Forum Replies Created
October 13, 2013 at 9:06 pm #4628
I tend to agree and I appreciate hearing that if I decide to go for the gold…(yellow), I’m not a big fat slacker. Perhaps, I’ll save greens for collection pages.
Semmick: That’s a good example of why I’m going WTF…
October 13, 2013 at 8:42 pm #4609If you pay attention to tv sets a lot of the sets are made up of ikea pieces.
October 13, 2013 at 7:36 pm #4472Dumb question: Is the video file set to live?
October 13, 2013 at 7:31 pm #4607I need to dig into my fabric tubs and see if I still have white sheer for a set. I’m leaning towards a white bg with my light peach undertoned leather sofa set in front of it as one option. However, I’m not sure how the couch will come across in photos, it’s roughly 20 years old…so not very new. I should do a test shot and decide. Blah. I can always fall back to isolated on white and/or drag her to a location to do some outdoor shots…assuming I can get a day with no rain.
I’m having one of those, “I wish I had a bunch of Ikea furniture to build a set from” moments.
October 13, 2013 at 7:26 pm #3751Absolutely dangerous to consider handing a model release out to a client. Your personal/business address and that of your model are on those forms. Handing those out barring legal need is asking for identity theft or physical harm.
If you want to offer the purchasers and idea of what the model release says specifically, put the verbiage in an FAQ section.
October 13, 2013 at 6:48 pm #4605I sincerely hope so.
It’s funny, in Alaska it was way easier to get photo shoots set up with *attractive* models/non-models on TFP. In the Seattle area…I get rates more often than not…from people with zero industry experience.
I’m excited, nervous and trying to figure out how to move the furniture around in the house so I can have an area big enough to shoot in. Even if there were room in the garage it’s too cold to put a pregnant lady out there! She’s due the first week of November so we need to act fast!
October 13, 2013 at 6:34 pm #4470Thanks for posting about this. I have been thinking about setting up ‘identity’ packages featuring a business card layout, letterhead, postcard design, etc and offering those for sale as zip files. It hadn’t even dawned on me that only offering a zip file could be problematic.
I figure I may as well try to maximize my potential revenue through the site…right? I’d rather get paid $5 direct and let them send it to their local print shop to have their cards and such printed at no mark-up, then get paid $2 to do all the work and have it ready for them to buy direct at a POD site. Of course, one is potentially residual and the other isn’t. Must think on that.
October 13, 2013 at 5:33 pm #4519A category search would be nice too, in case someone knows they’re looking for a “Man” they can nav to the “Men” cat and search for construction or doctor within the category.
October 12, 2013 at 9:35 pm #4482@redneck wrote:
Even more important would be a sectioned full resolution preview. That’s the only way for the client to make sure he gets good quality images. Like the one at FAA. It’s not only a good way to build trust but it also might avoid customer complaints after purchase.
I’d love to see that implemented. It’s a nice way for buyers to see if focus is where they *need* it to be.
October 12, 2013 at 5:06 pm #4464Thanks Christine. I’d never been prompted to install Categories Meta until I installed the Premium plug in this morning, so I *think* that is part of Premium.
If I break out the booze I’ll never get this finished…and now that I have a bunch of money invested I need to get it finished and loaded.
Discovered that if you don’t set a price or offer EL on certain sizes/options… they can still get it into their cart. 2.50 Bloggee Extended license…
So, I added prices for all the sizes. Not ideal, but it works.
October 12, 2013 at 4:48 pm #4462The nav bars went wonky when I updated from 2.6x to 2.7…after a few rounds I quit putting them in.
Problem sorted… somehow the default in the Batch Editor was set to “Not Live”… so when I updated all my images I turned them off… *eyeroll*
I should have made coffee not tea this morning.
October 12, 2013 at 4:27 pm #4460I did 0, should I have done 00.00? I still have prices in my Member Options area. Deleting the licenses seems to have no effect. I haven’t set up the nav bars…again. After having them glitch after each upgrade I figured I’d wait until I was ready to launch.
October 8, 2013 at 3:29 pm #3922So, there was *nothing* there when I created the original menu, but I went ahead and deleted the menu I had created and started over.
Suddenly, it’s gone. No clue, what could have triggered it but there ya have it.
October 8, 2013 at 12:12 am #3734Your site looks great Matt. What slider are you using there? Looks like it has a few more features than the one I’m using.
October 7, 2013 at 8:55 pm #3999That’s a nice option. I signed up for an Alamy account ages ago but never got around to uploading anything to them.