Forum Replies Created
September 13, 2013 at 3:15 pm #2607
Because everithing is too complicate, Licences must not be added in this way, everything must be added from the edit image page, like I explained above. SIMPLE.You did’t see nothing when you selected the Extended licence because you thaught that you have to select only the Extended licence – like all the people think. But instead you have to thick Extended and the size desired for extended. This is too complicate even for clients. It must be more simple. The Extended must be listed after the Large size. When a client select a normal size, when goes in the purchase page there he can have the link for Standard. If he choose the Extended in the purchase page he has the link for Extended licence to read and agree. For me Fotolia has the simpliest system, is so hard to do a similar thing?
September 13, 2013 at 9:03 am #2604Ok, I suppose you know the error I get, I already explained it in the other forum. I use many licences, Standard, Extended, Editorial. I sell RF and RM images, that’ why I’d like to have all these licences. But no hurry, I can wait, what we need is good stuff without errors. I don’t like so much the actual system with adding the licences under the Product table. At least not the Standard licence. If someone buys one of the normal sizes and not selects the Extended licence is selfunderstood that the licence is Standard, you don’t have to selected from under the table. Take example Fotolia. That is the most simple way to have the licences and sizes. Just make something similar. Only one Extended licence for the large format with only one price and add it in the table after the large format. For Editorial licence the same table with the same sizes and Extended Licence (only that Editorial will be selected from the admin edit image page). For example, we have the edit image page in admin. We have a first option where we select which type of image is that one: commercial or editorial. Than, if is commercial we fill other options: Rf or Rm, and if it’s editorial the same,we have to choose first RF or RM. Than, for RF we choose if we keep only normal sizes with normal Standard licence or we have Extended too. If it’s RM we must have the RM price calculator integrated (that one which every site selling RM has), otherwise we cannot sell RM
All the choices must be made in backend in the edit image page and on the site must appear very clean and understandable. The select of size and licence must be very simple, with one click in order that any stupid can make it. To tell the truth, the actual Extended licence added under the table is not easy to understand because when you click it nothing appears and not all the people think that they have to click an image size together with the extended licence in order to have a price displayed. If you want that Symbiostock becomes no. 1 you have to make it beat all the other agencies. For each detail, first look what all agencies have, than make something better and simplier than all. If you need other questions or ideas I’m here …:-) -