Forum Replies Created
February 9, 2014 at 9:19 am #9456
Thanks Leo. I just installed the plugin version 1.5.0. Now tweeting an image with “Tweet selected images” doesn’t work at all (with hashtags or without). I get “Google shortned URL missing. Aborting…” for a response. Daily tweet doesn’t work either. Images just remain in the queue, nothing gets sent. No error_log entry this time, though.
February 9, 2014 at 12:30 am #9471“cowbell video” gives me 4.850.000 hits 😆 I am not going to watch it all
February 8, 2014 at 11:39 pm #9469I can’t watch it either :(. And I am in Canada…
February 8, 2014 at 9:08 pm #9058Exactly the question I haven’t any answer for, either. But that’s OK. I can wait for you code wizards to work it all out. I pretty confident that there will be something that will be a plus for me and/or the network as a whole. I just like the possibility to opt out of this in the unlikely event that my confidence proves to be unfounded. I am patient and curious…
February 8, 2014 at 8:52 pm #9356🙄 Can’t we get over this? Leo obviously had a very bad day and was more than edgy when he rolled out and reasonable debate started here. I hope he learns from that experience and I also hope everyone here can overcome hurt feelings. Now, let’s move on…
February 8, 2014 at 8:33 pm #3299I completed linking to Picturengine and generating 1615 promotional preview files a few days ago. Seems that 1540 images already show up in picturengine searches. So that part went very smooth.
Yet, given the eternal beta track record of picturengine, I am not exactly holding my breath. I just think picturengine is a great idea that might prove to be very helpful for us. So I am still supportive and hope Justin and his team can overcome the technical challenges.
BTW, I think I can track referrals from picturengine with my Wordfence plugin. Maybe I better go and check to make sure, though.
February 8, 2014 at 8:21 pm #9474I just commented over there as well. No problems. I just got a note that my “comment is awaiting moderation”. I never received the confirmation e-mail for the e-mail either, though.
February 8, 2014 at 2:57 am #9429If Jo Ann is right you should find some entry in the error_log file that might help in pinpointing the cause of your troubles.
February 7, 2014 at 9:13 am #9400If so, do you place all them into style.css even coming from different css file names?
The answer is yes. The last css file/instruction read is the one that rules. Other identical instructions in any other css file get overruled. If you use Firebug plugin with Firefox you exactly see what’s happening and how it works. That being being said, I found a number of css instructions included in the dragonfly child theme itself or manipulated by .js scripts that in fact are being read after the child theme styles.css so they can’t be overwritten.
I found even a solution for those: add “!important” to the instruction like: “.classxyz {display: none;}” to “.classxyz {display: none !important;}”
That means you can change any css no matter where it is coded in the theme all from within your child theme styles.css (at least I haven’t experienced any restrictions, yet. And my styles.css is almost 900 lines.)
February 7, 2014 at 8:49 am #9409I am relieved to read this. Symbiostock will thrive.
Now back to work on my site!
February 7, 2014 at 3:13 am #9413I tried Photoshelter, CMSaccount and Zenfolio. Symbiostock beats all of them (already!) by a mile. I’ve said that before and can only repeat it.
February 6, 2014 at 7:47 pm #9372@leo wrote:
… but generally the users are not happy …
I guess Leo just mistyped one word: …it should read “…generally the users are very happy…” – Just browse this forum and you’ll see.
February 5, 2014 at 3:20 am #9296I just saw it in my WP backend: There’s a Wordfence update to 4.03 – So maybe it was this plug-in after all.
February 5, 2014 at 3:05 am #9295I just checked my SYS 3.2.7 files. The only ‘eval’ that I can find is in ‘… FALSE – if retrieval failed…’, which doesn’t look like malicious code at all. So either your Wordfence screwed up or something/someone changed your jpeg.php.
February 4, 2014 at 11:46 pm #9218I got the same e-mail. Didn’t upload for over a year. Their uploading/submitting is just too cumbersome for me to be bother. Are they getting nervous? 😉