Forum Replies Created
January 4, 2014 at 4:49 am #7990
Perfect! – There used to be a sticky thread with a collection of things that could trip off imagick. Guess it got lost in migration 😥
January 3, 2014 at 3:56 am #7986Check for unusual characters, additional ‘. ‘ (periods), apostrophs, etc in file names. Whenever I had processing issues it boiled down to a file name that the imagemagick processor seemingly couldn’t handle.
January 3, 2014 at 3:44 am #7938@cascoly wrote:
but my guess is exclusives are well below 5% of the current total — here are a couple checks, based on the most common keywords used:
white 1145 of 68530
food 274 of 21225
blue 785 of 39542
christmas 70 of 7519
animal 695 of 11594so at this point emphasizing exclusives would be counter productive
Even if 5% is correct (I have app 12% exclusive images) that still means there are around 11,000 exclusive images on the Symbiostock network. Why not showing them exclusively (pun intended) in dedicated searches on the hub sites? If our exclusive images caught buyers’ attention there would be more incentive for us to upload exclusive content. It’s definitely worth a try…
December 30, 2013 at 9:32 pm #7848Sorry for not spelling it out: I used TranslateThis Button for WordPress plugin. It machine translate everything on your site that is text (using google translate, I think). Obviously, the search would not work in other languages using this plugin (yes, another drawback.)
December 30, 2013 at 8:47 pm #7846I toyed with the idea of localizing my Symbiostock site myself a while back. I tried a machine translation plugin, which provided fair translation results but slowed down my anyway slow site (cheap hosting @ blue host) just too much. The other big drawback: no SEO! I am depending mainly on being found in search engines, so this is a big one.
Go max and translate the whole site. Yes, it is possible (I do translations for a living). But good results are expensive (I know what I charge my clients
). And you would need Leo’s or other developer’s support to code in additional database tables for all languages for title, description, keywords, categories, more (?) and make the theme itself localization-ready.
Those are huge tasks. While I’d love to see this happen I have to agree that there are many more important issues to be tackled first.
December 30, 2013 at 7:40 pm #7932Good reading! – I think Shelma is right about our USP. Symbiostock as a whole wouldn’t (yet) look too good if compared with one of the big agencies or with a curated collection such as Stocksy. Fair Trade and the content that is exclusively on Symbiostock could be our selling points. – BTW, is there a global Symbiostock search on just exclusive images? If yes it should be easier to be found 😉 and if no 😳 , well, we should have it and promote it ❗
October 27, 2013 at 10:51 pm #6134@jsnover wrote:
Right now nothing has changed AFAIK.
I’ve dropped SYXtra and am (reluctantly) living with the click to preview. I think that could become hover preview reasonably easily, but Leo never elaborated on why modal was important – probably ’cause he’s busy elsewhere.
We’ve never had a full-size-zoom (to see a portion of the image at full size) and I think that’d be a huge asset. There are a couple of WP add ons that do this (the good ones all cost something and would need to be integrated; plus we’d have to be careful it didn’t become easy to lift the full size image without paying for it).
Agree: I think a 1:1 zoom would be great to have. We don’t have the reputation a good agent might have/earned with buyers. So a little quality reassurance could help our sales a lot. However, to implement such feature that is reasonably save at the same time might prove to be complicated.
October 20, 2013 at 3:48 am #5138Thank you for posting this follow-up. It might come in handy when one of us runs into similar troubles.
On a side note: It is known that we have to process images in smaller batches because of time and/or memory restrictions of the hosting server. In file php.ini you can up those restrictions within reasonable limits by setting following variables (my settings in brackets):
memory_limit (256M), upload_max_filesize (80M), max_execution_time (600), max_input_time (120)
I regularly process batches of 50 files, some of which might be hi-res panos with up to 100 MP, and very rarely have the image processor terminated.
I hope this will contribute for a much smoother ride uploading, now, that you’ve overcome this huge bump. Good luck!
