Forum Replies Created
February 12, 2014 at 9:18 pm #9630
Good that it works now. It sounds like a (minor) bug, though. So it’s good to know.
February 12, 2014 at 7:15 pm #9632It’s there in 3.2.9.
Did you tick the “If no local results found, show images from Global Symbiostock Search Engine” checkbox on the Symbiostock – Network admin page?
February 11, 2014 at 11:11 pm #9528I can’t tell you exactly what’s wrong from you error_log but I see “mod_fcgid” all over the entries. mod_fcgid is part of the apache server software. Sounds to me that your web server has some serious troubles. I’d call godaddy support to deal with it.
February 11, 2014 at 8:40 pm #9525I think that line is:
what host are you with? how php.ini works would depend on your host, too. Maybe it’s time to call their support.
February 11, 2014 at 7:45 pm #9594Yes, they keep popping up with every update/reactivation of the SYS theme. It has been like this since the beginning. Would be nice if fixed but the extra categories seem to do no harm and are deleted easily.
February 11, 2014 at 7:30 pm #9522Blu-Host did that to me, too. But there was php.ini.bak file in root.
Here are my settings:
memory_limit 256M
upload_max_filesize 80M
post_max_size 90M
max_execution_time 600
max_input_time 120plus line to enable Imagemagick
February 11, 2014 at 3:25 am #9515I have just processed two jpgs to draft. No problem at all. No error_log entry either. SYS version 3.2.9. PHP 5.4.24, BlueHost.
February 10, 2014 at 6:56 pm #9453Sounds weird but my guess is the option “(_) Link onlylink.” sends tweets without pic (and thus without pic link) but with link (to your image page) only.
February 10, 2014 at 10:15 am #9060Yes, I think I understand what you are saying, cascoly. TBH, though, I admit that I have a hard time understanding the info on your site and even more so deriving any insight or practical value from the data. I just hope that will change with the newest improvements to the system and to the way mining the collected data is done and presented.
February 10, 2014 at 10:05 am #9549@lucato wrote:
Improvements for Symbiostock – Twitter Integrator:
Leo, once you have commented lately about the “#photography is Trending on Twitter”, it would be great to add in the options of twitter integrator two options: Pre-text and pos-text input fields, where we would add the wanted hashtags or texts.
So for example I would have
Pre-text: [_____________________________]
Pos-text: [#ARQUIVOSCRIATIVOS #PHOTOGRAPHY__________]Other interesting option would be to choice how to bulid the post in twitter. Now a days it is for example:
Piled … … # #SYMBIOSTOCK #IMAGE “”
I would suggest to put options to keep above as default or allow (checkboxes):
1. [_] remove the pic link and increase titles;
2. [_] use titles words as hash tags;
3. [ __ V ] How many words use from your image title (Hash tag or not);
4. [_] use pre-text;
5. [_] use pos-text.So, if I check 1., 2. and 4 I would have:
Well, just a suggestion. ;0)
Luis, I just posted my take on your suggestions in the other thread. But this is actually the natural place to put it. So here you go:
1. You can already remove the pic link in the general Twitter settings. Not sure if not having any pic included in a tweet would allow for longer titles, though.
2. yes, that could save some otherwise redundant space.
3. yes, full flexibility here would be the best
4./5. could be helpful.I imagine this as customizable default settings that would automatically generate the whole tweet in an edit box so that a webmaster can go and manually change (if wanted) every aspect of the customized auto-tweet before being sent either by daily tweet or manually right away. Even better if it was possible to be more flexible on the frequency of sending out queued tweets.
February 10, 2014 at 9:59 am #9464Luis, I agree that more flexibility in composing the tweets would be desirable. I feel that Leo recognizes the importance of the Twitter feature. That’s why he acted on my #hashtag issues and on earlier issues with the daily tweet queue right away. The problems are solved right now, which was most important for me. Now we talk about new features. This is from your other thread:
I would suggest to put options to keep above as default or allow (checkboxes):
1. [_] remove the pic link and increase titles;
2. [_] use titles words as hash tags;
3. [ __ V ] How many words use from your image title (Hash tag or not);
4. [_] use pre-text;
5. [_] use pos-text.So, if I check 1., 2. and 4 I would have:
Well, just a suggestion. ;0)
1. You can already remove the pic link in the general Twitter settings. Not sure if not having any pic included in a tweet would allow for longer titles, though.
2. yes, that could save some otherwise redundant space.
3. yes, full flexibility here would be the best
4./5. could be helpful.I imagine this as customizable default settings that would automatically generate the whole tweet in an edit box so that a webmaster can go and manually change (if wanted) every aspect of the customized auto-tweet before being sent either by daily tweet or manually right away. Even better if it was possible to be more flexible on the frequency of sending out queued tweets.
February 9, 2014 at 9:51 pm #9462Oh, I forgot: No, I am restricted to 140 characters per tweet, too. Each of the two links (backlink and pic link) eat up 20 characters. The remainder is split between title and hashtags. Both get shortened automatically if your image title is too long and/or your manually entered + auto generated + the Symbiostock hashtags are too long. I wish I had a magic formula for loooong tweets, though
February 9, 2014 at 9:46 pm #9461That piece of code is new in version 1.5.0. As you can see above Leo found a solution/fix already. I didn’t update so far because I use other code modifications as well. Upgrading for me always means some extra work. I am not even sure if the new fix is now in version 1.5.0 or if there is a version 1.5.1 already.
February 9, 2014 at 9:48 am #9459I just tried with the following code segment in lib/twitter-manager/functions.php removed
//START Google Link Shortner Magic :D
$key = 'AIzaSyBVDPmOs_Hmzg7rnA_M1-xuOPxQQMJs6y4';
$short_url = new ss_GoogleURLAPI($key);
$backlink = $short_url->shorten($backlink);
//we don't post without backlinks! So check first...
if(empty($backlink) || $backlink == false || $backlink == 0){
echo 'Google shortned URL missing. Aborting...';
return false;
//END Doing Google Link Shortener Magicand it works fine. Titles get shortened, hashtags get generated from tags/keywords mixed in with manually entered ones, all shortened if too long. Just see me most recent couple tweets So I am not sure what the Google Link Shortener Magic is actually good for 😀
February 9, 2014 at 9:29 am #9486Canada changed from imperial to metric in the 80s. Now it’s still a complete mess 😆 – In any case I agree with Luis that it would be a nice feature if a site visitor could toggle measure units between the two.