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    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    I do understand the need to evolve, but I would like to see important problems be addressed first before continuing to add features that dont make the money. The licencing is what makes us money, at the moment the licencing system is not working, that needs to be addressed asap. Pretty stuff can be done later 🙂

    I second this. I’m not uploading any more images for now that don’t fall under the standard licence. Firstly the licences are not set on purchase and there is no way to attach a licence to a file except to do it manually and then set prices on every image that is not default. This is very time consuming. We need that the custom licences be editable and also be applied like a template to uploads.

    I feel this is currently the most pressing issue with the theme.

    Please Leo, can we fix this?


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Actually I just tried all of that and it actually can be done by just going to “EDIT YOUR PROFILE” from the top right hand corner. At the bottom of the page there is place for a new password to be set.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @shelma1 wrote:

    I’d love to be able to allow customers to choose their own password as well. And I would feel very uncomfortable giving the owner of a site my password and asking that they set it up for me. Privacy and security (along with ease of use) are extremely important. Maybe this is should be in the suggestions thread?

    I do agree with this. I wouldn’t hand over my password to anyone. I am also a little dyslexic so remembering passwords that have random characters is very, very difficult.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I think that currently it’s only really possible by adding it to your logo image.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @shelma1 wrote:

    I’d love to be able to allow customers to choose their own password as well. And I would feel very uncomfortable giving the owner of a site my password and asking that they set it up for me. Privacy and security (along with ease of use) are extremely important. Maybe this is should be in the suggestions thread?

    I do agree with this. I wouldn’t hand over my password to anyone. I am also a little dyslexic so remembering passwords that have random characters is very, very difficult.


    Edit: read comment below.

    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @cascoly wrote:

    definitely — one major problem is we can’t get solid information about what’s really working or even how it’s supposed to work

    meta for images is a good example – eg, once a microstock has one of your images indexed, is it possible for your sym version to overtake it? or be listed in addition? sometimes it happens, other times not — what’s the difference?

    removing images from agencies is one method, but it’s timeconsuming unless you remove the entire portfolio, and some agencies lock you n for years — one of the worst is 3D studio – from which I haven’t had a sale in months, but refuses to remove my portfolio

    Ok, I’m done with this conversation. Almost nothing you’re saying has any relation to my initial post and I have no desire for friction on this fine Sunday evening.

    If you are so worried about if SymbioStock works or not type “Stock Image+Bo Kaap” into Google. First page, half way down, Do you STILL need proof that Meta tags together with a good Domain Name are working for photographers?

    My site has been up for two weeks and probably only ready for one week and I have a hit on the first page of search. I don’t know about you but after 2 WEEKS of being live to get a hit on Google’s first page is good enough for me.

    Before you go any further, yes I know “Bo Kaap” is a fairly obscure area to rest of the world. The point is that I am getting indexed BECAUSE of correct Meta Tags. As for actual images, it will take a little longer to show up on a search and yes there will be competition.

    Have a great Sunday ahead.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    That’s excellent! It shows that SymbioStock is still moving in the right direction 🙂

    Welcome Kenny!


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Yes this is what I thought. Page likes don’t add up in the count but it still does help to network.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @cascoly wrote:

    unfortunately those stock agency images often have the meta data stripped out afterwards…

    Whether they strip it out afterwards or not makes no difference to the importance and usefulness of your Meta data and the amount of time it can save.

    @cascoly wrote:

    plus they’re now competing w our sym sites

    This shows how much support for Meta data there is on the search engines. Hopefully shortly the same images on SymbioStock will be showing up in search engines and I’ll be glad to remove them from the agencies.

    Anyone who is still living in denial that producing stock is a competitive market needs a needle for their bubble.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @jan wrote:

    Haha, that’s why I was so confused!

    In the meantime my historical city center is burning. The birth place of Mata Hari has just gone down in flames. A huge crash tender from the airforce is on standby, heli’s, etc. Some mysterious fire equipment, Cobra something, is now on the move from Amsterdam. Pretty depressing. My neighbour is firefighter, hope to hear from him.

    A few weeks ago we heared we are European Capital of Culture in 2018. So sad.

    I hope there is not too much damage and that they can stop it soon. Sounds terrible. Many things can be replaced but historical buildings and such is lost forever.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    I see the like wasn’t active. I “liked” again. Should show up now. 😀


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Just my thoughts…

    a) Your domain name DOES count when people search. Search engines search for sites that have the highest match to your search parameters in various ways. Domain names DO count. If they didn’t I would have used instead of registering Stock…Y…Image. Short relevant (to your artwork) domain names count in your favour in search engines.

    b) I feel that your Meta data in your artwork is worth its weight in gold. If your keywords are properly done and appropriate, they will turn up in the search engines. MOST importantly is to have your Meta data IN YOUR files and not manually added in afterwards online. Not only does it save you time but your actual files carry those very keywords too which some other sites/search engines/etc. may make use of.

    Some of my images turn up a lot on Google search because of my keywords. If you type in “Bo Kaap” into Google image search, about a third of the images on the first two pages (didn’t look further) contain my images from stock agencies. Yes Bo Kaap is an area in Cape Town and not as famous as Paris but it shows HOW search engines make use of your key words.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @shelma1 wrote:

    If someone named Michele liked your page yesterday, that was me. 🙂 I can’t figure out how to get my Symbio page to like someone else’s page…

    I just had my public page like your public page. I think publicly we may be “liked” LOL! Jokes aside, you need to switch to your public profile (from your personal profile). It usually says Liking/Posting as “Your Name” or “Page Name”. Mine gets confusing as the name is the same hehe.

    When you change your profile as… it also like to then go to your profile/page so just go back in your history to the page you want to “like” and “like” it.


    Edit: I also think that pages liking pages don’t show up in the actual “Like” count. Am I wrong?

    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    @minkymoomedia wrote:

    I’ll probably do something similar, how did you get the line in the menu in between the Full categories and Architecture?

    I like the use of the small icons you have on each category, not sure if the Stocky Image and Talk to Me ones on the top menu are working correctly, hover over them and you’ll see what I mean.

    Which plugin are you using for the social buttons at the bottom of the page?

    Thanks for point it out. I tried to use icons on that top menu but they don’t show up and instead as a hover it shows the icon code LOL! I just changed it. I have the Site name as a link there because on small screen sizes the header and logo disappears so I stuck the link/name back to the front page so it appears top most of the page on small screen.

    Leo had some links to a site that explained it but I can’t recall the post. I saved the links though so I’ll post them here for you…

    For the divider… “Simply add a Link menu item with a URL of # and a Link Text or Title Attribute of divider (case-insensitive so ‘divider’ or ‘Divider’ will both work ) and the class will do the rest.”

    Ok for the social buttons, it’s all done via Jetpack plugin if I am not mistaken under the “Sharing” subsection. It is basically attached to pages and posts where you can leave a comment/Share.


    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    Ideally you should do it all from within your Dashboard > Appearance > Themes. It is only as a last resort if you are have severe problems that you delete via Ftp. If you use the update function it will do everything for you.

    What can happen if you just delete/move/rename behind the scenes is that WordPress KNOWS you have the SymbioStock theme installed but when it looks for it… it’s gone! Try restoring the folders or simply “Reinstalling” but with the new version.


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