Forum Replies Created
March 19, 2014 at 1:20 am #10507
ok, I think I understood, I have published one Thank you very much for your help. 😛
March 18, 2014 at 11:08 pm #10506@jsfoto wrote:
This is the way to do it :
1. Create a collection using options in the “Collection” panel.
2. Assign images to the collection by searching, selecting, and choosing “Add Selected Images”, and pushing “save”, similar to the “Categories” panel.
3. In the batch editor search results, find an image you wish to use as the “Main” image representing the collection. Click “Edit”.
4. Be sure to modify the price to that which you feel properly reflects the combined worth of all the images, with obvious bulk discounts or special license considerations.
5. In that Edit Image panel you will find a dropdown to assign the collection. Choose the desired set of images that will be available with this purchase.
6. You can unassign an image from hosting a collection by visiting your collection panel, and clicking the X corresponding to the collection preview image in the list.
7. TIP: For the “main image” you should make a collage, software box, or similar type preview to visually imply a “set” of images. You can create and upload one of these with the intention of turning it into a “collection” preview.I think 3 and 4 is what you are looking for …
See examples here:
Thank you very much, let me try, I think I didn’t understand how can be assorted sizes for the bloggie or for medium, if are medium are not all the same size?
March 17, 2014 at 8:02 pm #10060Hello, everybody, today was my turn, but I think the order is not respected anymore…I was out in weekend and I came back one hour ago…..That’s why I didn’t retweeted nothing….Now I will recuperate all 🙂 My tweet is this one
March 13, 2014 at 2:36 pm #10058This is ok for me too…I look at the list but anyway I retweet the other’s tweets each day….:-) This weekend I don’t know how much I’ll be able to follow from iPad, Iw ill be out.
March 13, 2014 at 1:50 pm #10055@shazamimages wrote:
I’m not sure where the game stands at this point. It seems to have died off.
As such, here is a new Tweet to try and keep this going:
Today wasn’t the turn of @steheap? I think so. If no, the next is @ksstockphotos 8)
March 13, 2014 at 1:09 pm #10385@Imago Borealis wrote:
I am surprised you are/were still on php 5.2.
I think in November last year I heard that BluHost was starting to “enforce” switching. I got notified in January with 7 days grace period. At least I GOT notified. It seems many of us didn’t.
I am sorry to hear your site got destroyed. What do you mean exactly? Everything wiped out, not working, or just not working correctly?
When they switched me it was just the php.ini that needed some fixing as the custom settings were gone. And I don’t think you can just use a backup copy of your version 5.2. php.ini file.
All the layout was destroyed. The site working well but the layout was a disaster! I was forced to restore it from a backup and now is well, but I’m still on 5.2 Soon I will be forced to pass to 5.4 and I will ask the Bluehost assistance to make this transaction in order to not disturb my layout, if it will not be possible I’ll have to pay the developer to make it. Anyway I have problems with the users registration password for THE FOOD SHOP, developer working since this morning to resolve it. I don’t like that after an user registers with his password the system generates other password and this password is sent in the email to user. The user becomes confused. And I don’t understand why is happening to THE FOOD SHOP when on STOCKPHOTOS.EZEEPICS.COM is working very well. I have the same theme, the same Symbiostock premium and the same plugins like on THE FOOD SHOP. Strange thing.
March 11, 2014 at 11:00 am #10046I don’t want to abbandon it too. I love it, and I retweet daily all I find with #symbiostock #retweet and #RT (finally I didn’t understood if we will use only #RT or #retweet too, but is fun and useful anyway!). It would be great if you could build an app for it Leo!…. 🙂
March 10, 2014 at 9:47 am #10238Yes, yesterday night I saw it for all the images. Only from Mozilla. In the other browsers everything was ok. Now is dissapeared.
March 9, 2014 at 5:34 pm #10038@klsbear wrote:
@christine wrote:
and me – I think I was the one that originally mentioned it though so does that count 😀
I put too many hashtags on my last image so it missed the rt bit off anyway 😳
I confess I was too lazy to look back and find out who made the #RT suggestion. Let’s go with it. It was an excellent idea in my book.
Ok, from tommorrow I will use #RT
March 9, 2014 at 4:02 pm #10032@klsbear wrote:
I’ve lost track of where we are on the list. I have been favoriting and retweeting the posts with retweet in them but it seems like some have dropped out as I don’t see any recent links here. If you are next on the list raise your hand!
Someone had suggested we use #RT instead of spelling out Retweet to conserve characters for our message too. I like that idea. Is anyone else in favor of that change?
I agree with #RT When do we start to use it? I lost the track too. Who was featured today? 😀
March 5, 2014 at 10:45 pm #10080March 5, 2014 at 10:09 pm #10077I have three sites on Bluehost, never had this problem….
March 5, 2014 at 5:00 pm #10194The same thing I told you about in email. Check there, in Manage Locations. But keep in mind that, in your case the Categories menu can stay only in Header because you are not using a template with Sidebar. Or you choose a page with Sidebar or you use a Plugin to create Menu Widgets which you can place everywhere on your site.
You have alrready a menu in Header Menu, you cannot put the categories there too. You have to choose, or the menu you have now, or the categories. WP have limitations, use widgets.March 4, 2014 at 4:34 pm #7841
It will be enough to understand that everything comes thru /wp-login.phpMarch 4, 2014 at 4:27 pm #7840@lucato wrote:
@ezeepics wrote:
@jorodrigues wrote:
I don’t want to clutter up this thread with this but I can still login with the plugin installed.
Edit: Still login the normal way via the normal link and get access to my dashboard. I tried a different browser to test.
Did you empty your cash first? Did you set a secret keyword in the user area and you saved it? It’s impossible, I think you can still login because you didn’t empty the cash
Here, by setting a secret keyword in the user area and saving it, I can’t login in the backend through the normal link, it refreshes the page as it was entered a wrong password. So, here it seems to be working ok. The only thing I’m thinking is once the hacker knows the login data, can enter from the front-end as an user and get access to the back end from the front-end, once WP shows dashboard/edit post and so on on the front-end.
Don’t understand what you mean with “once the hacker knows the login data”…. 😮 From where he could know it?
Doesn’t matter what login page he is using. If hacker is trying to login with admin login and password (admin level of access), the plugin will check for secret word 100%.
Hacker will not get full admin access, cuz his login action will be rejected.
Let’s suppose that hacker used any keylogger or admin found because it was used a public computer (e.g. in library) and it was possible to steal the login and password. Hacker will not get access to dashboard of WP website, cuz the plugin will not allow it to him without the secret word…. 😀 -