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    Profile photo of grsphoto

    @redneck wrote:

    You can actually combine Step 1 and 2 into one step. I think it makes most sense to order your domain at the same place and time where/when you order your web space.

    I kinda disagree. You can buy your name where you host, but it will become more difficult to change hosts if/when the service level doesn’t meet your needs.

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    I doubt if you will ever be unwelcome here ( at least I hope so)

    As an experieinced photographer who is a relative newbie at stock….. there is a lot to learn to create stock. A lot of my “best” and favourite images from the past were rejected by agencies for valid reasons ( soft focus, dust, images that are just not commercially viable)

    As well as taking the time and effort to set-up your symbio site, you should also work on getting accepted at the agencies. This will help you understand what your potential clients require.

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    What might be more useful is a group of “experts” who would look at a site critically and offer suggestions for improvement. I know I could use a service like that.

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    I used to belong to a professional organization that gave Free seminars to it’s members. The response in attendance and feedback was very poor. We started charging for the same seminars, and attendance rose, and the feedback of attendees also improved. The seminars themselves…no difference.

    It is all about perceived value.

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    A way to sell stock while keeping control.

    Profile photo of grsphoto


    Email sent. Thanks for the offer, we will take you up on it. 🙂

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    I read an interesting blog back in April.. which talks about the ways the business of photography is changing.

    One thing he talks about is value of an image based on not what it took to create it, but it’s ability to do it’s job.

    My comment after the blog:

    I had a chance to digest this information ( it is amazing how much thinking you can do on a bus ride)
    Let me see if I have your idea right. The true value of an image is its ability to do its “job” ( job being: call to action, attract attention, create an emotional response) .
    You mention we, as creators, need to learn how to judge and value an image or flow of images based on this.
    How can we do this? What are the criteria, besides personal experience, that will allow us to say $X for this one $Y for this one?

    He has a software platform that will help us learn what images are of value.

    I am still not convinced but it is an interesting way of looking at pricing and value.

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    @redneck wrote:

    I think you’re taking my quote out of context.
    I didn’t want to discuss pricing or even question the freedom of business decisions. I’ve placed my opinion in a thread where we were discussing the Symbiostock networking feature. I (have to) tolerate and accept people who think they must be the cheapest in order to run a successful business. I’m just saying I don’t want to network with them nor do I want to support them. That’s why I would be in favor of a filtering system where we can exclude sites to network with.

    Yes I did take your quote out of context, but I thought it would be a good jumping off point to start or continue the conversation without causing thread drift.

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    @redneck wrote:

    I think the problems begin where business ideologies collide, especially when it comes to pricing. Call me old fashioned but I’ll never understand nor support people who offer high quality creative work like a full size high res photograph for $3 or $5. I think this is crazy and it is targeted to destroy the entire industry in the long run. And that’s when I have to say I’d rather not network with them.

    Taking this quote and starting another thread

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    @cathyslife stockphotos wrote:

    I am truly sorry if anyone thinks I am selfish or their feelings are hurt because I have changed my marketing strategies. That is not the intent at all.

    This is a business…. and I doubt anyone would have hurt feeling about someone trying different marketing strategies.

    I think that right now the amount of traffic is so small that there is not much we can do with the network placements to increase sales. Once we reach the point where there is a rush of traffic ( as opposed to the trickle we get now) then adjusting network connections will be more critical…. I think.


    Profile photo of grsphoto

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    I can help. I can write a bit, and I can create a nice powerpoint presentation. I understand Facebook groups and pages, I managed a Mafia Wars clan. I dont mind doing some marketing and writing people. The only problem is, I havent really looked at the possibilities. I rather get assignments then trying to invent the wheel. So count me in as worker bee, not a leader.

    Ok Ron… see my thread about marketing plan

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    thank you.

    I don’t think there is such a thing as an “official Symbiostock member” so you are it… 🙂 🙂

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    Great Idea for both potential customers and potential members of the network as well.

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    I spent an hour this morning on Linkedin as well. I have been on the site for awhile ( couple of years) but never really have gone into depth on how to use it.

    There should be a way to combine all of resources on the different sites ( linked in, facebook, twitter, G+) so that any work one of us does does not duplicate the work of another.

    I suggest the set up of a Symbiostock group/ page/ ???? on each of these sites so that we can link/combine our efforts.

    It may also be good if someone became the resident “expert” on each of these sites.

    Any volunteers?

    Profile photo of grsphoto

    Christine thanks for the comments

    I suck at editing, so I have to get it all done in camera. For the Pea I had a quilt built that looked like the edge of bedding and then attached it to a piece of plywood, which I attached to a frame.

    I don’t like my watermark either… but I have not gone back to redo it. I am afraid to lose all my other changes if I do.


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