Forum Replies Created
November 13, 2013 at 11:47 pm #7155
@russell wrote:
@hodagmedia wrote:
@russell wrote:
OK but there’s only one dash on a keyboard? Only one dash in ASCII or ANSI standards. Or ???
Well, unicodes for different dashes exist (see here).
But it’s a bit of a non sequitur since we’re discussing domain names where you’d only use the n-dash hyphen. As Jo said, it’s a meatspace problem rather than an online problem.
ETA: I always like discussing language/linguistics/grammar-type stuff though.
Thanks Interesting – And Jo too:
And I have some type setting / paste-up background from the days before digital. Using the blue galleys in fact. I showed someone how we used to do it and she was pretty aghast. “You mean you cut that up with a scissors and glued it all down?” 🙂 What started it was, I found my favorite pair of scissors, which were surgical shears, maybe 1 1/2 inch blades. That’s what I like best for paste-up.
One poetry magazine was hand set with cold type, printed on a letterpress. Kind of an art thing, labor intensive, hand assembled, but the finished product was classy. Imagine the ladies basement with pages hanging on strings across the whole room. Drying. It was great fun.
My Brother had a working Linotype machine in his garage in CA. He’d get calls for work now and then. Took up one parking place.
When all the good names are gone, hyphens, dashes, minus signs (which are all the same thing) are an alternative to run on words, which may stick together better, but are even harder to spell. Advantages and disadvantages to everything with these options. Weight them and decide.
If it wasn’t for trying to be found, by associated words and concepts, any jumble of letters will do, shorter the better. Something with a catchy name. I still think it’s odd that Bing wasn’t taken, or they bought it? Veer? Hmm, all kinds of things. Twitter? Quite appropriate and matching.
Gizex.Com works for one of mine that’s not photo. 😉
November 13, 2013 at 5:12 am #7152November 13, 2013 at 5:07 am #7358@ezeepics wrote:
Found it, I don’t know why I didn’t see it before when I searched it in categories….Thank you!
Maybe the same reason I couldn’t find it until some spelled it out. Symbiostock Featured Images… not the letter F but down the page “S”. OK then, now it works fine. 😉 I don’t think we’re first and won’t be last.
November 11, 2013 at 9:25 pm #7150@jorodrigues wrote:
Hyphens are an issue in the real world while not so much online. If you bump into a potential client in person and you don’t have a card with you it becomes cumbersome and potentially lose the client while trying to explain the hyphen and where it is in the name. You also need to make it clear that it is a – not an _ or an –.
As always this is just a personal opinion and I always think to the future with possible issues. I like to keep things simple for clients. The most important thing I learnt in my education was to assume that the client knows nothing and is ignorant (not in a bad way). This way you explain everything to him/her and make it easy to access your services.
Lost me in one part. “a – not an _ or an –.” What’s the last one that’s not a – (hyphen under underline on the keyboard) what is it?
True so make cards. 😉 If you haven’t been bombarded by Vistaprint they have free 250 business cards, which is a pretty good deal, for the shipping. It has their name on the back. (which you can pay to have removed, but then, why not just buy cards?) And you are limited to stock photos and backgrounds from their collection.
For a real number, which is hard to pin down and people make up some stories. Shipping my last order, cards only, was $6.93 = under 3 cents a card, to make sure someone remembers you and has the correct information, not some note or hand written page.
Another order for a different card, when I bought a shirt, including (or is that excluding?) blank back side, was $5.67 something shipping, the embroidered shirt was $19.71 – so the cards were actually 100% free!
They do get $5 for uploading a person image for products. But like everything else Vistaprint, if you watch they have free uploads too. Upload on those days, order later.
This is a very minimalist personal card. Name, email, Phone number, website. Just The Facts. Business cards have business details, depending on which one it is.
So when is a – not a – ? You got me on that one?
November 11, 2013 at 4:57 am #7148@cascoly wrote:
another factor to remember is that most people will find you thru your images, not your domain, unless you plan to do a lot of print & tv advertising. domain names themselves are less important than they were 10 years ago – consider pond5, dreamstime. eg
Examples are names that have nothing to do with the business, but we can find many people associating them with a particular site: Google? Yahoo? Bing? Amazom? Zoosk?
Sure having the name stock or photo or what you do, in the name makes sense, but it’s not absolutely necessary.
Also if checking for .com, .net and .org registration, WHOIS.COM is a pretty reliable source.
Also consider hyphens in a name. It used to be a debate if they were searched, ignored or a buried, not to being found at all. That’s been resolved. They should be about the same as an all character name. One site claims they have an advantage.
November 11, 2013 at 4:40 am #7176I’ll tell you why I love meatballs. Oh wait it was about the forum.
