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    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Even without app it’s fun and very time effective. I can do my tweets and retweets much quicker than checking my dwindling income from the few images iStock has from me 😆 – As long as I am not the only one left I’ll continue 8)

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    @klsbear wrote:

    @peresanz wrote:

    I think it’s @mallorcaimages turn… If he/she doesn’t show up we could skip to the next position…
    BTW, also agree with #RT

    I say we continue down the list. Since several people seem to be absent (I don’t see them tweeting or retweeting) I suggest that the next two people jump in and post their links and we retweet both of them if they should happen to show up. And if it seems like they are no shows and you are next on the list feel free to jump in to keep it going.

    On a side note I saw links to my image on my site today so twitter is bringing in links. May have just been all of you but the activity is good.

    Not sure if everyone agrees with Karen’s suggestion but here is my tweet anyway:

    I am not very optimistic that this list “thing” here will work out longer term. A few people including myself are tweeting their images daily and come once a day to to retweet images of fellow symbiotes. It would be nice to see that group growing in numbers.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Yes, php.ini gets changed with upgrade to php 5.4. My guess is that is required because there’s something new in the php.ini specifically for version 5.4. That is probably why your old php.ini isn’t working. I took the new php,ini after the upgrade and introduced all necessary changes. That worked flawless.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    I am all for saving :mrgreen: – #RT is fine with me.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Usually your domain address ( points to your home address. If so, your correct ftp address would be

    But actually you create a FTP account on your server via cpanel. Then you configure your ftp client according to those chosen settings. I don’t think you need above path in your ftp client at all.

    Hope that helps a bit to figure it out.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Say you look at your google results page and find all hits dated. Are you likely to click the oldest or the newest date? What if your publish date gets older and it influences your SEO ranking? Most of our images don’t really “expire”. So why should they be dated, anyway?

    Answers to these and other questions are what Tim wants to explore as I understand it.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Maybe the “@retweet” hashtag (?) is a somewhat unfortunate typo? – Great picture, though 😀

    @peresanz wrote:

    My turn… Here is my tweet:

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    I checked one of your image pages. All dates are gone, i.e. commented out. However, I wonder if it is by accident or if you have reason also to comment out the “” reference before the actual date meta tag.

    @christine: Maybe we should wait for some results of this experiment…

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    You’re definitely missing something. Maybe a copy of funtion.php in your child theme? Maybe still some caching that gets in you way? Hard to guess… – Anyway, I just had a quick check on my site and the dublin core date entry is gone with that line deleted as expected.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    OK. haven’t seen your latest post. I don’t see commenting out this line causing any trouble at all. It just disappears from the html the bowser (and google) sees. And that’s what you want, isn’t it?

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Yes, you’re right. I already had second thoughts about what I posted and looked again:

    There’s two more spots. The first, the one you mention, is easy to fix. The code is in function.php:


    <meta name="dcterms.created" scheme="ISO8601" content="" />


    The line “<meta name="dcterms.created" scheme="ISO8601" content="” />” can be commented out.

    However, if you’re using the YOAST SEO plugin you’ll find

    with different dates/times of course on your image page. I don’t see any option to switch that off.

    It comes from /frontend/class-opengraph.php in the Yoast SEO plugin folder:

    public function publish_date() {
    if ( ! is_singular() )

    $pub = get_the_date( 'c' );
    $this->og_tag( 'article:published_time', $pub );

    $mod = get_the_modified_date( 'c' );
    if ( $mod != $pub ) {
    $this->og_tag( 'article:modified_time', $mod );

    If you want to mess with the plugin code change it to:

    public function publish_date() {
    //if ( ! is_singular() )

    //$pub = get_the_date( 'c' );
    //$this->og_tag( 'article:published_time', $pub );

    //$mod = get_the_modified_date( 'c' );
    //if ( $mod != $pub ) {
    //$this->og_tag( 'article:modified_time', $mod );


    public function publish_date() {

    An update of your SEO plugin will wipe that out of course.

    A word of caution: I just hope that’ll work. I haven’t tested it.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Interesting experiment:

    I find the image date at only one spot on the image page. The code where this comes from is located in content-image.php. It should be easy and without any unwanted side-effect to comment it out:

    $symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_after_img_page_author_box';
    do_action( 'ss_after_img_page_author_box', $symbiostock_post_meta );

    $symbiostock_post_meta = 'ss_bottom_img_page_preview_well';


    The line “” is the one you want to comment out. You can even store a changed copy of the file in your (dragonfly) child theme. That will protect your change from being deleted with the next theme upgrade.

    I am curious what you’ll find.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis


    I am in: @imagoborealis

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    Once you’ve figured it out it is actually not THAT much work. And you will be able to change any other text, too. When you have it set up it takes not even 5 minutes to change any text bit.

    Profile photo of Imago Borealis
    Imago Borealis

    @thp wrote:

    Can I just add a small request to the list of bugs/improvements, if its not already on there thats been bugging me for ages…

    The text that says “Supporting Files” under the ZIP option on an image page doesn’t really seem to fit or explain things more clearly. Can we please have the ability to edit that text, or remove it completely, in the Symbio admin? I would much prefer to be able to write something like “eps & jpg” in there to explain the ZIP option. But maybe some would just rather remove it completely.

    Would this be a hard change to implement Leo?

    You’ve probably got bigger fish to fry at the moment, which i understand 🙂 Just a suggestion.

    I think this is already solved. If that piece of text is translation ready (as it should be) then you could change it as discussed here: I have changed about a dozen or so text bits that I didn’t like.

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