)

    I tried the theme and had to revert back. While I was testing I had someone report back to me what my site looked like and that it wasn’t displaying properly. They had a long list of menus and things down the left had side of the screen and nothing else. They sent me screenshots and it was IE9 or 10 perhaps. Looks like IE9 but since I don’t have 10, it may look similar.

    I found that I couldn’t get rid or change the top menu and too many changes had to be made so I just went back to the old theme which works for me. The top menu seems to default to the theme default menu and won’t change.

    Hope this helps.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I think it’s ok, a little girlie but not bling’d up to hell and back which is what people loath. I’ll give you a little tip in when designing sites (or anything really) and you want to keep a theme and not give up your colours. To use pinks and purples (or any colour) is that you can make things like text a very dark purple, closer to black (or on an inverted page closer to white). It’s not immediately noticeable but it retains the overall colour coordination.

    A big thing to avoid is light fonts on white and dark on black. Medium colours are also a problem. People shouldn’t need to struggle or go closer to the screen to read.

    A major point to make is that you must assign a background colour to your top menu even if just white or slight grey. It is distracting and illegible when you scroll and get text over text.

    Otherwise I definitely like it. It’s got a more slick look now 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @marthamarks wrote:

    @jorodrigues wrote:

    At least with my site I can work for myself. So I am trying and I am expecting some moderate to great results 😀

    Independence is worth a lot. Good that you’re establishing your independent site while you’re young. Then you’ll work as hard as you can at your craft, build your reputation, grow your customer base, and make a good living from it all. I’m willing to bet you achieve that goal.

    Thanks! I am hoping so too. Once Stocky Image is finalised I want to go back to editing and publish. I’ve worked for myself on and off in my life and while a desk job brings the illusion of stability, I hate being chained to a desk at work for someone else. Here at my desk I have everything including birds in the bird bath a few metres away 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @cascoly wrote:

    the download link is sent to the email you use to pay on paypal — the email you use to (painfully) register is an extra, unnecessary step

    I sell maps from my website using paypal with no registration needed

    How is it done? How does the person get the link? From Paypal? How does the whole thing generate? If there is a hiccup somewhere along the line do you track it back through the payment/email used?

    Thanks for your info.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @marthamarks wrote:

    But if it’s true that wisdom comes with age, then I believe one thing is true: you’re a whole lot more likely to succeed in any field you choose if you love what you do and work hard at being the best you can be, than if you’re just cranking out “what sells” for a fickle market.

    I so agree! I do need to earn a living. This is a scary new part of my life where I am taking huge risks and spending 16 hours a day doing stuff I love! So much so I haven’t even had time to take photographs or finish the last Vector I started.

    The best part of SymbioStock is that is has made it possible for me to “Try”. Honestly, agencies make petty cash for most of us. At least with my site I can work for myself. So I am trying and I am expecting some moderate to great results 😀


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @tdahl-stock wrote:

    @jorodrigues wrote:

    @christine wrote:

    If you are using wordfence you can look and see

    I saw some reports of it not working properly with the new theme and decided to avoid complications on the start up. Should I install it now?


    I am running Wordfence on version 2.8.2 and have not seen any issues. I have tested registering, purchasing, uploading, and processing and have not seen any conflicts with Wordfence yet.


    Thanks very much! I will look into it. I started my site on the premise that less is more and if I don’t know what it does… I don’t need it hehe. Slowly adding in stuff that I need 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    That was me – I can break anything ! It works with my live site but locks me out on my test site so I am trying something else there but it is not so informative

    LOL! So YOU are the one breaking all the toys?! 😀 Well I guess someone has to do the honours hehe 😉


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    If you are using wordfence you can look and see

    I saw some reports of it not working properly with the new theme and decided to avoid complications on the start up. Should I install it now?