“4) Personal messages that don’t involve e-mail addresses being exchanged. I don’t mind given the current situation where we’re all developing sites, but if the audience got broader, I want to be able to offer forum help without giving out my e-mail address to people I don’t know at all.”
Personally people can find me here or there or just do a search, but I think for some people, it would be better to not have your address public. Also SPAMMERS can collect them much easier.
3) This forum takes people off site, instead of opening the link in a new window. Any message with a link, potentially, loses a person to something or somewhere else.
2) The other one has more support and options for you the owner. Including a good SPAM filter and registration system.
1) You can make the IP tracking visible which will reduce some of the problems associated with trolls. Not that this place appears to have any problems with that. But just in case.
November 7, 2013 at 7:55 pm #7005@Snap Vectors wrote:
I agree 100% with jsnover. Those are great points, especially her comment about delivering “what most buyers will be expecting”.
And I’m on the long learning curve on this topic too. Good reading all.
Not sure about this part. (I have no fonts so that was easy) And the re-size to page? I’ll have to watch that and see what I have to do. Just starting and haven’t finished more than two test files.
“Disable the preview generated by Illustrator: Including a rasterized preview will only needlessly increase the file size. When you save your file, choose “None” for the preview section under the EPS options dialog box.”
Is that the place where the example from markscatesphotography had Preview and the TIF format? I’ve already been setting that as none. Correct?
Glad that someone started me by saying EPS10 is the standard, because there are so many variables.
November 6, 2013 at 5:59 pm #2017@lespalenik wrote:
OK, Mark
here it is – a link to a story about your purchases
Well written article and good history as well.
November 6, 2013 at 2:23 pm #6754@shelma1 wrote:
Try going to appearance > Customize > Symbiostock nav menus
Then go down to “Separate search/account menus?” and click “off.”Ah good, I was asking that same question myself. I’ll have to go see if I can do that.
November 6, 2013 at 2:25 am #6856@cascoly wrote:
can’t post that quote too many times…..
not to mention, you said from the start this is a TEST site that no one in the active areas will ever see….
They might, I’m pretty incompetent at this point and the site is live and active? (but not linked to the SYS network) I’m trying to make it work, PayPal and uploads and menus and all that. I found that Bing already picked up the first Blog page, which is a surprise.
Seems like ftp is the best answer for uploads, which is fine. Not like anyone here, who already went through all the install and themes and everything, can’t understand how to upload ftp? 🙂
Working on that Alamy thing, but the SYS site allows downloads, well it allows people to click on download, instead of directing them to Alamy. No real download occurs. (operator error – I was typing in the ID as Alamy–abcdef instead of Alamy=abcdef) Works great, I love it!
I did find some nice download abilities on Alamy with keywords, which I didn’t expect. Very Nice!
But the idea is a real working site, so I can see how it all works and get the software running, before I open one of the real sites. Then I can link to myself I suppose? It’s an interesting challenge even though Leo made all of it a work in progress. If I can get Crapstock functioning, then I can start working on the others. (and yes there’s an “S” at the end)
No I don’t want the new sites indexed until they are up and working, not some half-assed broken install, no PayPal, pages that look like crap, with about eight images. Talk about how does that look? I’m not even announcing the names until they are completed and functional.
November 5, 2013 at 5:07 pm #6854@ajt wrote:
Your mail server says that my IP is blocked, so here is my reply to your questions: 🙂
To use Stock plugin you should uninstall Alamy plugin first (go to plugins page in WP,
choose deactivate, then delete) , then install stock plugin. It is easy
to customize. Just click Edit in plugins page, find “AlamyRM=” in code
and replace it to “alamyrm=” or whatever you wish, maybe something shorter.Works great and I changed my email address to a different provider. We’ll see if that works. My apologies for Yahoo / AT&T blocking your IP for whatever reason.
November 5, 2013 at 6:02 am #6852@marthamarks wrote:
Hey, Pete, do whatever you want. Present yourself to the world any way that works for you. Go ahead and get yourself all “puckered up” because somebody dared question your wisdom or your wit.
To be honest, I don’t give a fig what kind of cameras you use or what kind of images you offer visitors to your site. You are free to offer crap and call it that, if it makes you happy. As an old friend of mine used to say: Whatever blows your skirt up.
But I do suspect I’m not the only one of the 129 current SYS site owners who was hoping that Symbiostock would raise the bar, not lower it. Hoping it would grow into a powerhouse of impressive sites that would attract buyers because of the combined quality and value of our offerings. Not because of their self-proclaimed crappiness.
