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    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    On my site I’ve chosen only the major/important categories and then at the very top of my pull down menu created a link to the page with ALL the categories on it. Have a look and see if it might work for you. ( )


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @klsbear wrote:

    Where are you finding the link to 2.8.3? I’m having a problem with 2.8.2 on my test site and I’d like to try this version.

    Under your Dashboard either it will show up as an update notification on the top dark grey bar or you can go to Appearance > Themes and you will see the theme with an upgrade option notification under the theme. If it is not showing up refresh your browser.

    You can press “Control” and then hold it down and press “F5” on your Keyboard to force your browser to check the Internet and load new data for the page. This works on a few modern internet browsers.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    To expand on my previous post, I would prefer a prompt to remind the buyer to select a “valid” licence option which is like a double check that they have indeed selected the right licence they need for their purpose.

    I actually think this is a very important bug that needs urgent addressing. While this is not exactly a legal loophole it is a problem.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @christine wrote:

    It depends how Jo has set it up, on my cart it says RM Basic

    How did you set it up that your licence shows up? Also if you select another option NOT the default, does it show that option too? Interesting to know that.


    Edit: Ah yes! If you DON’T tick one of the available licences then you get the default “License: Default *” showing. If you select one of them then you get it listed. So…

    This means the code needs to enforce a default ticked option as per the file image page.

    Edit2: It could be done with a simple check as “Please select your license type” prompt message or a page default that auto ticks the lowest/base option.

    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    In fact, Leo, a quick fix would be to remove the “License: Default *” completely for now. Then basically by having come from the previous page and it stated RF or RM etc. you have signed up for that licence type.

    As a future fix though we really need to have template licences that we can apply to files and because they are linked they could show up in the shopping cart.

    This, however, opens up yet another can of worms because the PHP also needs to pass the “Licence” upgrade type on to the following page where it shows your cart.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Oh I see what you mean. On the shopping cart is states “License: Default *”. That does need addressing on Leo’s end then.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    In simple terms, your base licence be it for either RF or RM (let’s stick with those two only for clarity and simplicity sake) will always have $0.00 in the prices. Why? This is because your image/vector already contains a monetary value built in. So I offer the option (with $0.00) for two reasons:

    One, if no other licence option exists… then that is the licence that file is available under AND it is listed/visible thus creating no confusion. Even if you DON’T click it, the default price is still applied anyway.

    Two, if there is an upgrade, there is no way to toggle the image back to “Standard” once you select “Extended”. It sort of gets stuck.

    I use the same system for RMs although currently I am only offering RM as a standard licence. If let’s say I wanted to allow it for book covers. I then make an upgrade to the standard RM licence then that licence would have the +$ value which would tack it on to the file’s standard price. If I change my mind (as a buyer) about an Extended RM, no problem, I click the RM and the upgrade prices are all set to $0.00 so the price goes back to the base price.

    Does this make sense? Perhaps I am missing something here?


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    No, thats not how it works. I just showed you. You can download the image at ANY times under a default licence (or no licence, but for me default is standard)

    Well that image page shows the RM prices and the ONLY option is for RM which actually has $0.00 values in it. The base price has been set on the actual image and then the RM visible “upgrade” is a ZERO dollar upgrade. On my Standard files they all have “Standard” and “Extended” as options but the lowest price by default is the Base Theme Template prices.

    For RM files I have to manually type in my RM prices thus replacing the Template default.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I understand Ron but there is no protection in what people do with your files. They can download your RM strict files and use them as RF. Only a court case can force them to stop if you understand what I am saying.

    The way I have it, the prices for RM (I just stuck in quick and stupid high prices) are payable whether you like it or not. It also lists the Licence as RM so the buyer is not confused by thinking it is a RF or in my case ST for standard licence.

    So you can’t use your default prices on Royalty Free as a base for your RMs. This is what we need an improvement in the system. We need to create templates so that on upload/processing we can pull down an option, select a licence/pricing structure and it auto fills in your defaults FOR that type of licence.

    Currently the manual way is the only way I know how to set this up but you can set it up in bulk on existing files.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Another thought I have just had… If you want a licence to appear below the prices you must attach a licence to the image. Otherwise it says nothing and uses your “Default” prices as a base. So I applied the STANDARD and the EXTENDED licence to my files even thought the STANDARD Licence actually has 0.00 values as prices. It’s just a way to switch files from the “Extended licence” which is like an “upgrade” back to the Standard Prices. So my Standard licence actually has no momentary value in it.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @pxhidalgo wrote:

    Thanks for the help Everyone, after a week of asking here and microstockgroup I took the plunge and just Launched my site, uploaded around 5000 images and hoping for the best!

    Its mainly stock pictures of Ecuador and models

    thanks again for the help of the community you guys made it a lot easier!

    Fantastic! I love Ecuador! It’s one of the countries on my List to Visit! I’m sure you will do very well. I’m going to look at Ecuador images when I’ve got a little time to sit and enjoy 🙂


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Ok, I’ve uploaded an image and made it private so you should be able to see it but it probably won’t show up on a buyers screen… I think 🙂


    Edit: I made it password protected but I don’t quite understand. Private made it not viewable and under password protected it still show LOL! Password is just “private”.

    Ron, once you’ve seen it please let me know so I can hide it. Looks silly to have a file like that on my site. Eventually I’ll get to sorting out the RM files…

    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    You can just duplicate the code but you MUST assign it a different “Class” or if the existing code changes… it will ALSO change your container 🙂

    So the best is to assign something out of the ordinary it’s own name. Like “FrontPageContainer” or “ImageDisplayContainer”. Something logical that you will know what it is just by looking at its name.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Sorry Ron I haven’t uploaded any of my RM files yet but I won’t have any foreseeable upgrades to it. I would rather handle special licences in person. So my files would just have one RM licence and the rest is a “Talk to me and tell me what you need it for” type of thing.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    It has also just dawned on me that the semantics of the words maybe confusing people. A “Child” Theme actually modifies how the “Parent” Theme works which is opposite to Human Child/Parent relationships.

    A HUMAN parent tells a Child what to do. With a Child Theme here on SymbioStock it overrules the Parent like an unruly child LOL! It says NO! I want it MY way!


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