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    Profile photo of Leo

    You can see the responsive menu working very well now —

    You can also see there is an option to remove the “search images/blog” option, and just have general search.

    Profile photo of Leo

    I sell PNG files, but your right – only a few of them know the significance of that file type. Also there’s a concern with image meta too — the .jpg version contains copyright and contact info. PNG doesn’t carry that, so its easier to steal things. Generally though everything should be ok.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Thanks for letting me know about this.

    Here’s mine:

    It posts every day non-stop. The last one was 20 hours ago. I’ll look into it – actually it should post up to 10 or 20 at a time (per day, not that you’d want to do that)

    Let me see what issues might get in the way in your cases. I’ll get right back to you.

    Profile photo of Leo

    I just noticed that too. I’ll have to look into that. Those functions should be controlled by bootstrap itself…I’m surprised it doesn’t compensate. Anyway thanks I’ll get on that in an hour or so. Now we’re back to the hourly grind!

    Profile photo of Leo

    @jsnover wrote:

    Now I see you’ve deleted your text that referred to symbiostock_daily_chron – shall I just forget about that? 🙂

    Yeah, I realized thats just a hook for the tweets function.

    Profile photo of Leo

    If you look at I have it in “normal” mode right now. That should answer your question. On my wife’s ipad and iphone it seems to look good. I’d check on my devices but I don’t have any 😀 Except maybe a kindle.

    Profile photo of Leo

    After a few days let me know if things have changed. It will simple cease to run the update for a few days. I just want to make sure its definitely related to that.

    Profile photo of Leo

    I think thats enough to say we’ve all got a small issue. I don’t see it due to being on dedicated server.

    For anyone who wants to give it a temporary test (will take 24 – 48 hours)

    go to


    Scroll to bottom of file…

    In the final function, look for the line that says symbiostock_save_image_list_info( );

    Delete that.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Thanks for the complement. I miss the happy days too. MSG is a real firepit … I’m still recovering 😀

    Anyway, for anyone who wants to give things a test run with XYZ new features:


    (First and foremost, if you don’t like it, just roll back)

    [*]Change the name of the “DOWNLOAD” button [settings area].
    [*]Control the location of the header menu – stick to top of page or sit below header (normal) [settings area]
    [*]Turn off daily chron/update jobs (if you don’t update your site, you don’t need to use the CPU [settings area].
    [*]It uses the new bootstrap. Eventually everyone should migrate to this.
    Reference here:
    [*]Gentle transition process 😀

    First off let me say that this actually “updates” separate from the theme you’ve been using up until now. I think we all need a break from the launching days when things were changing faster than a house of horrors. So I’m going to trickle in the upgrades as you need them. First I approached the important stuff.

    Lastly, if you’ve created a child theme and changed only the css, you should be ok. However if you’ve modified templates, you will have to do those over again minding the new version we have here.

    The new bootstrap 3 is actually quite advanced, so I’ll be addressing your reminders as you name them.

    Profile photo of Leo

    One thing to note – the base version is compatible with PE to a degree. The upgrade gives more control over image management as it relates to PE.

    Profile photo of Leo

    @thomasamby wrote:

    I had to reupload some of the images (watermark, logo etc.)
    And also my “Edit CSS” was reset, but fortunately I had most of my custom CSS elsewhere.

    Other than that, no problems.

    Maybe I messed up during the upgrade but just in case, do backup your custom CSS before replacing the theme files

    Are you changing the theme base or are you using a child theme? Just want to make sure I understand.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Thanks! Thats not healthy.

    As far as I know it could be a daily update (as suggested) or a daily crawling of your images by a search engine.

    If your up to it, I have a major update ready for testing, and for testing purposes we can turn off the daily chron to see if thats part of the issue.

    Profile photo of Leo

    @steveh wrote:

    While we are on the Premium plugin, I installed about a week back, and every morning from 6am to 11am, my CPU is throttled at BlueHost. I’m assuming that the plugin runs each morning to create that big initial indexing of keywords, but is that just wishful thinking?

    Anyone know if it takes a long time to create the index for about 1100 images?


    I’m not sure if this is due to a daily update, so I’m putting in an option to turn it off just to see how that works out for you.

    Profile photo of Leo

    It should not run for more than a few minutes at most. Has anyone else been seeing this?

    Profile photo of Leo

    @thp wrote:

    It was mentioned some time ago, but was wondering Leo if you were still thinking of adding Google Authorship options in Symbiostock?

    I think it would be great.

    That would be a good addition. First I’m trying to get this %100 problem free. In fact, in terms of a typical wordpress theme this is already fairly free. But I have to continue finding every concievable way somebody can break something and address it.

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