Forum Replies Created
January 13, 2014 at 11:28 pm #8091
@leo wrote:
I might be going crazy, but whats the “voice” thing you speak of? I did notice that the dropdown isn’t working though.
Did it just suddenly turn off?
Your site is looking awesome as always btw. I wish I could send away for those dishes!
Why you must be going crazy? 😀 I was speaking about “all images” main item in the Header Menu. Doesn’t support sub items and the link under not works. Is not working since a lot…I fixed it about one month ago but I don’t remember how…Now I noticed that is not working again. Your Admin account is there if you want to help me. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the compliments…I still believe I’m not a good photographer…
January 13, 2014 at 12:59 pm #8245@christine wrote:
Hi Corina – you can take me off again now – you had changed the background in SyXtra settings.
I completely forgot about SyXtra Christine! Thank you so much! 😀
January 13, 2014 at 9:27 am #8243@christine wrote:
Hi Corina, if you are still having problems would you like to give me admin access again and I will have a look and see if I can spot anything?
Thank you so much Christine. Your account is still there. I will give you Admin rights right now.
January 13, 2014 at 9:26 am #8242@joannsnover wrote:
Are you using the home page generator? I think that may be the case and possibly is why you can’t do what you want to via child theme editing – I have only done a little dabbling with that on my test site to help out someone who was trying to make that work.
Take a look at what my browser shows me for your page (and note that somewhere you’ve put in the color white as ffffff as opposed to #ffffff) – click to get the full size version
Your edits are there but are being overridden.
If you are using the home page generator, go to Appearance Customize and select the color you want in the Symbiostock General panel on the left.
Thanks JoAnn, is very, very strange…I don’t use Home Page Generated and I checked again everything, I really don’t undertand.
January 13, 2014 at 9:08 am #8224@dp69_2001 wrote:
I cannot find your site, can you give it to me please, in this way I will add you too?
January 12, 2014 at 11:09 pm #8239This is my code in css style of Symbiostock Child Theme in wp_content -> themes:
Theme Name: SYMBIOSTOCK Child
Theme URI:
Description: Child Theme for SYMBIOSTOCK
Author: Leo Blanchette (Change to Your Name)
Author URI:
Template: symbiostock
Version: 0.1.0
*//*SEE styles.css IN THE PARENT THEME
You can over-ride those styles in this child theme.Learn About Child Themes here:*/
@import url(“../symbiostock/style.css”);
background-color: white !important}
width: 100%;
}But my background is not becoming white. even if I write the white like this #ffffff
Am I writing something not correct?January 12, 2014 at 10:22 pm #8238@joannsnover wrote:
You could try editing the css file directly (in a text editor) if you think the problem is not the CSS but the editor not handling it.
from your home directory wp-content/themes/symbiostock-dragonfly (for me it could be symbiostock-child for you) and you should find style.css there
Thank you, I will give a try in ten minutes after I finish to send my images to Shutterstock.
January 12, 2014 at 8:51 pm #8222@cascoly wrote:
I have a large proportion of food on my site & use it as a promoted keyword
i’m out of town for the next few weeks, but will check in here from time to time
I will add you to my network Steve, I’d love to be added to yours, but I will understand if you don’t have free slots… 😉
January 12, 2014 at 8:47 pm #8236@joannsnover wrote:
Then you’ll have to poke around a bit in the browser’s debug mode to see why that isn’t working. You might try adding !important to the end of the color line (it can sometimes be that other declarations take precedence over yours) first, so see if that’s the issue.
Thank you JoAnn, I will try to see but I’m not convinced I will discover,,,, I have added !important to the color line but nothing. You know, I think that nothing I write in the editor from admin side is working. Is like I had no rights for writting….
January 12, 2014 at 8:31 pm #8234@joannsnover wrote:
If I load your food site and use chrome’s inspector to change the body background color to white, it works just fine, so add
background-color: white; to the body definition and you should be all set. #ffffff will work as well if you prefer that to using a name
I have added it in Editor:
background-color: #ffffff;}
width: 100%;
}Doesn’t work… 🙁 My background remains red.
January 12, 2014 at 8:22 pm #8220@klsbear wrote:
Hi Corina – I had a spot open up in my network and I’ve added you. I am not exclusively food but it’s a heavy concentration in my portfolio and I plan to expand it. My portfolio is small but I’ll be adding to it this year.
Thank you Karen. You were before in my network. Love this image, in its simplicity is magnificent:
January 12, 2014 at 8:13 pm #8218@joannsnover wrote:
It’s a problem when you have no more slots to add people – I added one a month or two ago and found out that I had effectively bumped a prior network partner off – the interface let you add more but then zapped someone behind your back (so to speak).
At the time (and I think that may be in the lost forum posts from November and December) I had asked why we can’t have more slots if we want, and a couple of people said they wouldn’t mind that. I don’t see any reason for the limit of 10 (although whatever the limit, the interface should be fixed so you know what’s going on if you’re “full”).
I don’t care if people don’t add me back – I link to sites whose work seems to me to make a good fit with mine, and this isn’t a club or a popularity contest (in my mind). If the people I added had full networks already, that wasn’t a reason for me not to add them. I’m trying to improve the buyers’ experience if they visit my site.
Also, my site has a custom change I made to 2.9.9 that ajt has now included in 3.x.x that if there are no matches on my site it uses the global search instead of saying “no results”, so that’s another way to broaden the connections when it makes sense
Maybe is right, maybe I didn’t do well…I don’t know if what I have added before it was right for me or not. These changes will be for me like a new beginning.
January 12, 2014 at 8:07 pm #8217@klsbear wrote:
Hi Corina;
I had a network spot open up and I’ve added you to my network.
I reciprocate on most, but not all sites that are linked to me. I joined Symbiostock in the very beginning and filled my spots up. Others have come along later and linked to me but I didn’t have open spots. I review statistics and my network partner sites from time to time too and did make some changes awhile ago too. Some of my early partners were not the best match in style and content for either of us and I moved to some that were a better fit. I don’t think anyone should feel compelled to reciprocate if someone links to them. They might have full spots and be happy with their current network, they might not agree with the pricing strategy of the other site, they might not like the quality or style of the work on the linking site or might think it’s too close a competitor instead of a complimentary addition. I am a photographer but want to offer vector options to anyone searching the site so I’m linked to some vector sites but can appreciate if a vector artist only wants to link to other vector sites.
You can add the site as if it was another individual site. In your network area select the “+” sign to open a new spot then just copy into the space where you would enter anyone’s site, then save the changes as usual. I don’t think it’s good for the network if that’s the only link in that it limits the backlinks that individual sites would get by having their images show in search results but it’s a good way to give exposure to a greater number of people so I have it in my site along with 9 others.
Thank you Karen for adding me. I added the and in this way my search shows images from all the network.
January 12, 2014 at 7:19 pm #8214@shelma1 wrote:
Go to Symbiostock>network in your wordpress dashboard and just add that URL as you would add the URL of any individual site you’d link to. Then it will show up like another site in the network, but will show everyone’s work. If you search for “photo” on my site you’ll see the global Symbiostock results first under mine.
Thank you very much!
January 12, 2014 at 5:58 pm #8212 -