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    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    That’s why I said different base price for different types. Royalty Free is not upgradable to Rights Managed. Right’s Managed, however, can be different types as you said you have 4 already. If you have four separate RMs then you must apply the appropriate licence to image as the default price or make it an upgrade option, depending on what you need. I’ll use my site as a current example.

    At the moment I have a standard licence which is similar but not as free as Royalty Free. This is set to a price let’s say $15. So when I upload the file I set the price at $15 but the actual standard licence actually has $0 in the prices. Next the buyer can choose the extended licence which tacks on another (using random number here) $100. So by default it is using the standard price of $15. That is the lowest price available even if I tick no licence options. If I tick Extended the price jumps from $15 to $115. If I tick the standard licence again the system calculates $15 (base price) + $0 (standard price).

    Now similarly you can do the same for RM. Set base price of let’s say $50 on your upload details (or change it after the fact) + whatever other optional RMs you may have.

    So let’s say that you want NONE of the RMs to be upgraded or downgraded. You STILL set up your base price (i.e. the price you want it to cost) but you add your $o price into the licences as an upgrade just so that it shows up and people know what kind of license that particular file is sold under.

    This is the limitation of the current system. Either you have upgrades to the pricing systems or you have just one licence that you list but it is still like an upgrade although it has $0 upgrade values.

    Oh and for anyone else reading you MUST enter the values of more than Zero as Something Point Something. If you just add in 5 in the slot it will take the value as being $0.05 so enter $0.50 for half a dollar.

    Let me explain the Child theme like this… When first set up your new site, the Child Theme is empty. There is nothing in it really as it is like a blank overlay. Think of the Child Theme as the top most layer. It takes precedent over everything beneath it. With that in mind, any changes you make in your Child Theme will overrule the relevant section in the SymbioStock theme.

    This child theme will ALWAYS overrule and version of SymbioStock. In time there may be changes to SymbioStock that may require that you make changes in the Child Theme so that it is NOT passing on the wrong info and overwriting the correct code of the new version. This, however, is an exception to the rule and not every time you upgrade.

    Let me expand it further. If you set the site’s background colour (in your Child Theme) to BLACK and Leo’s theme is set to white. Your site WILL ALWAYS have a Black background end of discussion. The problem then is you also need to specify a light text or Leo’s Black font will be layered on a Black background.

    This is a very simplistic explanation to how the Child Theme works but I do hope that people begin to understand the principle. I also speak under correction and appreciate people pointing out any mistakes.
    Before anyone corrects me… Yes, I know that the Child Theme will NOT overwrite EVERYTHING in the main theme. That is there to protect people from themselves 😀


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I am very rusty so DO NOT QUOTE ME but have a read up on style sheets and then use either a

    or and then apply styles to it. Centre your content, borders, padding, etc. Remember to create a unique style element for it so that it doesn’t make other

    s or s go nuts. You can style a , so that your “Table” is in the middle of the page (or whichever parent container it resides in), you can then also style it so that the content (inside) is aligned left, right, or “center”.

    So style your “Container” (replaces

    and I think a span is probably better? Can’t recall) and then you can also style your images too if you like. You may want borders on them, you can apply padding to them so they space out evenly, etc. This way the container will stretch with the page. Well, that is if you do not specify widths of course. If you do want to specify widths rather use percentages that grow with your page size.

    I suggest you go look up the exact coding as I won’t give you any that may very well be incorrect. It’s been a few years since I designed a web page. 😀


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @leo wrote:

    … and the “pretty” (interactive categories) categories is an optional template you can use.

    Is it an option from within the theme in a menu somewhere or a cut a paste code snippit?


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Ron, you need to set your base price on every file. Your other licences are like upgrades. So if an image at your standard licence is $20 your extended licence will be $20+$100 = $120. These are just random numbers to explain. By standard price I mean for example your base price as Royalty Free, or Rights Managed, etc. Not just one price fits all.

    You subtract your base price from your additional upgrade licence price and that is the amount you put into your extra upgrade licences. That way the cheapest purchase by default is always your base price and not $0. The person has to manually upgrade to Extended etc.

