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    Profile photo of HodagMedia

    @cathyslife stockphotos wrote:

    I wondered if it was you, Pete. I know you have been threatening to create that website for a long time…i think its great you are finally doing it! 🙂

    Too funny!

    I think people should remember that SY is not a company brand name (even tho some are pushing for it to become that)…its wordpress theme software. And this is exactly why we should all remain independent sites…i dont want anyone telling me what i can and cant market, and i wont tell anyone else what to market. No one is forced into networking with any site they dont want to…we all have a choice.

    The discrimination has already started…it was bound to happen sooner or later. Human nature, i guess.

    Thank you for understanding, even after I stepped in front of the speeding bus. :/

    Profile photo of HodagMedia

    @marthamarks wrote:

    @hodagmedia wrote:

    If the sitename and location isn’t obvious:

    OK, so I’ll bite and ask the two obvious questions:

    Is that really and truly the name you want on your site?

    Does that name really and truly help the marketing and overall reputation of Symbiostock?

    Yes, it’s true I have a sense of humor.

    No one should link to it. I have a legitimate name for a site being processed, and appropriate content. It’s a test site and it’s been an ongoing joke for years before Symbiostock was every a thought in Leo’s fertile brain. Reputation of Symbiostock, maybe the whole Microstock market is a better target, or the entire Internet. (Creation Date: 28-may-2011) After a nice lady artist who owned the name, let me transfer it to myself.

    Meanwhile I have moved forward and installed the Alamy Plugin, which works. Pretty well. I learned that the “RM” needs to be in caps or the file will display as rf instead. No big deal. Just a heads up for anyone else going that direction.

    Now about the Red Warning, “Editorial Only”which doesn’t display? What did I do wrong this time.

    Oh and thanks for the help, I figured out the front page answer myself.

    Do you think camera phone and tablet photos are acceptable? Is some crummy Instagram “artistic”. Unhappy to see everyone is so uptight about a name on a website? I guess some folks are insulted because I’m making fun of myself? Am I allowed to call one of my own photos a Snapshot, or will I anger some more people…

    Profile photo of HodagMedia

    Same as the unable to edit Medium Price, day and a half later, I uploaded, the new image shows fine. I edit and there it is. Also picked up the default settings now, (no vectors, no zip price showing) So I’ll assume it just needed to load and get comfortable at it’s website home or something. 😉

    Yes ftp worked fine and images showed, now they appear the same from the SYS software upload. If you were asking me, if I looked in the right place or clicked All Images.

    Now I need to figure out how to edit the front page. I can do HTML but no clue about wordpress. I’m going for that fixed page look and I wanted the image gallery to be on the first page.

    This is a test site so I can get through mistakes and error, before I add a more serious image website. When I get to the office I’m going to work on PayPal setup.

    Here’s a question. Say I get the site all working the way I want. And I start a second Symbiostock site. Can I copy the files over there and be almost up and running, except some name and association changes, or do I have to go through the entire process of installing, adding, and updating on that site?

    Profile photo of HodagMedia

    @christine wrote:

    Not seen that one before – which versions are you using and would it be worth trying reloading them in case something got scrambled on upload ?

    I’ll leave it just in case, but between install Saturday, and then going to work for a day Sunday. Came back and while I was doing an Insomnia Edit – at 2AM – everything displayed fine. I hate to say it, but it fixed itself. (which I don’t really believe in, but in this case, there’s no other answer.)

    Downloaded the latest version from Symbiostock and latest version of child theme. Don’t know where to look at that number. Is there an about screen?

    Hmm, found the ID card – Symbiostock Version 2.9.4

    Profile photo of HodagMedia

    But the double talk in the offer is just full of BS.

    The idea and campaign would have the backings of a global agency, who would submit your illustration into multiple awards shows and publications getting you global exposure; and the high chance of winning some awards.

    Sounds more like some spam for contest entries? Plus exposure and winning awards? Let me suggest this is an attempt at bribing someones ego, but the pay is still zero.

    If the agency honestly loves someones work, they could show that by paying for it! Not making some poorly veiled pandering effort to get it for free.

    Profile photo of HodagMedia

    Probably not the same error but I just installed the latest version and child theme and I’m trying to upload my first image. It said (first try) IO Error 2038. Second try I got a green check mark. Both times I went to process and just saw icons and no image that I uploaded.

    It’s vanished?

    fire-pit-brush-2013.jpg (everything lower case which is what I do for all files)

    Is there some simple issue that I’m missing because I’m new. This is a straight jpg, not a vector upload like Ron’s problem.

    Is that what it’s supposed to look like?

    ftp works fine. I did my first test file and it appeared perfectly.

    Profile photo of HodagMedia

    Neat. I just joined. And for people asking how new and beginner are you. (or not asking) I just got the WordPress installed this morning before I left for work. Fresh as new fallen snow, wet behind the ears like a baby sheep… That New. 🙂

    Profile photo of HodagMedia

    @stevephoto wrote:

    My RM images are all only available through Alamy and I use the AJT Alamy Plugin to direct customers there.

    So how does this work and for other with the extended plugin that he wrote.

    Do I upload a photo and then add the link, but if someone wants to buy, they buy through Alamy, not Symbiostock?

    So it’s just a search link, right?

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