Forum Replies Created
October 24, 2013 at 5:56 pm #6062
You have custom snippets of code and modified bits in it as you’ve told us. I’m not trying to argue, I’m just explaining. If you change lines in PHP files you are performing custom changes to the STANDARD code. The Child Theme also applies a modifier but it is never the original theme. It’s also easier to spot errors in the few bits of modification in the Child Theme than the ENTIRE Parent theme of code that runs the whole site.
Changes should rather be in the child theme. Essentially the child theme compares itself to the Parent theme and says… OK! What is different in here than the Parent Theme and then it applies those changes to the end result on your screen.
If you make changes in the Parent theme you are constantly running the risk of making a mistake, every time you update, you HAVE TO “Rebuild” your changes. If you do it ONCE in your Child Theme, your CHILD THEME always stays the same and applies its code even if it bombs out the Parent theme. So sometimes there may need to be some tweaks but overall you do nothing but seamlessly upgrade and carry on without any trouble.
October 24, 2013 at 5:35 pm #6061Ok, basically your child theme has little to no settings in it at all by default. So think of it as prior to custom work. When you use the Child theme it basically undoes your direct custom work you do in the main SymbioStock theme. So any custom work you do/did with the Parent Theme you now have to do for your Child Theme. The good news is that once done, it will remain done for EVERY new SymbioStock theme released unless there are some radical changes like between 2.5.x and our current theme.
So essentially your newly installed Child Theme has no actual settings yet. You need to basically redo the parts that are reset back to the default, with your preferences. It’s like installing a new theme. You need to tweak it back to your previous modifications.
October 24, 2013 at 5:22 pm #5869Leo, on a fairly clean install of SymbioStock and the Child Theme I am not having any bugs. I do plan on tackling some CSS in the future to customise some colours and such but I honestly feel anyone installing a new site can do so quite happily without too much trouble.
My only urgent point is the licences and you said you are making good progress on it. I feel that now there is very little reason why a person wouldn’t use SymbioStock.
Thank you Leo!
October 24, 2013 at 4:58 pm #5924@cidepix wrote:
@jorodrigues wrote:
Just got home and to my emails and stuff now. I managed to update with no side effects (other than a little excitement) and everything appears to be functioning as expected. Registration works smoothly and got the email instantly with my chosen sign up details/password.
Everything works smoothly for me too.. except the newly registered user does not get any emails..
I got it immediately. I checked the sign up email address as soon as I finished signing up and it was there. The email runs on Gmail.
October 24, 2013 at 4:39 pm #5922Just got home and to my emails and stuff now. I managed to update with no side effects (other than a little excitement) and everything appears to be functioning as expected. Registration works smoothly and got the email instantly with my chosen sign up details/password.
October 23, 2013 at 12:25 pm #5726Ok, for info sake I created a new user account through registering and I got an immediate reply via email so it does appear to be working as it should.
October 23, 2013 at 11:56 am #5722@shelma1 wrote:
I don’t understand. I updated and signed up as a new user. I still got a pop up window that says a password will be emailed to me, but I get no email and no password…instead I’m taken to the cart area. If I sign out I cannot sign in again because I have no password. Very confused.
Actually, come to think of it, I also didn’t get this email on my testing accounts yesterday. So it appears it’s not currently being sent out.
October 23, 2013 at 11:53 am #5721I also agree. Let the customer set his or her password right there and then. Most people have a set of passwords they use in this day and age. If they can, they would prefer to use one of those passwords that they will remember even if they delete their email.
Secondly, there needs to be a way to get to the User Profile for them to fill it out if they so wish or to change their passwords etc. I just added in a link to it on my top bar for the meantime.
October 22, 2013 at 10:02 pm #5716@tdahl-stock wrote:
Thanks for the idea. I did not think of adding the direct link. On my test site I just addded a “Profile” menu item next to “Logout”. I can also just add that link to the email sent to the customer.
TimThat is also a very good idea. I need to look at those out going emails. I set them up very quickly two weeks ago and haven’t looked at them again!
October 22, 2013 at 9:10 pm #5074@cascoly wrote:
minor problem: [symbiostock_upgrade] when some users do an upgrade I get 3 identical emails announcing it
I don’t know much about it but a thought pops up in my head. Could it be from the test sites people have currently? Could that generate the additional notifications?
October 22, 2013 at 6:30 pm #5714@cidepix wrote:
@jorodrigues wrote:
Not that they need to change their passwords now as they set their own password on sign up.
no, they don’t set their password on sign up.. I have created many test accounts on my site and one on your site and I was not given the option to create my password..
that would solve this issue once and for all..
Yes, sorry I opened up so many accounts across 6 different browsers and made that mistake. You don’t get to chose your password.
Edit: As mentioned before, I made a temporary fix and added a menu item right next to the user name/login called Profile and linked it to… < Put your own site name where mine is.
October 22, 2013 at 6:07 pm #5711@cidepix wrote:
well of course the page is there.. but no user will know that URL
most users won’t even know it’s a wordpress site, if the bar does not appear.. anyway, I am sure Leo will fix it in one of the next releases..
Yes, and I already said so myself.
So I have just placed a link to that page so that it is there and people can go to it and change their passwords. Not that they need to change their passwords now as they set their own password on sign up.
October 22, 2013 at 5:58 pm #5709@cidepix wrote:
Jo maybe a nice guy, but he is a bit stubborn 🙂 he will not create a new account and will try to prove you wrong no matter what 😀
I am not a nice guy 😉 and I am stubborn but I am not stupid and will test before insisting I am right. On a previous acounts the bar was loading.
You can actually change the passwords as a user but with the bar gone there is no link to the user’s profile except with a link.
Edit: if you do go to your profile page via the link the bar comes back. It then disappears again when you leave the profile page.
October 22, 2013 at 5:54 pm #5708Yes, on testing on a few browsers and creating brand new users the only way is to go to the page…
and change your password. It does work only that there is no way for the user to get to his profile page now.
October 22, 2013 at 5:44 pm #5703“Jo Tester” IS A regular subscriber and if HE can do it so can you LOL! 😀
Edit: On testing with a brand new user yet again on yet a different browser it does appear that a new user signing up has lost the bar. Checking some more…