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    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    This is apparently articular (on Shutterstock) who has 1070 items there

    Lots of vectors that I assume sell very well on SS. He or she has been around on SS since 2007, so I assume they’re well aware of all the issues relating to volume and price and have chosen their prices based on that.

    I know my prices are above some Symbiostock sites and below others – I think that’s just how this loose confederation will be and we shouldn’t stress about it.

    YooGraphic has 287 images up right now, so there’s more good stuff to come 🙂

    And no Shelma1, you don’t thow in the towel!

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    @sjlocke wrote:

    I’m even more ignorant. How do you know if your ranking is climbing or if things are getting indexed?

    On the indexing (which seems to have stalled in the last few days for no apparent reason)

    You’ll need to verify ownership of your site (putting a file into the root and then clicking a verify button on their site is the way I chose as I didn’t want to depend on tags in a header file as that might change with theme updates).

    I don’t know if Alexa rank has meaning or not, but whatever its flaws, all sites are subject to the same ones, so as a relative measure it seems of some interest. You can just go type in your web site’s URL on their home page:

    Not surprisingly, Stocksy ranks higher than you do 🙂

    My stats today are

    Global Rank 844,705
    Rank in US 146,858

    Cascoly has a list of all the Symbiostock sites:

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I tried it and it worked just fine.

    I had the item from yesterday still in my cart; checked the agree to terms, paid and got the screen saying I’d be returned to your site in 10 seconds.

    I was returned and the item was still in the cart. Refreshed the display and it showed in the download area. I did download it to make sure that worked – it did.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    Sean’s problem isn’t the host – it’s BlueHost which I and a number of others who are OK with PayPal purchases are using sucessfully. It may be a problem with the IPN setup (although some people say they don’t need that, so I don’t know).

    For the in-Canada out-of-country problems that Verena Joy is having, possibly there is something the hosting company does differently, but I wonder if anyone else is using Verena Joy’s hosting company and has it working?

    PayPal’s info on setting up IPN notifications on their end:

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    Not a big change in programming to move the image preview, but to do it for only certain types of pages would be the tricky part.

    I’ve made a number of changes to content-image.php which is where that page is built for my site, but all the changes are universal. Is there any way – category? – to identify which items have video previews?

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I had a look at your video examples and the pages seem to load pretty quickly and I had no problems playing the video. I tried on my desktop and also on my iPhone.

    Couple of comments. One is that the Mount Rushmore video is missing the still image prices. Another is that the preview shows different prices from what you see on the image page (I think someone else had mentioned this so I don’t think it’s just your site).

    Another thought is that the title says video, but the still image is up top. Possibly reverse the order and put the video above the still?

    If I look at video on iStock, I get a choice of formats and sizes – so video for a blog is cheaper and lower res than video for HD. You only offer one choice – do you think that discourages bloggers or other web users (who you mention as possible customers for the stills). I don’t buy or use video, so these are uninformed musings just based on what other sites offer.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I can see your site – I could yesterday too. I wonder if location is a factor in who can see it/not? I’m West coast of US…

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    @sjlocke wrote:

    Joanne, I got your email from the SYM contact form, but it did not include your return email address at all.

    Here’s a thread that explains what to do about Contact form 7 (and possibly other contact forms) when you don’t get any e-mail address to reply to from a contact request, at least for hosting companies like BLueHost that have anti-spam rules that cause the problems with no return e-mail address in a contact request

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I just made a test account and tried to purchase a blog sized Santa.

    What should happen is that you see the download link below your cart area but it’s not updating with that thumbnail and link. PayPal did process the 2.00 though 🙂

    Does the suggestion in here (deactivating word fence or changing its settings) help?

    The other odd thing is that I didn’t get any e-mail from your site with my account information. That may mean something’s messed up with your e-mail plugin? Edited to add that the e-mail did eventually show up.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    My site is still a relative newbie, but its ranking is currently:

    Global Rank 863,357
    Rank in United States 153,492

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    On a related note, if you see a site included because of a promoted keyword and you don’t think that the site’s content is a good fit with yours in a search you can use the Marketing tab that Christine mentioned to exclude that site from search results. Find the site in the list and check the box in the Exclude column

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    It’s 2.9.4 and it’s not beta. Very stable on my site. Upgrading was a bit tough for me as I was using Clean Theme and decided to switch to Dragonfly because Clean Theme is no longer being updated.

    If you are using Clean Theme and want to stick with it, Leo can get you a version with some fixes to make it work with 2.9.x

    The instructions in this thread still apply, even though it was written for 2.9.0

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    @christine wrote:

    Are there enough potential buyers looking at facebook or the sites to get fatigued ?

    No clue!

    But I do know that I’ve hidden newsfeeds from photographers on FB when I got a stream of posts about new uploads or new sales. Signal to noise ratio was awful and I would want us to induce that reaction in others – even if only a few others.

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    @shelma1 wrote:

    …If everyone would like to promote a holiday image, I’m happy to do one per day instead of one per week. …

    I’d be concerned about inducing “Symbiostock fatigue” in potential buyers if we have too many images being promoted. I’m OK with one a week, but see what other people think

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    That’s excellent – and Chromaco’s customer gets a persistence award for buying 6 times 🙂

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