Forum Replies Created
April 6, 2014 at 10:41 am #10792
@tdahl-stock wrote:
Yea, I think the largest from Dreamstime for me was $4 and something.
I actually like dreamstime a bit … Submission is a bit slow I suppose is my biggest complaints. But, they get my illustrations tons of views. Far more than other sites anyhow, and seem to pay decently. (Compared to others)
April 3, 2014 at 5:57 pm #10790@tdahl-stock wrote:
This is kind of related to pulling images off Fotolia. I thought about what I am about to post and yes I think I might have lost my mind and had a mental breakdown but….. (this post ended up being longer than I intended, sorry) 🙂
A little history first. I started messing with Stock back in 2011 and had less than 100 images up on Fotolia, Dreamstime, Bigstock, Canstock, and 123RF. Then due to one of my children getting ill for a couple of years I set my camera down for a couple years. I just picked it back up June of 2013. I found Symbiostock on MS Group and jumped in with both feet. One caveat, I only do this part time but hope I can build this up over the next few years to continue after normal job retirement. Which ever way this industry turns.
I started to add to the agencies again to include iStock and FAA for some of my artsy stuff. Now for the mental breakdown I had. I do not do enough volume or have a portfolio that I can really compete in Microstock and I was tired on selling images for as little as $.22 cents. So I pulled all my images off of all sites except Dreamstime until I reach the six month requirement. At the end of January I started uploading all images that might be appropriate for Alamy and went RM only. Anything not appropriate for Alamy goes on my Symbiostock site. If Symbiostock takes off after a while and Alamy keeps dropping prices I might only end up with Symbiostock and a place to print stuff.
I maybe crazy and that strategy mail fail miserably but sold an Image I just got up on Alamy last month for my profit of $19.60 when the same image sold on another site a while back for $.22 cents and I do not expect to get hundreds of downloads from the image. We will see where all this goes. I guess I would rather get larger sales less often. If I had thousands of images suited for microstock it might be a different strategy though since volume of downloads kicks in at that point. I am still learning and getting my feet wet but someday when I grow up I might figure out what I want to do. 😀
So….. I may be the retarded one here 😆
$19.60 is a nice sale … I think my highest ever was like $5(dreamstime). For the most part my goal is to be Symbiostock exclusive someday … But, I want to see some payouts damnit!
April 3, 2014 at 5:16 pm #10788@kimscreativehub wrote:
@joannsnover wrote:
If the agencies were fair, honest, efficient, organized and had gobs of customers, there’d be no Symbiostock 🙂
I completely agree!
My Very Best 🙂
KimsCreativeHub.comSo true!
@leo wrote:
Sometimes I wonder if I’m retarded for keeping my port up there, but honestly they haven’t started doing the really bad stuff like Istock, so I’m allowing myself a small allowance of retardation.
I decided not even to take the plunge to Istock. Especially since I couldn’t figure out the upload process. 🙄 With my small port sometimes I wonder if any of the sites are worth uploading to for a while … It takes up a ton of time, and generally causes more frustration than it’s worth.
March 29, 2014 at 8:08 pm #10714@dp69_2001 wrote:
This spot here should do it, seems like I might have done it in the header.php file though.
[attachment=0:f1692dcq]Untitled-1.jpg[/attachment:f1692dcq]I lied, Joann is right.
March 29, 2014 at 8:05 pm #10713This spot here should do it, seems like I might have done it in the header.php file though.
[attachment=0:fg8yxh2w]Untitled-1.jpg[/attachment:fg8yxh2w]March 27, 2014 at 3:09 pm #10611The only other place that returns that image in google is guessing it’s linked from the network or something.
March 26, 2014 at 4:52 pm #10372@simply wrote:
cascoly & JoAnnSnover & marthamarks Thank you so much !!
I agree with Kim the generosity is awesome in here!
Symbiostock is a great place to be 🙂 The people here are extremely helpful, knowledgeable and friendly individuals on the internet.
