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  • #7226
    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    Welcome Elian. Can you change your signature to include a link to your web site so others can take a look?

    Sorry I can’t offer any specific help on your question, but I read a lot of stuff that talks about odd behavior in IE when Chrome, Firefox, etc. work OK.

    Looking at market share – this for example – indicates that it is much less of a problem than it used to be if something’s not quite right in IE.

    What I’m suggesting is not to ignore this completely, but focus on getting your site up and running and worry about the display problems in a browser or two at the end. By then it may already be fixed anyway 🙂

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I don’t know if it’ll be of much interest without some sort of freebie, but I’m happy to offer watermarked thumbs any time and would do an occasional blog sized freebie if people wanted to go that way.

    I would suggest that if we’re going to have a few images each week, we try to get a range of subjects and also try to get something for upcoming seasonal events (probably the month before?)

    I also think that voting on multiple favorites on a weekly basis may end up being too much work – 3 favorites times 130 sites and a list longer than that poll Leo tried on MSG voting for favorite Symbiostock site!

    No one’s going to look at over 300 images on a weekly basis, IMO.

    I think we can each pick say 5 of our own images to give a pool from which whoever is posting on Facebook can choose. Perhaps we should be asked to try and pick 5 dissimilar images so there’s a decent variety.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I voted yes for a couple of reasons.

    It does look like MSG’s base and there are a number of extremely useful features there that I’ve come to really miss when I’m on a forum that doesn’t have them.

    1) A home (new posts) button both top and bottom of each page. Seems like a small thing, but if you’re at all active in a forum it’s a biggie, IMO

    2) TapaTalk support – this is a mobile app that makes keeping up with forum posts when not at a desk so much easier than using a browser

    3) The “ignore” button 🙂

    4) Personal messages that don’t involve e-mail addresses being exchanged. I don’t mind given the current situation where we’re all developing sites, but if the audience got broader, I want to be able to offer forum help without giving out my e-mail address to people I don’t know at all.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover


    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I have no idea what the Strawberry signifies, but as I like the search engine and Andrzej likes the strawberry, I like the strawberry 🙂

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    TextWrangler and Fetch are what I use.

    You need a text editor – TextEdit is the Mac’s notepad – so you don’t get any formatting.

    TextWrangler is wonderful for all sorts of reasons, but you’ll get colors for the various elements of your php file which will help you avoid making typos that amount to a big (syntax) error – then nothing will work 🙂

    So you would want to make a folder somewhere for files you edit. Copy (using fetch or any ftp software) the file you want to edit from your site – you’re looking for folders under wp-content – themes, and then symbiostock and you’ll see content-image.php.

    You can just drag from Fetch into a Finder window.

    I would then make a folder for Edited code and make a copy of the file you just downloaded into that folder. You always want to have a quick way to go back in case you need to.

    Make your edits, save the file and then drag your edited file back to the Fetch window.

    As an extra safety net, I use Fetch to rename the files I’m about to overwrite to orig-filename.php

    And make sure you keep your edited files because they’ll be overwritten on the next theme update

    Does that help?

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I’ve hunted all over for the post I *know* I remember seeing, but I can’t find it! I see your images there and I am able to add more to my list just now (and have them show up).

    It wasn’t that long ago that I added more than 6 but only 6 were displayed…

    Either I’m going batty or something has changed!

    At any rate, @dhodac, just add more images to your Symbiostock Featured Images category to see more in your featured images widget 🙂

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    @cidepix wrote:

    If Andrzej is happy with it, he has all the rights to keep it on and it’s great for him.. I support that all the way.. but suggesting it for all the sites? just doesn’t work..

    Nobody, as far as I am aware, is suggesting the strawberry for anywhere other than the Global Search page. Andrzej had a strawberry; someone suggested the Symbiostock logo should be on there. And then things took off.

    The nature of this loose network is that people are free to have site designs that other people find hideous. We can’t and probably shouldn’t enforce a single look across all sites.

    However, having the Symbiostock name be known to buyers and getting some traction for the network as a whole, not just individual sites, is part of what Leo wanted to do. The logo seems to me to be a part of getting the name known.

    I think, regardless of what design schools teach, that finding some way to have some network branding without having a single look for everyone is a worthwhile effort.

    Perhaps we can’t agree on enough core things to make that work, but it’s worth a try.

    As far as the strawberry issue goes, I think it’s less a matter of putting the strawberry into the logo as it is incorporating the Symbiostock logo into Andrzej’s Strawberry-branded site.

    I put the Symbiostock logo in monochrome into my site logo. I think other people could potentially find a way to include the Symbiostock logo into parts of their sites. I think that more logo use is a good thing, even if it’s not homogenous like a large corporation would insist on.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    So perhaps something with plain red and green – using Christine’s idea for colors, but no textures:

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I don’t care for the textures Christine – colors would be fine, but adding the texture just breaks ups the shapes, IMO.

    Regarding color, I feel very, very strongly about having colors on my site. I will take the logo out completely if there is a requirement to adhere to a certain color.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    The only addition I would suggest is a link back to the top so the buyer can easily get back to the table of contents without scrolling.

    See an example here

    Up at the top, you put an anchor

    And then after each FAQ entry you put


    BTW, I’d suggest using shorter names for your anchors to make it easier to read though in the future if you make changes – mine are #refunds #largersize #symbiostockQnA and so on.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I agree about the location – I had noticed it a while back but never did anything about it.

    Now I have – if you want to change it you need to edit content-image.php. I commented out the original line and put a version of it in after the image description. I made the size smaller, but you can use small instead of x-small if you like.

    See an example here:

    The code that writes this is:
    Image updated—


    $symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_before_img_page_description';
    do_action( 'ss_before_img_page_description', $symbiostock_post_meta );

    <?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading ', 'symbiostock' ) ); ?>

    $symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_after_img_page_description';
    do_action( 'ss_after_img_page_description', $symbiostock_post_meta );

    Image updated—

    '' ) ); ?>

    $symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_before_img_page_author_box';
    do_action( 'ss_before_img_page_author_box', $symbiostock_post_meta );

    $symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_after_img_page_author_box';
    do_action( 'ss_after_img_page_author_box', $symbiostock_post_meta );

    <!-- jas begin Move this under description Image updated— jas end -->
    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    What about red and gray? That way the strawberry is happy and I don’t think it evokes the SS runes

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    @shelma1 wrote:

    Thanks! This folder seems to be full of header/watermakr/facebook/etc. blank templates but no Symbio logo? I’ve emailed Leo to see if he can send me an eps of the logo.

    Sorry – I posted the wrong zip file. I’ve updated the post above.

    This is the correct stuff

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I can’t answer the SEO question.

    It’s quite common for microstock sites to have a date on which something was uploaded, so I don’t think seeing an old date will discourage anyone who plans to buy.

    Dreamstime includes the date on which the photo was taken (pulled from the EXIF – user doesn’t have to supply it) which could be useful in a number of circumstances, particularly for editorial. It did occur to me that it might be nice to have the option to display EXIF data on an image page – something that wouldn’t occur to Leo as he’s Mr. Illustration & 3D 🙂

    I’m not much fussed about this issue though, to be honest.

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