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    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Not an issue for most us us now (yet :mrgreen: ), I guess. But at some time in the future I’d like to have the option to limit the time span a download is available to my buyers.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    YES! – It seems to work now. I am tweeting away. Thanks a lot again, Leo. 😀

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Yes, sending a tweet worked. Thanks for fixing this.

    I will now reconstruct my plugins, widgets, customizations, etc. and then do a Daily Twitter test. Please cross your fingers that it’ll work now 😀

    I’ll report back here…

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Thanks – No sweat! 🙂

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Thanks Leo! The Batch Editor search is working now. But trying to tweet an image still gives me an error:


    code: 186

    message: Status is over 140 characters.

    About Twitter Errors

    I leave everything as you left it for now and hope you can take a look again.

    Yes, I put the “-mod” in both the theme and the plug-in because I did quite a few modifications to the php.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis
    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    You got your account. E-mail is sent. Thank you and good luck!

    Oh wait: “if searches are *wrong* its possible that simply deactivating/reactivating will repopulate all the keywords properly” – I’ve done that about a 100 times… didn’t work…

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    WOW! Great catch, Leo. We should all remember that one when weird things happen.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    What did you do? Now your site looks nice again AND your extended license is working for me!

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    I’ve tried again with your now rather bland looking site and it’s still the same. I can’t select extended license. When I do the selected size gets unselected and the cart button sows 0.00.

    Do you know what php version you are on?

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    I’ve seen what you mean, although your site went off while I was still playing with it. So I couldn’t make sure but I had the impression that your cookie bar might interfere…

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    @christine wrote:

    That seems to work so far. Just in case would you mind changing your prices – 30.00 for the large size plus 150.00 for extended. I doubt it is this my problem but you never know

    What image are you talking about? There is only that one image up for test prices. The screenshot is what I see. Hope it is the same for you 😕


    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Try You’ll even find a Test image (first one under latest photos) you can test buy for 25 cents. The extended license is only 0.01, an absolute bargain 😆 – I have just rolled out this major upgrade of my site and haven’t even tried myself. So I am really curious how it goes…

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Daily twitter with latest theme and latest prof plugin doesn’t work for me. Instead of a tweet I still get an entry in the error_log file:

    [02-Feb-2014 09:59:03 UTC] PHP Warning:  implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /xxxxx/xxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/twitter-manager/functions.php on line 89

    hope it helps tracking this nasty bug down…

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Sure, that’ll do just fine. Thanks.

    I just replaced the code and it seems to be working now. At least I don’t get any error_log entries. I just hope your end of the analytics features works as you intended as well 🙂

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