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I just added Anti-Captcha to my site today. I’ve received signups but only one attempt at spam post so far. Curious if the signups are bots or people just checking out prices and extended licence prices and such.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues
    Participant wrote:

    I don’t think there is such a thing as over saturation, I firmly believe people defeat themselves on many different levels. The hardest thing in life is to change a habit and keep going on a new direction. Imagine Mick Jagger saying he is never going to sing “Brown Sugar” ever again because everyone’s heard it before over 40 years, instead on every tour they sing it, it sells to a new generation again and again.

    Stock photography’s biggest hurdle is to keep producing and not defeat yourself with the idea of pennies per download or it’s been seen before.

    A global payment for Symbiostock sites is probably the key to our success.

    You may not believe in over saturation but one thing is for sure, on my site there are lots of pictures portraying products that MANY other people have also done. Supply has run ahead of demand and that is when the market is saturated. You don’t have to like it or agree. I don’t particularly like it myself either. So my goal is to enjoy what I do, produce a great product and let it speak for itself. If it is better than the next person, I’ll make the sale.

    As for Mick Jagger, he started out in an age that was in a sort of musical rock ‘n roll boom of its own. Do you really think there is room for a thousand more haggard 60 year old old men with large lips, yielding a guitar, who don’t have a particularly good voice in current times? How do musicians manage to get noticed and stay these days? Not by (new) name alone. Madonna is 50 odd and keeps reinventing herself to try to stay above a market well saturated with bubble gum pop. When she started out, how many angry little girls with giant crosses were making records? How many are there now?

    To do away with the registration means there has to be an alternative available. If we have one global payment system we are RIGHT BACK to being an agency. Someone has to do the backend. Someone has to makes sure it all runs smoothly and handles queries. That someone either needs to get paid to attend to problems or is a saint who works for free and the love of SymbioStock! Who want to be that person?


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    Not on mine it won’t because there is no real email address associated with the account. The download link on mine goes to the address they registered with, not the paypal address – how do you change it?

    I did see it and I even used it myself. My question that remains is this, do you actually NEED to have a registration? If so is it for tracking purchases? I don’t know that is why I am posing the question.

    Currently the model is that you must have some way of getting your purchase. It HAS to be linked to an account so that the link isn’t just shared or “Discovered” as a default on “how to get to the real image” from the site.

    Everyone saying we must do away with the signup must give ideas on how people get their download links generated. You get your email and there is your link to your file. If you don’t get your email or don’t register, you DON’T have a place to go get your downloads.

    If you get your links generated “While-You-Wait” after you paid, and the internet hiccups… What then? How does the buyer get his or her file? What if there is an electrical power cut and before they can download it it’s gone! This is why there is a registration.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @marthamarks wrote:

    @jorodrigues wrote:

    I also think that signing up for every site is one of the downsides of the network. I don’t have an answer to an alternative.

    Well, under the current system you only have to sign up to a site if you want to purchase a license there. I can’t imagine any buyer signing up up to each and every site, because the content is so different. Nobody would need something from every site in our network.

    Yes I meant sign up for different sites in order to purchase. I wasn’t very clear but read on to see why you have to register. I would find it annoying if I had to get 10 different images and per chance the ones I wanted were on 10 different sites.

    As I see it this is the only benefit of going to an agency. One shopping cart, many files, many authors… one localised payment. So from this point of view, I understand those that want to do away with the registration.

    I’m getting a signup a day on my site. Possibly it is just spam. No one has bought anything yet. When you click on the options in the image side panel it wants you to log in/register. You don’t have to but if you want to see what an extended licence will cost YOU HAVE TO register and log in.

    That would really annoy me to leave and not come back. If I’m window shopping I don’t want to register, or email, or have to ask prices. They should be there in plain sight. This is the drawback of the current system.

    A non-registered user of the site should be able to load up his or her shopping cart and only at time of purchase be required to log in (if at all as the argument goes). It is like virtual shopping and then checking what costs what, and see it all added up, together with extended licenses, discounts etc.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @rolfo wrote:

    Awesome Leo, thanks! When do you sleep?

    He doesn’t sleep! He is a robot. In fact he doesn’t eat either LOL!

    Thanks Leo! This is a great new feature and it’s going to keep people happy! 😀


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