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  • #10231
    Profile photo of cascoly

    @rolfo wrote:

    okay I should’t have start this thread, sorry!
    Will try other marketing tactics with my site.

    au contraire! we need people posting new ideas, even if sometimes they are minority views. last think we need is to make this a closed circle of mutual admiration

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @lespalenik wrote:

    @shazamimages wrote:

    Embedding images could put a huge strain on your web server. I’m not sure that the host companies would appreciate that.

    Good point.
    Higher server charges and slowed down server responses could hurt the embedders even more than they saved by using such “free” images.

    as I showed with several quick searches, that doesn’t seem to be the case — even when I’ve had several hundred images ’embedded’

    folks have mentioned other reasons for not embedding, but server issues don’t seem to be one of them,

    Profile photo of cascoly

    I’ve done this throughout my non-sym site, but was calling them contact sheets (guess i’ll do some re-writing )

    the global search produces minipics with alt tags and links to the sym image page. you can just cut & paste your images

    for controlled embedding, I’ll trade with any other sym site with similar content to mine to host these images on non-sym sites.

    re the time — a coupla quick tests from my global search:
    burma # records = 52
    Elapsed time = 0.53125 sec for select
    Elapsed time = 3.515625 sec for display

    mexican food# records = 207
    Elapsed time = 0.109375 sec for select
    Elapsed time = 4.113281 sec for display

    these searches require a database lookup, then reading each database record and retrieving the minipic from the host site, so even getting & displaying 200 images isn’t going to put a substantial burden on the hosts

    Profile photo of cascoly

    if you describe the problems you’re having, we can assist you here

    there are also several other options – several of us offer complete site installation services, and we’ve just launched a symbiostock co-op that doesn’t require you to have your own hosting

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @shazamimages wrote:

    @cascoly wrote:

    cascoly comes from ‘cascades’ and ‘olympics’ – the 2 mtn ranges we see from seattle.

    I just thought it was a last name.

    oddly, the only confusion I’ve ever encountered is with Casco Bay, maine, at the other extreme of the country

    Profile photo of cascoly

    when I faced this question 30 years ago while developing shareware, I decided to go with a name that didn’t depend on shareware itself — cascoly comes from ‘cascades’ and ‘olympics’ – the 2 mtn ranges we see from seattle. it’s been the basis for my software, travel and photography businesses

    the actual domain name is less important these days unless you’re doing a lot of print or broadcast advertising where people actually see the name — if most traffic comes thru search engines, many customers will never even notice the domain name

    Profile photo of cascoly

    thanks all — I’ve gone thru the sites involved and all looks ok again…. the dphotology site was the main one that was causing problems on search results and that’s been fixed

    I tried upillustration, and while some links were broken, I did get some images when I clicked ‘browse collection’

    finally back in town for awhile & i’ll be changing the search display to handle large numbers of results that cause the page to stall, and will be checking other image results at the same time

    Profile photo of cascoly

    your site looks ok now — when you click a category, you see all the images, as it’s supposed to do

    but you still need to update the public image file

    also, you’re at v3.0.0, so you might update to the latest version — there were a couple of minor problems that were fixed

    Profile photo of cascoly

    I’ve added you to the global search at

    To help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at

    In addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as

    Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site


    Profile photo of cascoly

    I’ve added you to the global search at

    To help you find network partners, you can find other sites by specialty, focus or promoted keywords at

    In addition, any site that adds to their network will receive active links in reports such as

    Also, be sure to edit your profile so that your site appears as part of your signature, making it easy for anyone reading the forum to get to your site


    Profile photo of cascoly

    @shazamimages wrote:

    @cascoly wrote:

    is there an easy way to see the total and total views without adding up the individual tweet reports?

    At the bottom of the tweet, there should be a link to “expand” the tweet. Once expanded, it should show the number of retweets, favorites, etc.


    someone mentioned watching total views — how is that done?

    Profile photo of cascoly

    I was the lucky one to have my image up for retweets the day the forums closed — I got somewhere over 15 retweets — is there an easy way to see the total and total views without adding up the individual tweet reports?

    thanks to all, and let’s keep this going strong while we get the forum running smoothly again


    Profile photo of cascoly

    @eggheadstock wrote:

    Is it that page based on the ‘Default Template’?

    Try to insert at least one widget in the ‘Sidebar’ and see if the archives and meta disappears.

    inserting a blank text widget worked — thanks . odd though, that this suddenly appeared — the affected pages were there for many versions

    Profile photo of cascoly

    was about to move this to the twitter section, but figured I should check first…

    Profile photo of cascoly

    @ariene wrote:

    My English is too poor to write easily, but I read and understand so I’m here often. I learn, improve and enjoy, so don’t stop, don’t ask, just talk here, you guys! 🙂
    This is just a beginning, be patience 😉

    Btw. I’ve done some article about Sys (general info) in Polish lang. Some stockers are asking me how to set up Sys, as they don’t know EN. I’m planning to do another article in PL and help them how to do this, how to set their Sys sites… They work with stock agencies for few years and still don’t know English at all 😀 It won’t bring them here, but Sys will grow, I guess 😉 This forum helps me with a lot of fresh informations, and it’s motivating to try.

    there are several of us here that offer setup services for sym sites — i’m also starting a co-op that allows people to have a portfolio online without having a full symbiostock site

    another consideration for non-English sites — at this point, sym is mostly in English — there are a few sites that have German keywords, but if you don’t use English keywords, you’re not going to be found in the global searches

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