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  • #1583
    Profile photo of Leo

    @christine wrote:

    Yes, got upgrade notice and upgraded
    Using tablet only so far
    Background image seems to obscure everything when under header used, and only header shows when anchored to header is used with background
    EDIT:images come and go is you happen to tap over where they are

    This is as much as I have tried out so far see for example

    Are you fixing the bug/final bits on 2 5 6, or will we have to upgrade to
    2.6.9 and up to get them?
    Going back to png and jpg do you have any idea why sometimes they both appear in price section and why sometimes only png shows up?

    EDIT 2 10.18 BST – looks much better on laptop, images show up above the background

    What you did with the background is really darn impressive 😀

    I noticed your menu is doubled. This naturally happens with too many headings.

    The idea with this design is to minimalize. I was hoping people could use dropdowns as much as possible. So for instance all of the headings like:

    Food | Drink

    …Could be a dropdown.

    The main idea is to keep the eyes off the interface and on the images. Let me know if everyone finds that too constrictive, and I’ll simply make another menu location. Personally I was hoping to standardize a few of these things.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Is there a bug/error? Or are you simply inquiring why the title is used twice?

    Simple answer – someone could easily write a description 8 miles long, and I’d hate to bloat up the HTML on something like that. And post excerpt is not always used as far as I know. Titles however are forced to be small, so I used that for safety’s sake. Also the title usually has quite a bit of searchable value in itself, so using it alone is pretty on-target.

    I read through this a few times. I’m mistaken please let me know.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Please let me know if you are able to get the upgrade notice or not.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Just a small update:

    2.6.9 is where we are at!

    This one shows great progress. Plus a few new features.

    [*]Fixed the IE9 Bug (invisible dropdowns)[/*]
    [*]Fixed bugs on templates where the bootstrap 3 conversion didn’t take properly[/*]


    Go to APPEARANCE >> CUSTOMIZE and APPEARANCE >> CUSTOM HEADER to see some awesome stuff.

    You can see the changes live as you are modifying them. Its helpful for people who do not know CSS. I’m still adding options (I must do it carefully so everything is consistent and does not break)

    In the customize area you can:

    [*]Position Navigation bar (changed over from settings)[/*]
    [*]Toggle search options (changed over from settings)[/*]
    [*]Set background color[/*]
    [*]Set header/background image (main splash area above menu)[/*]
    [*]Set background image (see for some awesome options)[/*]
    [*]Set heading color[/*]
    [*]Set content/text color[/*]

    Profile photo of Leo

    It appears much of this has to do with the modern web as it relates to devices! It turns out this version of Symbiostock is quite timely!

    Profile photo of Leo

    If this remains unresolved please set me up an admin account on your site leo [at] I’ll get it running for you.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Still working on it. I might have to make a change to bootstrap itself.

    Profile photo of Leo

    I hope more people post data on this! I’ve had ups and downs throughout the years, and they can be seasonal. I won’t speak too quickly though because this is a new system. Its definitely worth watching traffic trends over the past 9 months.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Wow! Your all over this! And you got me just before signing off.

    WAS – class=”content-area span12″>

    NOW – class=”content-area col-md-12″>

    This is referring to the “grid” (not Tron) which is 12 columns long. The old grid was referenced by span12, the new one by col-md-12 or col-md-6 or whatever. More here:

    That said however are you saying that the new CTA page is all wrong? It might not have converted properly, so thank you for notifying me on that.

    Regarding the Mobile-specific menu – first I have to do the ie9 bug. If the mobile-specific menu is not to overly complex (that is, more stuff that can blow up) then I can do it. I’ll address that as a last thing. Keep in mind too were’ just shooting for general compatabilty. Our target audience will mostly be people doing projects on computers…though I know thats changing slowly.

    Gray gradients? Its possible we might be able to make a few variations on the colors altogether. But thats actually a bootstrap 3 default we can override.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Its possible I had fixed that error recently. I will check it out tomorrow and see about sending you the updated version. I’m working on the base version as well so its a few things to keep up with.

    Profile photo of Leo

    LOL I’ve always wondered what would happen if two moderators got into a disagreement.

    Justin told me that this was just to try things out and if people want to bail or find it not worth paying for its perfectly acceptable.

    Besides that I’ve tried to stay out of the history of the whole thing. From what I do know however he’s had tons of machines constantly spidering the micros, he has visual image searches / filters created. Thats just the surface stuff. Its a genuine search engine. I understand launching the titanic can be a little more laborious than launching a fleet of advanced fishing boats (ie, symbiostock).

    So attempting to be reasonable, I do see that yes he’s had some history of slow production, and everyone can jump in or not. Mostly you just won’t know for sure unless someone can give it a true assessment. And then of course its under the scenerio of “free” so its nice and safe.

    Its really the first non-symbio search engine using the system for what it was meant for —

    Profile photo of Leo

    Looking good! Did you impose that one on top of the other?

    Profile photo of Leo

    @cidepix wrote:

    @leo wrote:

    This is actually an EI9 specific problem. Please let me know if this is fixed now.

    haven’t actually found time to test the latest version yet..

    but when I click on your site, I still see the problem..

    Research showed this is actually a known bug with bootstrap. I’m still working on it. In the meantime…aren’t the icons cute!!?? :/

    Profile photo of Leo

    @markscatesphotography wrote:

    I have to say I prefer the old style layout that was in 2.5.5

    At this point I’d really say this is all bonus stuff.

    What happened is bootstrap (the responsive package) that Symbiostock uses upgraded to a whole new level – 3!

    I feel the same as you do – don’t fix whats not broken! I want a break! Plus if thats not enough I have illustration job to do.

    Still this was very necessary for Symbiostock not to be rendered obsolete too fast. In fact, Symbiostock is very very far ahead (as of Metamorphosis) than the most of the web in terms of device compatablity.

    I’d say don’t bother if you don’t need to yet. When we’re done it should be easy to transition.

    Profile photo of Leo

    @jsnover wrote:

    @christine wrote:

    Who else still has a testing site – maybe we can make a small closed network of those to try out networking features
    mine is at If there is I will reactivate network but I don’t want it linked into the main network as there are a lot of left over errors from other testing and it is somewhat of a mess 🙂

    The other day I set up a subdomain and installed WordPress and Symbiostock into it with the goal of making a test site that wasn’t live

    I haven’t done anything to populate it – I realized I need to think through how to do that with a minimum of additional work.

    I like the idea of a closed network – perhaps it could be a named network (so in theory it could be more than one) where we’d only be visible to other sites in that same named network?

    As my site gets closer to something useful, my willingness to trash it because I’ve been editing code or there’s a new version of something decreases. But there are complications.

    For paid plugins – the premium plugin, CleanTheme or the Soliloquy slider I use on my home page – can we use on a second site that’s just for testing and not live?

    Is there an easy way to migrate some content over from the live site so we don’t have to build from scratch? What I’d really like is to have the WordPress database on the test site point to the image data on the lilve site, but I’m guessing that’d be way too complicated to implement.

    How do people who know what they’re doing (i.e. not me!) handle setting up a test site for a complex WordPress installation?

    You want an exporter! That would be great…I could possibly make one down the road, but even an exporter script would demand more than 30 seconds to run! I’d say perhaps hold off a bit — testing should only be done by people who have fun testing. Otherwise don’t stress yourself out 😀

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