In response to your first question though, in reality it isn’t dependent on one person. Symbiostock is open source. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble getting your site moving but, in case you do need help down the line. Making changes and developing the site to fit your needs is just part of … Well, it’s part of being online and it won’t be too much trouble in WordPress with Symbiostock.
March 2, 2014 at 11:56 pm #10174@donland wrote:
Just got this e-mail from my hosting company 😛
The only thing I thought was that it is searching my linked databases and that is what is taking so long, and if so wouldn’t their servers just be inactive waiting for the results?
Any ideas?>>System administration has been tracking higher resource usage on your server and has traced some of these issues to your account having longer running mySQL queries.
In a shared environment, most queries should complete in less than a second. Some of the queries related to your account take a lot longer than this to complete and cause latency issues that we are seeing in server response.
Here are examples of such queries:
| xxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | localhost | xxxxxxxx | Query | 173 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT wp_posts.* , count(distinct tr.term_taxonomy_id) as termcount FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships tr ON (wp_posts.ID = tr.object_id) INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt ON (tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id) WHERE post_type = ‘image’ AND (post_status = ‘publish’) AND wp_posts.ID NOT IN (1713) AND ( tt.term_id IN (756, 757, 758, 54, 55, 56, 58, 276, 342, 68, 72, 73, 134, 311, 74, 79, 82, 83, 256, 90, 91, 37, 38, 44, 820, 286, 93, 94, 225, 226, 320, 100, 101, 260, 121, 108, 109, 110, 111, 40, 39, 123, 265, 122, 117, 118, 560) ) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN tt.term_id IN (756, 757, 758, 54, 55, 56, 58, 276, 342, 68, 72, 73, 134, 311, 74, 79, 82, 83, 256, 90, 91, 37, 38, 44, 820, 286, 93, 94, 225, 226, 320, 100, 101, 260, 121, 108, 109, 110, 111, 40, 39, 123, 265, 122, 117, 118, 560) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 0 ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESCIn order to maintain stability and responsiveness our shared environment, you will need to review your site to see if you can make any changes that can increase the efficiency of these queries. If you cannot control your resource usage, we may be forced to suspend your account, and you will need to find alternative hosting.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation, and feel free to let us know if you have any further questions or if we can be of assistance.< <
Looks normal to me :/ but, I don’t know much. Shared hosting sucks man.
February 20, 2014 at 8:40 pm #9548@cascoly wrote:
I posted about this separately — I just unstalled on a clean site on 1.and.1 with 3.3.2 and wp 3.8.1 – had same image processing problems
just reporting for now — need to try out several things in this thread which just found
also:2.Images Listing / Editing Area (“Bulk Options” dropdown, “Reprocess”)
I don’t see reprocess as an optionEVERYTHING IS BROKEN!!!!
February 19, 2014 at 7:54 am #9546@leo wrote:
I’ve long since deleted the “set up passwords” tutorial (It was with site setup services which I no longer offer) but in cpanel there should be a passwords option — you can set up another password for a developer. That way the person coming in can’t see your personal info.
I think I sent that with the wrong quote. It took me a while because I had to reset my ftp password again. Grrrr! I always store them in filezilla and dreamweaver, write them down in a notebook, and then lose the notebook and there’s no way to ever find them. lol.
Anyhow, it should be the same as your admin login to my site and even though there are symbiostock folders floating out there in root, the site is actually inside of the folder called stock. I had a test one set up on my blog before I got a domain.
Thank you so much. I don’t know what or where it went wrong. Hopefully, it won’t take up too much of your time.
February 19, 2014 at 4:43 am #9543@leo wrote:
Sorry I didn’t see that a few pages back.
But that might actually be the problem in itself. You may have to have your host revert it back (hopefully I didn’t miss that), if you cannot do it yourself. Even if there are no visible files, a DELETE ALL can sometimes delete something invasive. I put that feature there as a backup for that situation.
I’m not sure what you mean, Revert back to php5.3? DELETE ALL like, Delete all my files and reupload?
@leo wrote:
One more thing – can you check the permissions on that folder?