October 19, 2013 at 11:49 pm #5136Congrats, scenicoregon, for having solved this tough problem!
I find it a bit disturbing that the image processor can be derailed by iptc data. Which one did/do you use: GD or ImageMagick?
An interesting thing is that even though I’d set the dpi to 300 for this image, it shows as 72 (screen rez) for the three smaller sizes, and 300 dpi (good print rez) for the large size.
The dpi shown for published images is hardcoded (i.e. not pulled from iptc at all). Under a certain image size limit it is 72 dpi and above that limit it is 300 dpi. I am not sure, though, what the exact limit actually is…
October 18, 2013 at 7:53 pm #5129Just guessing: Your 0pix problem might be related to your watermark. The theme is extremely sensible to watermarks that do not exactly match the correct size. Definitely worth checking…
Your NEW PROBLEM is known and has been discussed. I think Leo has it on his To-Do-List.
October 15, 2013 at 10:42 pm #4915@Semmick Photo wrote:
The only thing I dont like about Blue Host is that the site is slow. On good days, its still just a bit too slow for my liking, on bad days it can take up to 10-15 seconds for the site to load.
That’s still much better than iStock 😆
October 14, 2013 at 8:52 pm #4760Hmm, I still wonder if that’s somehow related to Martha’s/your earlier problem. What strikes me is that it only happens with PHP 5.3 and later (if I understood your post correctly).
October 14, 2013 at 7:32 pm #4758Christine, I remember Martha having a problem with her numerous categories not showing up in the menu. I think the reason was that starting with php 5.3 the number is limited by default. It can be changed by some php.ini parameter. Here is the thread you might want to read again: 12, 2013 at 6:51 am #4340@klsbear wrote:
@cathyslife stockphotos wrote:
If you link to you will be linked to everyone. They will show your images in searches on their site and vice versa. And most everyone is linked to already. I have verified the fact that i am linked with everyone with webmaster tools after wondering what the point was for filling out 10 slots if you can connect in one shot. Of course you can fill them out, maybe they provide additional links? I would like to hear the theory on that.
My understanding is that just linking to creates a direct link to that site alone, providing an SEO boost to but not the sites for the images it’s displaying. By filling the 9 additional fields you also give a boost to those 9 sites, just as other sites are giving a boost to you if they’ve listed your site.
I could be wrong but I think just displaying the images via the search doesn’t give SEO weight to any of the sites other than You’re offering a gateway but not really creating a link by calling up the other sites.
Maybe someone with more SEO knowledge could chime in to say if this is a correct assumption or not.
I am by no mean a SEO expert but my understanding of this is exactly the same.
October 12, 2013 at 4:32 am #1749@stevephoto wrote:
@cascoly wrote:
on processing keep getting phantom images:
1 120811 870 2236496665 o
alertNo matching image files found. You may have named them incorrectly. Fix problem and re-upload. This file has been removed. Example: “my_stock_art.eps” or “” must have accompanying “”my_stock_art.jpg” to be considered a valid set/file.
not supplied not supplied not supplied not supplied
2 091121 233i
alertNo matching image files found. You may have named them incorrectly. Fix problem and re-upload. This file has been removed. Example: “my_stock_art.eps” or “” must have accompanying “”my_stock_art.jpg” to be considered a valid set/file.i’ve deleted these files multiple times but they keep getting ‘processed’ when i upload new images
I get this too whenever there is a file that didn’t process for some reason. (still using 2.6.5)
Like last week when I couldn’t upload larger files. Now with every upload there is that one error file.RE: The duplicate Descriptions.
Wasn’t this traced back to having a ‘Special Character’ in the Description – I remember this happening when I first started.
I happened yesterday when one got past me in my initial IPTC editing.Steve
I’ve encountered these errors with file names that contained a “.” (beside the one before “jpg”) or “,” or other symbols as well.