    As for not using the child theme you are setting yourself up for nonstop editing with every new version released. The child theme contains your customisations so that when you upgrade the parent theme, and you reapply the child theme, they automatically apply to the new theme.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @artesiawells wrote:

    Thanks Jo.
    It’s gonna take time:-)

    There’s no rush really. Tomorrow morning is good enough for me 😀


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    The reason people are staying away from using

    is that it often doesn’t play nicely with all devices, especially newer mobile type systems. That may be the reason it’s not displaying properly. Specifying containers with Style sheets can help the images to spill over to the next line instead of overlapping.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I’ve taken a slightly different approach. I’ve implemented a few licences that can be bought as standard and then specified what it can and can’t be used for. Special RMs need to be negotiated in person and I can then work out an agreement for the file.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Hi and Welcome!

    Look forward to your site 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    No in my experience they only show up under “Media”. If you want to see those images only then Click “Unattached” which filters the view. You can use them in linked images for example to use as an image in a page or blog.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    This is really a fantastic group of people. Even though we are all competing against each other for customers you would never know it.

    Someone has taken the time to write to me privately and inform me, quite rightly, that I had been rambling on a certain part of my site and sent me a suggested variation which I have taken full advantage of. I had forgotten about editing it since it fell off the bottom of my to-do list so that is another job done, thank you.

    Honestly I never actually thought about it as competing for customers. I think of people on SymbioStock as a bunch of adventurous people trying a new route and learning from each other.

    … and no! You can’t have any of my customers! I ain’t got any yet LOL!


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    I will get on with the content, not in the mood today

    Yes, I need to do some writing and stuff on the site and just don’t feel like it. Editing some photos. It’s like laundry, the pile of Raw photos only ever increases 😀


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    I deleted Cache, probably the wrong one 🙂

    You are adventurous I’ll give you that! 😀


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    Jo, when you were in menus did you tick any of the boxes to say where they appear . The ones that show below the menu items and above Save? I created a new Above Header menu item and used that.

    I found that helped – then going back to appearance, customise (it is s and not z :D) Navigation, and making sure they are still correct in Navigation.

    I did this in my live and testing sites and Mark’s site yesterday – his only took me a couple of minutes, my first one took much longer to work out how to get rid of that long list of pages.

    Honestly, I just didn’t have time to sit for too long. The unfortunate side of fiddling is that my site is live LOL! I must set up a temporary directory to play with custom stuff in so the public doesn’t see the screwy bits 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @cidepix wrote:

    Christine, it’s definitely too busy for my tastes.. As a designer, I don’t get the idea of incorporating photos into a logo.. I agree with JoRodrigues that it’s a little girlie.. 🙂 Very home-made looking..

    but it’s your tastes and your site and what matters the most is what you think..

    I don’t mind it being a bit girly. Girly doesn’t equate to home-made in my opinion. This site is girly and I like it…

    Variety makes the internet interesting. First and foremost a site must be easy to use. It should be easy to read. Easy to read is almost more important than looking good. I’d rather look at a simple site that is easy to read than a masterpiece that is hard to read. Most people (esp. buyers) are in the easy to read over funky design majority.

    I’m just saying that as long as your site works as it should and isn’t glaringly bad, you should spend more time on the content than the “look” of the site. As someone who researches regularly for many things, I want to find what I am looking for quickly without jumping through hoops. I don’t care what your site (and taste is) and as long as the design doesn’t compromise my information gathering, I largely don’t even notice it.

    If you page design is being noticed then it better be because it is outstanding. One lesson I have learnt after 25 years in design fields of different types is that if your design is REALLY good… almost no one will notice. If it stands out then most often it is because it is way out there.

    You want your buyers to notice your wares, not your warehouse!


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I second the lightbox/collection display item mentioned. I’d prefer to rely less on categories and have groups of pictures/vectors. Some things you only have a small group of photos and then no more. You want people to see one and then see all the others but they don’t really deserve a category of it’s own. It just begins to clutter the categories list.


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