So it’s not about my photos, or camera, or what kind of material, or any of that, it’s just that I offended 129 people by naming my site something that lowers the bar on Microstock. I find it hard to believe that one person with a test site did that much damage to the combined quality of the powerhouse, just by naming a site.
Yes, I agree, everyone is independent and should run their own site, with their own content. I don’t go as far as presume I should tell other people what to do with their images, the price, what to sell or anything else. The list was just example of “now entering the slippery slope”, and how far do people want to go with telling others what they can and can’t do with their site?
You can do what you want and so can everyone else. I’m hoping the “129 owners” also grant me that same freedom and independence. Kind of what this whole Symbiostock project is based on, isn’t it?
I leave it at this:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.
(Reverend Martin Niemoeller)If you are going to start with site names, then what and who will be next? I’m answering on general principle not my personal concerns.
November 5, 2013 at 12:30 am #6848@marthamarks wrote:
@cathyslife stockphotos wrote:
The discrimination has already started…it was bound to happen sooner or later. Human nature, i guess.
Hmmmm. That was aimed at me, I’m sure.
Well, yes, I do think it’s human nature to want to put your best foot forward and expect that others you’re affiliated with (however loosely) will do the same. Especially after so many of us have spent months of our lives virtually non-stop building websites that we can be proud of. It’s called professionalism, and it’s a good thing in start-up businesses.
For the record, I know Pete has a good sense of humor. I have encouraged him via several PMs to jump into the SYS pond. But laughing at oneself is one thing. Forcing bad taste down other people’s throats is another. Hey, sure, anybody can do as they please. Why should the rest of us care?
What’s next from somebody else with a great sense of humor? Sh*
Yes Martha and I appreciate everyone who encouraged me to “just do it” I didn’t know that people would be such puckered up… about a site name. And by the way, it’s my site! Thanks for the name suggestion. I might want a Sister site.
Maybe some people would only allow membership for those that pass an entrance test and get accepted into the Symbiostock private club.
Personally anyone with swimsuit models, slathered up models, men without shirts, or cleavage is OBSCENE to me and will bring down the whole network with their vulgar pandering.
No sites where the person hasn’t at least got an APS-C sensor. Anything smaller is unprofessional. No camera phones or tablets either. I find it insulting to have someone selling photos from a toy camera or a telephone.
Anyone who markets on Flickr, Facebook, or participates on Pinterest, should NOT allowed to run a commercial Symbiostock site.
Maybe we should have site reviews and tell people what photos they are allowed to sell on SYS? Or if we like the design, colors and find their keywords acceptable.
And last of all, some committee needs to be appointed to approve our pricing.
Leo made this so we could be free, not so people would attempt to control others websites and content. Something to consider before being offended and outraged that I’m using a site name that I picked as a sarcastic self expression.
November 5, 2013 at 12:06 am #6847@Semmick Photo wrote:
@cathyslife stockphotos wrote:
I wondered if it was you, Pete. I know you have been threatening to create that website for a long time…i think its great you are finally doing it! 🙂
Too funny!
I think people should remember that SY is not a company brand name (even tho some are pushing for it to become that)…its wordpress theme software. And this is exactly why we should all remain independent sites…i dont want anyone telling me what i can and cant market, and i wont tell anyone else what to market. No one is forced into networking with any site they dont want to…we all have a choice.
The discrimination has already started…it was bound to happen sooner or later. Human nature, i guess.
Sure, but Symbiostock is plastered all over the homepage with a big logo, and my site is affiliated with Symbiostock. I better put a notice up on my website that I am not associated with any Symbiostock site, remove all links and blogs about Symbiostock, switch off the network, and go completely independent.
I can do as I please, I guess.
Show me where to find the logos and I’ll be replacing them. I agree that I should make it less like I’m part of the core network. I’ll start searching and replacing later tonight.
Work in progress and Test Site to learn how SYS and WP work. So far much easier than I expected getting the foundations installed. I’m a little lost with menu options and some of the coding.
November 5, 2013 at 12:04 am #6846@ajt wrote:
Your mail server says that my IP is blocked, so here is my reply to your questions: 🙂
To use Stock plugin you should uninstall Alamy plugin first (go to plugins page in WP,
choose deactivate, then delete) , then install stock plugin. It is easy
to customize. Just click Edit in plugins page, find “AlamyRM=” in code
and replace it to “alamyrm=” or whatever you wish, maybe something shorter.How rude of my server to block you? It’s at&t which the mail is run by Yahoo, I don’t know why they would do that? Still not very much appreciated. And thanks for the answer. I went to your site and found the instructions.
Works fine as it is, I’m leaving it alone for now. Got the nice RED notice which is just what people need to see, before they do something illegal.