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  • #7356
    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    But I don’t have the category Symbiostock Featured Images in my Images categories…:-(

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    I activated the network for Can you add me to the list please? I’m looking for matches

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    Thank you! If you are here, please can you explain to me how it’s working with the Featured image in the Symbiostock featured images category? How can I add images there?

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    Ok, I activated the network for, cascoly please, can you add me? I have on this site all the other type of photography but food. Food is on the other site. Travel, editorial, people, lifestyle, commercial. Only 48 photos for now, I add stuff slowly because don’t have time. I will go on the list to see who I add to my network.

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    Oh my God, instead to answer I clicked on Report Post and send it. And now?

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    Is that memory problem. I see if I delete them I can visualize again the processor. I will upload them piece by piece, but please set the max. memory for me, I don’t remember how I made it for food.ezeepics, now I opened wp_config and doesn’t find any reference to memory. Thank you,

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    Completely agree.

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    @christine wrote:

    +1 for Anti-Captcha

    I am going to edit your heading to make it more informative – you can always edit it back if you wish, as this is not really an issue for Leo as can easily be resolved by using plugins

    Thanks Christine….I’m not sure what you mean by edit my heading. Can you explain me more please?

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    @shelma1 wrote:

    I added the wordfence security plugin (free) and that took care of it…even when we did have a more difficult sign up process, I was getting a lot of spam. I also added anti-captcha, also free.

    I have Wordfence installed, it doesn’t help me.

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    Captcha for comments, but for registrations?

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    Found it. I had the Cart Manager Inactive. Found the purchased images section.

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    I made the same answer in other topic and Leo already answered to it. Is WordPress way of work and would be pretty complicate to modify it. Is not impossible, but I don’t think Leo has time for it now, are other important things that need to be done first.

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    I have only one site related on the list: foodvectors. But I added imagerion, and too. I see my site added by them, but don’t see them under my site on the list. Can you add these too please Cascoly?

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    @cascoly wrote:

    To help everyone keep track of what’s been reported, what’s been fixed, priorities, etc I’ve started a new table

    I’ve copied the initial lists from the thread and given everything a level 3 priority — low

    please check the list and let me know about any changes, additions or corrections & i’ll try to keep this up to date

    you can refer to the item by its number only unless there’s something to add to the text

    eg, #33 pri = 2

    the version number shows when the item was finished

    Lovely idea, I’d suggest to put links under to send directly to posts, would be a lot easier.

    Profile photo of Ezeepics

    @leo wrote:

    @ezeepics wrote:

    Leo just confirm me that you received the donation, I combined a mess with PayPal too BECAUSE created me the automatic payment of the same amount each month!

    Your site is looking great. The only things I did on your site earlier today was upload/toggle thems, adjust your menus, and upon returning I adjusted your top menu to look cleaner. I’m impressed that Syxtra plugin is working so nicely. I thought it was officially broken.

    Yes, is looking great, but only with Symbiostock child theme, with Cleantheme and Dragonfly don’t work so well. I still cannot make work the width at 100%. I’ve tried to add the code you gave me to the theme css but still not works. Anyway, this is not important. Can you give me some link where I can read more about how it works the marketing tool? I didn’t understand so much. I never have time, I’m always in a rush and I have so many inputs. I need to upload my port in ( the non-food site) and activate the network, but only God knows when I will do it.

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