You have a very deep problem. If you want to create me a cpanel password I can go in and fix it myself. Its not possible for me to fix it on the little I can see here.
I don’t see anything to click on to add a cpanel user, I could share mine though. Which folder are we talking about? The permissions haven’t seemed to have changed for my symbiostock directory (ftp read and write still works).
February 19, 2014 at 4:07 am #9540@leo wrote:
Did you ever get imagemagic working? Let me quote from one of the help files:
Image Processing ImageMagic or GD Library
Some notes on your server’s image processing methods there are a few things that influence your server’s ability to process large images, and large amounts of images.
- The image processing module: ImageMagic, or inferior choice, GD Library
- Memory allowed: Edit wp-config.php file to change performance.
- Maximum allowed time a script can run.
Image processing occurs in a few areas in the Symbiostock theme:
- Process Uploads (Note at top of screen, it will tell you if you are using GD or ImageMagic)
- Images Listing / Editing Area (“Bulk Options” dropdown, “Reprocess“)
Symbiostock checks to see if your server is using ImageMagick and if its not, it falls back to GD Library. Its highly advised you configure your server to use ImageMagic if it does not already. It uses less memory and generally produces better results. “Cheap” hosting using GD Library will give you much trouble with frequest script crashes, though will often still give satisfactory results in a good server environment.
If you can’t seem to break out of memory limitations, use BLUEHOST as your hosting company instead. BLUEHOST has the best cost/power ratio and Symbiostock sites do great on it.
The problem your having is tripping up in the GD Library watermarking class. Its a strange problem – and it could be anything – but just as a random shot we could try switching over to imagemagick which is more capable in many areas.
It could be tripping over a strange file too – another thing you can do is select the DELETE ALL FILES option in your image processor. This deletes the entire directory possibly wiping out some strange and confusing rogue/corrupt file that might be hiding (error log, corrupt image…)
Like I said a few pages back. My site was using imagemagick and somehow it reverted to GD Library. I never did get it working. There are no files in my “process images” section, if that’s what you mean.
February 19, 2014 at 2:24 am #9538:/ Nothing. I even made a new watermark and relinked it just in case. Uploaded a file that is already on there. and change my php5.ini again. ugh.
February 18, 2014 at 9:29 pm #9536@Imago Borealis wrote:
I would try “extension=/usr/bin/convert/” or “extension=/usr/bin/” in your php5.ini to see if you can access imagick.
Then take a close look at your watermark image. It needs to be exactly the specified size. Also, it needs to be there where the links in your settings points to. (Part of Ron’s problem, I think, was that the file got somehow deleted along with other files).
Nothing is working! I just tried to reprocess the image and got
Warning: imagecreatefromstring(): Data is not in a recognized format in /home/content/30/10419230/html/stock/wp-content/themes/symbiostock/inc/classes/image-processor/symbiostock_image_processor.php on line 423
failed to copy/home/content/30/10419230/html/stock/symbiostock_rf/495.jpg...At least we have an error message I guess
February 14, 2014 at 10:13 pm #9534Even more annoying:
Dear Dallas, Thank you for contacting Advanced Hosting Support in regards to your hosting account for the domain and the issue that you have been encountering with adding images to your hosting account via the Symbiostock tool. We reviewed your hosting account and did not find any mod_sec related issues tied to your current IP address. I was able to find a broken pipe reference related to your hosting that may indicate a scripting or resource issue. I accessed your hosting using the provided credentials and was able to upload a test .jpg file to the media library without issue. I attempted to created a new entry via the ‘Stock Images’ control in your dashboard, but was unable to complete it as a new image would not attach from the media library or from upload. As a one time courtesy, we have whitelisted your IP ( to exclude it from the mod_security related rules normally applied to our hosting accounts. Please contact us if you have any further issues in regards to this matter. Thank You, Mike S. Advanced Hosting Support
Still unable to generate the large image and still using GD Lib. Pretty helpful bunch. I don’t know what to do now. 🙁